Not a Joke: Terrorists Caught Luring Recruits with ‘Delicious Pancake Recipes’

What’s the best way to lure unsuspecting visitors into joining your radical terrorist cell? According to mainstream reports on how ISIS is recruiting members, it simply has to do with a recipe for ‘delicious pancakes.’
No, it’s not a story from today’s edition of The Onion. A national security review under Australia’s Prime Minister Tony Abbott found that one of the lucrative ways in which the Islamic State is pulling in ‘vulnerable audiences’ is by releasing free pancake recipes. And the direct translation of the recipe’s description is even more absurd. According to the 100% serious report, the pancakes were pitched to recruits as being”designed to feed jihadists after a hard day of fighting.”
That sounds anything but appetizing.
As featured as a main story today on MSN, we read about the pancakes that are apparently bringing in jihadist recruits to ISIS with some amazing results:

“The report gives the example of IS releasing a pancake recipe “designed to feed jihadists after a hard day of fighting”.
A rough translation of the recipe website says the pancakes are quickly and easily prepared and best eaten with honey.
“Can supply to mujahideen (fighters) before scurrying out onto the fighting fronts and extend the mujahideen energy and power, God willing.
“Serve them to heroes.”
IS has also released a guidebook to help young mothers raise a ‘Mujahid child’.”

Perhaps someone should warn ISIS recruits that their pancakes could contain dangerous high-fructose corn syrup.