The Ochelli Effect: Trump Foreign Policy MAGA

On a Tuesday where North Korea launches another alleged Cyber-attack , Train wrecks beyond the White House are actually happening , and Trump wants a letter from the Special Prosecutor saying he has done nothing wrong , we attempt to unmask the method behind the madness that appears to be the newest normal in American Foreign Policy. The Author of The War State , and the host of a truly unique information radio show seem to be our best guides. So we enter the magical land of , Trump Foreign Policy MAGA
Mike Swanson joins us on a Tuesday night to really examine the Trump Foreign Policy attitude with his article at in hand Michael attempts to make sense of what is being said , and asks interesting questions about the unspoken portions that may only become obvious to all at a later date. Mike’s unique and solid analysis is as always welcome. In the second hour dealing with Trump Foreign Policy MAGA Pearse Redmond of Porkins Policy Radio joins us to take the conversation even further with hints at the actual origin of the ideas represented.
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Show Notes:
Predators on the Frontier
The new US National Security Strategy: implications for UK National Security Policy