Ohio Governor John Kasich Foresees End of Two-Party System

Columbus, OH — On February 25th, Ohio Gov. John Kasich, a staunch Trump critic and 2016 Republican presidential primary challenger, said that both the Republican and Democratic parties are failing the U.S. people, noting that “we may be beginning to see the end of a two-party system.”
Appearing on ABC’s “This Week”, Kasich— who was allegedly offered the position of Vice President after Trump’s 2016 election victory and turned it down, and has been rumored to be considering mounting a primary challenge against Trump in 2020— said that Americans are disenchanted with both parties and contemplated the rise of a “multi-party system” in the United States.
“I want to support candidates who I believe want to take the high road. Those that want to create discord and those that want to put the party in front of the country, I’m not showing up,” he said.
“I will tell you another thing. We may be beginning to see the end of a two-party system. I’m starting to really wonder if we are going to see a multi-party system at some point in the future in this country. Because I don’t think either party is answering people’s deepest concerns and needs.”
During the interview, which also included Democratic Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper, Kasich went on to note that younger Americans could be the ones to usher in a new paradigm in U.S. politics.
“I mean, I don’t think it’s going to happen tomorrow, but I think over time, do not be surprised if these millennials and these Gen Xers begin to say, ‘Neither party works, we want something new,’” Kasich said.
When asked about own political future, and whether he was considering another run for the presidency, Kasich was coy but appeared to leave the door open for another presidential bid.
“I don’t think about it. You know what, because I can’t predict the future and I can’t do what is going to be expected of me at some level to serve my country. I don’t know what that means. I’m sorry. I just don’t know,” he said.
“And do I sit around at night and think do I want to go through running for president again? Did you ever try it? Go try it once and give me a call. See how much fun it is. We’ll see what the future brings.”
Despite Kasich’s dismissal during the interview regarding another presidential run, an exclusive report from Axios claims that Kasich and Hickenlooper are part of an alliance laying the groundwork for a potential joint independent bid for the presidency in 2020.
The report from Axios notes:

The two, who got to know each other at conferences, plan to extend their joint platform from health care to two other hot policy areas: immigration and job creation.
On health care (with a detailed plan to be released soon), the two have broadened their efforts to a bipartisan group that includes 11 governors.
The Johns’ jobs plan will focus on the coming displacement from automation, with prescriptions that include trade, workforce training — and an optimistic and hopeful message, balanced with an honest admission that some jobs just aren’t coming back.
The two are talking to major media companies about a possible podcast or cable show to continue cementing their brand. Their conversations would include politics, policy, and pop culture.
In D.C. in early September, the two will hold a health-care conference that includes policy input from the American Enterprise Institute on the right and the Center for American Progress on the left.
Kasich, who’s being advised by veteran consultant John Weaver, is keeping open all his options, including the possibility of primarying Trump in 2020.
Nothing subtle about any of this: Kasich has urged Hickenlooper to visit New Hampshire.
Both are 65 and both were born in the crucial electoral state of Pennsylvania, Kasich from the Pittsburgh side and Hickenlooper from the Philly side (corrected).
Both are proud policy wonks, and their staffs are said to get along famously.”

The revelation that Kasich and Hickenlooper may be contemplating an independent run for the presidency would seem to inform Kasich’s comments during the interview regarding the end of a two-party duopoly and the rise of a “multi-party system.” Neither Kasich or Hickenlooper have made any public declaration about an independent 2020 bid for the presidency.
Watch | Signs of possible ‘end of a two-party system’: Republican governor
Top Photo | Ohio Gov. John Kasich, right, joined by Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper, left, speaks during a news conference at the National Press Club in Washington, June 27, 2017. (AP/Carolyn Kaster)
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