NSA targeting users of Internet privacy tool

Press TV – October 5, 2013

New documents have shown that the US National Security Agency has targeted people using a popular service which protected the anonymity of Internet users.
Documents leaked by former intelligence contractor Edward Snowden have revealed the US spy agency has targeted users of The Onion Router (Tor) which helped web users keep business secrets and conduct research anonymously.
According to the documents, the agency has been collecting identities and locations of millions of users of Tor.
Tor aims to help people “defend against traffic analysis, a form of network surveillance that threatens personal freedom and privacy, confidential business activities and relationships, and state security.”
However, the NSA has followed Tor’s users, while the software is primarily funded and promoted by the US State Department and the Department of Defense.
The agency has been using ad networks like Google’s and Tor’s own entry and exit nodes on the Internet in order to track the users.
In addition, the surveillance agency has been able to block access to the anonymous network, diverting Tor users to insecure channels.
The NSA has repeatedly uncloaked users through circumventing Tor’s protections, although it cannot directly access Tor’s anonymous network.
One of the documents showed that an NSA technique code-named EGOTISTICALGIRAFFE had managed to unmask 24 Tor users over a single weekend.
Court documents have shown that the NSA violated privacy rules for years with improper surveillance practices.
The documents released over the past few months show a troubling picture of the super spy agency that has sought and won far-reaching surveillance powers to run complex domestic data collection without anyone having full technical understanding of the efforts.
The privacy violations were first revealed by Snowden in June. He leaked confidential information that showed the NSA collects data of phone records and Internet communications of American citizens.

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