Obama’s $11 Billion Arms Deal With “Terror-Sponsoring” Nation of Qatar

MORE MASSIVE HYPOCRISY! Aid Israel in Killing of Palestinians due to “Hamas” …. Aid Qatar while they affiliate with ‘Hamas'(WHO is HAMAS?)
Apaches and Javelin defense systems are heading off to Qatar as part of our wonderful relationship with the terror-sponsoring nation that also happens to share close ties with Hamas and Al Qaeda. The weapons are valued at $11 billion.
Examiner.com reported that the Qataris will also be privy to “the main sub-components of the ECS [Engagement Control System]..The ECS is air conditioned, pressurized (to resist chemical/biological attack), and shielded against electromagnetic pulse (EMP).”

Qatarian royal family with Ismail Haniya Hamas terrorists Organization leader
That is very ironic given we aren’t even protecting ourselves from EMPs and we could do so relatively cheaply.
Qatar is the country where the five Taliban terrorists were released in exchange for deserter Bowe Bergdahl.
Congressman Brad Sherman recently called out Qatar for its funding of Hamas.
Qatar’s royal family are tied to Al Qaeda. They tipped off Khalid Sheik Mohammed when we were hunting him down.
Our ally, Saudi Arabia, has threatened to blockade Qatar over their terrorism resulting from their close ties with Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood.
At the end of 2010, Qatar was labeled the worst on counter terrorism efforts, the New York Timesreported.
We are giving $11 billion to these friends of Hamas, who are at war with our ally Israel, while we are at the same time preparing to fire 30,000 soldiers over the next 17 months so we can bring our Army down to the size of Turkey’s.  Also at the same time, Congress is pushing the Enlist Act which will encourage illegal aliens to join the military. The Pentagon is also looking to keep and seek out Muslim military.

Former Al Jazeera Head on Quitting, the Arab Spring, and Qatar’s Role
Qatar’s foreign domestic workers face abuse and exploitation, Amnesty warns
Victims of forced labour and human trafficking describe 100-hour weeks, as well as physical and sexual abuse from employers – more HERE

