Is Obama Turning Earth Over To Aliens?

I can't wait to see which Republican troll-- I'd bet on fake preacher Bryan Fischer or one of two Texas congressmen, Louie Gohmert or domestic terrorist Steve Stockman-- is the first to accuse Obama of being in thrall to aliens from Mars. The proof: His unjustified anger at Ed Snowden may be due to the exposure of Area 51, where the U.S. works jointly with aliens on various projects. Before there was a Tea Party, the activists who dominate it were busy with this kind of thing:

My theory is this that- Roswell craft crashed- Roswell debris and dead and alive aliens sent to miltary, possibly Wright Pattersom Airforce base- President Eisenhower informed of situation, and creates MJ12 to overight the Alien issue- MJ12 are responsible for setting up Area51 to hold all the Alien recovered material in one location, mostly buried inside installations under ground out of view- For reasons uncertain President stops being sent MJ12 reports on whats happening at Area51- Sends a Government representative to find out whats going on, who finds that significant technological developments are underway to back engineer ET tech- Person who reports back to President says live Aliens being held in facility for interogration- President can no longer contact 8 of the Mj12 members, they have disbanded and gone missing- President with Nixon in attendance orders the information is secret not to be released to publicMy interpretaton of sequence of events above is that• The interogation of the Alien was staged for the government.• The Aliens took over area51 not long after built.• The Aliens had to scare off, or kill them MJ12 members who wouldnt cooperate• The Aliens cut the reporting off back to government• The Aliens realised that the War president would invade Area51 with an army and take the base back, so decided to let government entourage of Eisenhower's in to see whats going on• The govenment officals returned to Eisenhower saying that significant secret develops are going on at Area51 to copy Alien Tech• Eisenhower looks concerned worrying about the implications on the public if news of Aliens becomes known, and also growing power of the what he sees as the Military industrial complex

The government has never acknowledged the existence of Area 51 before, although there have been thousands of stories written about it and dozens of TV shows. Who doesn't know it's about 100 miles north of Las Vegas in the Mojave Desert? Thursday, CIA documents were released, unredacted, that finally admit it even exists.

The military, which runs the base, always denied that Area 51 was called by its famous moniker, preferring a designation connected to the Groom Lake salt flat, a landing strip for the U-2 and other stealth aircraft.“Your honor, there is no name,” an Air Force attorney told a federal judge in 1995. “There is no name for the operating location near Groom Lake.”The hearing was part of an environmental poisoning case brought by Area 51 workers who said that they had been sickened by exposure to toxic chemicals-- including anti-radar coatings and other classified materials-- burned in open pits on the base.For years, those workers commuted from Vegas to Area 51, also known as “the Ranch.” Some of them died after developing strange rashes and respiratory problems.The men could tell no one what they did; they had signed national-security oaths barring any disclosures about the black-budget facility, where the stealth bomber also was tested. But some became plaintiffs in a case against the government brought by George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley.That case brought me to Area 51 in 1997. I had hoped to see the base from afar. From certain vantage points, I’d heard that it might appear, suitably, like a mirage.But I didn’t make it past the perimeter, where a sign warned that trespassers fell under the jurisdiction of military law. Too dangerous: “Use of Deadly Force Authorized,” the sign said, citing the Internal Security Act of 1950.In 1955, President Dwight D. Eisenhower “approved the addition of this strip of wasteland, known by its map designation as Area 51, to the Nevada Test Site,” according to the declassified CIA history. The area was near the Atomic Energy Commission’s vast, desolate proving grounds.The CIA internally published its official history of the U-2 program in 1992. It was released in heavily redacted form thereafter, and National Security Archive fellow Jeffrey Richelson reviewed a copy in 2002. He filed a new Freedom of Information Act request in 2005 and the documents arrived about a month ago, this time with fewer redactions. Therein, the first-ever reference to Area 51.Why was the veil finally lifted?“It is something we do not know the answer to,” Richelson said Friday. “One of the things I want to find out is the genesis of this decision: Why did they not redact it?”...The secrecy surrounding Area 51 amplified conspiracy theories claiming it was infested with extraterrestrials-- a notion popularized in movies such as Independence Day and, more recently, Super 8. The UFO angle emerged because, for decades, people reported seeing strange lights in the surrounding desert-- presumably secret aircraft taking off and landing in Area 51.Now that Area 51 officially exists, does that ruin its mythical utility for Hollywood creature features?The clandestine base always was a reliable haven for horrifying Monsters from Beyond.Veteran sci-fi author Harlan Ellison-- who worked on the original Star Trek and Babylon 5, among other shows-- says filmmakers will always find new tropes.“The human race has a psychopathic need to create gods and mysteries,” he said. “Demystifying Area 51 is like saying, ‘Gee there might not be a Bigfoot.’ . . . By now, only the most lame-brained think we are regularly visited by aliens and that they are at Area 51.”The next big Area 51 movie is awaiting release. It is ingeniously called Area 51. The plot, per the Internet Movie Database, is simple:“Terror strikes when reporters visit a secret base that houses extraterrestrials.”I’m sure it’s long since been cast, but it would be an honor to play a scribe who has been there and is eager to face the slimy maw of a squidlike alien.

So what is Obama up to with the aliens now? More health care forced on willfully obese Confederates?