Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, May 29th, 2016

 Sunday again... And as usual, time for my weekly rant...For this rant, I figure it was time once again that I answer some of the critics who have been constantly sending their comments and hate mail my way.... The last time I did this was a few years back, and therefore it has indeed been a while....Yes, first off I have been constantly apologizing here for any absences I have been taking, when in reality I should not have to apologize at all.... I have long said that family and other issues take precedence at all times and therefore I should not have to apologize when I let this blog slide for a few days.... My absences are NOT planned at all obviously, but I do get those who criticize me for not posting articles on a daily basis...I also get a barrage of comments periodically asking WHY I miss out on so many other issues and WHY I am not covering issues that they want to see, such as "Chemtrails" and "HAARP"... I say to them that I cannot cover everything, but prefer to look at many of the issues of the day when I do write... Of course the issues that I do miss, that many find important to themselves, are covered by other alternative news writers and bloggers, and I recommend to those who want to see them to surf the Internet and find the material they are looking for.....And then there are those who constantly call me an "Jew hater".... Lets be clear here for I am NOT a "hater" of anyone, but a realist who has been calling out the real enemy that we face and their disgusting fraud religion called Judaism... It is amazing to me that these people who cry "hate" do not take a good hard look at themselves in the mirror, for if they did and actually understood the machinations of their own religion and what their "tribe" has been doing to the rest of mankind, then they would understand that it is THEY who are the real "haters".....I also point out the fact that this blog has links to several JEWISH writers who are highly critical of the evil works and goals of their own "tribe" including Gilad Atzmon, Norman Finkelstein, and Henry Makow.... I support the work of those who are fighting evil and look at the few Jews who see the evil of Judaism and are unafraid to fight for all of mankind as valued allies...As for those critics that scream "antisemitism" at me constantly... I call these critics out all the time and ask them to show me proof that THEY are actually 'Semitic' for them to scream out "antisemitism" at everyone else.  For if these critics actually took the time to look at their own history and where their ancestors actually originated from, they would see that they have not one drop of Semitic blood at all in their veins.... I have always tackled this "antisemitism" angle logically and see clearly that those who scream it are themselves the real 'antisemites" and have been using that phrase to hide their own criminal and evil acts on the rest of mankind for over the last century at least....I also say to those out there who cower and cringe when these criminals scream "antisemitism" at them to stand up and demand these criminals to show proof of their own Semitic background when they spew such bullshit.  They will find that these screamers have nothing to back up their false claims...For those critics that hate it when I call the Mainstream media the "Jew spew" media, I say to them to look at exactly WHO controls the media today.... The facts are as clear as day with just a bit of research that the Jews own and control all aspects of the media and have been in control for the last few decades at least... Every major mainstream media outlet is owned and operated by Jews and they absolutely control both the context and the message that gullible people listen to and watch on a daily basis... And of course we see every major media outlet absolutely censor and refuse to talk about any issues that are critical of Jews and their beloved and most criminal state of Israel.....Every single "news cast" is highly censored and controlled, and the newscasters are like controlled puppets that cannot sway from their scripts.... Any newscaster or reporter that even accidentally says anything critical of the Jews and the psycho state of Israel loses their job...... And we cannot forget that Hollywood, which I always call "Jewlywood" is completely controlled by Jews as well and their so called "movies" tend to be pure propaganda that paints the criminal Jews in a "positive light" while giving any of Israel's "enemies" a most negative slant..... Therefore for myself to call the media the "Jew spew" media is in fact absolutely correct for the information "spewed" out to the public is indeed Jewish controlled propaganda....For those critics who hate it when I call the psychotic and insane state of Israel exactly what it is, I ask them constantly to show me otherwise... That "state" is an abomination and should have never ever been created, period.... The so called Jews that are presently in control of that state have stolen that land from the rightful people who have been living there for thousands of years, the Palestinians, and are absolutely wanting all of the land for their selfish selves....Most that are occupying that territory are indeed religious zealots and radicals that absolutely believe that their "god" gave them that land when in reality their own 'god' is a fraud and their entire religion is a sham....These criminals have indeed been wanting to further expand their "state" as part of the sick and twisted "Greater Israel" project that calls for the Jews to be in control of all of the lands from the Nile to the Euphrates rivers.  And to attain that expansion they are willing to see millions of innocent people in the adjacent Arabic nations to perish.....We must also not forget about the total Jewish control over America and how the US government gives tens of billions of dollars away annually to the psycho state of Israel to allow it to build and purchase the weapons of its war machine for it to kill others..... And to top it all off, we have this abomination armed to the teeth with hundreds of nuclear weapons that these psychos would indeed unleash on the rest of the planet if they are in any danger of ever "going down" as laid out in their insane "Samson Option".......Yes, the "state" of Israel is indeed an abomination that should have never ever been created, and considering all the evil actions it has done over decades since its birth back in 1948, calling it psychotic and insane is actually putting it very mildly.....I have also had those critics who constantly ask myself for the answers to the problems we face.  Yes, it is very hard for anyone who sees the truth about the evils of the Jewish "tribe" to have the answers to this problem.... With total Jewish control over the media, our financial system, and even our own governments, it is nearly impossible to get these criminals out of our lives... Many including my friend Whitewraithe, have said that the Jews have already won, and right now all that is left is to have the pieces finally in place to bring the entire fraud financial system crashing down thus allowing the Jewish criminals in charge to bring in their "new world order" system of tyranny and enslavement for all of us.... All that I can do and all that anyone else can do at the present time is continue to try to awaken as many people to the dangers that we face and to hopefully have a change in public attitude to one of understanding WHO is behind the problems in the world today.... Hopefully with enough people out there enlightened to the real criminals that are ruining our world, we may yet have that peaceful revolution that would be needed to actually get these criminals out of power... And we must not go to the extreme of wanting a violent revolution, for that is exactly what these criminals want.  A violent revolution would only bring about their lockdown of our society and conversion to a police state more quickly....Yes, I do not have all the answers, but I am trying my best at being a messenger and a voice of realism.....For those critics who say I am wrong when I call "terrorism" a scam and a fraud, I ask these fools to give their heads a shake... Take a close look at exactly WHO has been financing and controlling these "terrorists"... When you strip away all the bullshit, you discover that the United States and the psychotic state of Israel have not only been financially supporting these "terrorists" but actually have their CIA and Mossad agents within their ranks..... Every single "terrorist" group from "Al Qaeda" to the present boogeyman called "ISIS" and even the so called "moderate terrorists" such as "Al Nusra" are nothing more than pure propaganda bullshit fully controlled and occupied by CIA and Mossad operatives and highly paid mercenaries....These groups have indeed been doing their jobs very well in  giving the Jew spew media the "enemy" propaganda required to psychologically fool the gullible fools that fall for this bullshit every time... .Lets face it, for without the fraud of "terrorism" that has many people today cowering in fear, there would also be no justification for the hundreds of billions of dollars spent annually on the military industrial complex for weapons to fight this phantom enemy.... I am not fooled by this lie of "terrorism" for I know who the real "terrorists" are and each and every time I listen to people talk about "terrorists" in my travels, I honestly have to laugh inside knowing how truly gullible people are.....For those critics who constantly complain about my putting up articles pertaining to important health issues, I say to them to understand that our health and bodies are right now being purposely destroyed by these same criminals that are out to dominate the planet... These criminals have long been using their poisons in our foods and the chemicals in their vaccines as their method of dumbing us all down and turning us all into compliant sheep.   They have also lied to us for decades about many major diseases such as Cancer without informing the public that many cures are readily available.  To them it is better to have everyone sick and dying from these illnesses so that they can fleece as much money from their victims and eventually allow them to die.... There is no money to be made from cures, and that explains why many medical "foundations" such as the Cancer foundation are multi billion dollar behemoths that care not for curing Cancer but to make sure billions is spent on both "research" and the fraud of "treatments"....  I therefore will continue to promote real truths about our health and will continue to show and expose the scams of our present medical establishment.For those critics who are aghast at my stance on this Gay/Lesbian/Transgender issue bullshit, I say to them to get a life... I have never ever supported these "agendas" and I never will... I look at this ever increasing media crap about "transgender rights" as an abomination and something that could indeed finally bring down our society..... These "transgenders" should never have rights, period, as far as I am concerned... Men are men and women are women, period....I look at those who "identify" themselves as not their own sex that they were born with to be psychologically screwed up.. I am therefore dead set against the push by our governments to allow any individual to identify themselves as different sex when very logically they are not.... And this insane  idea that men can now "legally" go into a woman's washroom whenever they want is also something that any person, especially those with children, should never allow.... I again say to those fathers that watch any guy follow their daughters into a woman's washroom to either beat the living crap out of that thing.. Or better yet to have a knife ready to cut his testicles off and thus save that thing the cost of the operation to have it converted to a "woman".....Yes, right now many readers would be gasping at what I am stating, and I say to them to get a life... This "transgender" issue is being pushed by the Jewish criminals themselves who want to use this "issue" as one of their methods of destroying our very social structure and ruin our families.... I will not cower and hide from my stance.....If anyone does not like it, then there are other pro "transgenderism" websites and blogs out there that they can turn to....Well, there you have it... I hopefully have touched on many issues so far that I have been always criticized about.... Hopefully many will see what I stand for and why I write this blog.  I am again a realist and can never be bought off.  To me, there is not enough money in our sick world to change my views, and I look at those who have their own personal "agenda" and write their bent and twisted blogs and sites on the alternative media to get a real life.... This is a war on our minds and our future and the future of our children is at stake....OK, enough of this rambling.. I figure I would cover some of the issues of the day and what has been happening around our world over the last while that I have missed right here in my "last minute tidbits"......It does appear that Hillary (Killary) Clinton may finally be going down. The US Jew spew media has finally been coming out with all of the allegations about her treasonous activities via her emails and has even started to question this demonic witch about her part in Vincent Foster's death.  The fact is that Killary is absolutely unfit and too psychotic to ever be the US President.... My worries is that with Killary now being exposed as the true murderous criminal she is, that the US Democratic party will now turn to the Zionist Mossad trained alternative, Bernie Sanders, to be nominated as their candidate.  I will state again that this is exactly what they have planned all along, for the Jews want their man and Mossad agent Bernie to be sitting in the White House come this November....... I am still not sold on Donald Drumpf as being the best thing for America as well.  Donald does make some great speeches and has been saying exactly what America wants, but he also has his agenda and has always been controlled by big Jewish interests.  If Donald does get to be President, it will only be business as usual and the Jews will continue to control that once great nation from "behind the curtains"......As expected, the US government "turned down" the Russian request to coordinate their efforts in Syria against the fraud of "ISIS".   That rejection should be another wake up call for everyone as to the truth that the US itself is "ISIS" and has been using that fraud terrorist group for nothing more than Syria's destruction.  The big question has always been when the hell the American people will finally wake up and demand their government stop their genocide of innocent Syrian lives.........And what the hell is going on with Turkey and their "incursions" into Syria?  It does not make sense to me for Erdogan to continue to poke the Russian bear by trying to instigate a fight with them in Syria, but I do wonder if these incursions are part of the US/Israel/NATO criminal cabal plans for an eventual all out invasion of Syria itself.......I see that "radicalism" is now taking over in the psycho state of Israel, including the statement made by the psycho Lieberman that any Palestinian who does not show their loyalty to the Jewish state must have their heads chopped off.  It is amazing that this statement by this madman has never made the Jew spew media (no shock here..) and all it shows is that this criminal state is now becoming even more dangerous to the entire planet........ I see that Greece has once again failed as I have long predicted.  All of that money that the criminal IMF loaned to Greece has only increased Greece's debt load and now Greece needs another hand out to survive.  I am still surprised that the Greeks never told these criminals to take their money and their fraud debt and shove it up their butts.  Greece should have done what Iceland did and refused any more 'austerity', period......And once again we see all the fear mongering going on in the Jew spew media about the dangers that the UK will face if it decides to 'exit' the criminal Rothschild controlled European Union.  I would say to the Brits to not be fooled and to overwhelmly vote YES to get the hell out of the EU!  Britain would be much better off by not being slaves to the Jewish criminal empire called the "European Union"........I stated in previous articles and rants that the wildfires around Fort McMurray Alberta Canada were done intentionally and I am not wavering from that statement.  In fact, the "temporary" shutdown of the Tar Sand Petroleum production facilities near Fort McMurray due to the wildfires have indeed done exactly as I predicted.  The loss of production from those facilities have indeed pushed the world price of Petroleum upwards (no shock here..) due to the laws of "supply and demand".  With the loss of the "supply" from Fort McMurray, the prices have risen due to "demand".  It should therefore be apparent to everyone that these "wildfires" that could have been put out easily weeks ago were indeed allowed to continue as part of a most diabolical agenda of increasing Petroleum profits!   I ask anyone that finds issue with this statement to please prove me wrong......What the hell is the US and the Rothschild private armies of "NATO" trying to do with their deployments along the Russian Federation border?  The psychos in charge of our governments are now having the audacity that these build up of forces are due to "Russian aggression", and I ask them to show WHERE Russia has been the aggressor?  This is not good at all, and can only lead to a general war with the NUCLEAR armed Russian Federation.  However, sadly, I see this is exactly what the criminals in Washington DC want, for they know that without a major war, the US is heading to financial armageddon.  Yes, the psychos in our governments will indeed have us fighting a third world war just to save their own financial and political necks.......China just released a statement that says that the United States is the greatest threat to peace and stability on our planet.  Decades ago, when I was still partially brainwashed into believing that the US was the best nation on the planet, I would have dismissed this statement by the Chinese as nothing more than rhetoric and propaganda. But today from watching what the US has done to peaceful nations and how truly evil the US government has become, I would say this statement is absolutely correct.  The United States of America is today the second most evil nation on the planet with only Israel one step higher.  Sadly, most Americans have not yet awakened to that bitter reality......Reports have come out showing definitively that the Brazilian change in government was indeed a coup headed by the United States.  No shock here, as the Americans have long wanted the BRICS initiative, to have the US dollar world wide hegemony ended, destroyed.  These criminals have looked upon Brazil as the 'weakest link' in the BRICS plan, and now with Brazil having a pro-Washington puppet government installed, obviously Brazil will 'withdraw' from the BRICS deal..... And of course Venezuela is now in danger of full collapse, which is again what the Americans want.  Washington DC wants to install another puppet US regime in Caracas, and that may happen within the next few weeks.   Yes, the US wants to control Venezuela's massive oil reserves, and having their people installed in Caracas would definitely give them that control.....The Egyptair flight 804 controversy continues, and I am still leaning towards a shoot down of that plane and the massive coverup that follows.  And a shoot down would definitely explain the massive coverup that we see in the reports coming out of the Jew spew media.   Apparently someone desperately wants to make sure the real truth about what exactly happened to that Airbus 320 and the 66 passengers on board to not get out.  My question is: Did Israel "accidentally" or even deliberately shoot down this aircraft?........Some guy in the United Kingdom builds a pond in his back yard and now officials want his pond removed as it could cause burglars that may be invading his home to drown?  Honestly, you cannot make this stuff up, and I would say to the guy to not only keep his backyard pond, but to make it deeper and possibly fill it with Piranha fish...... The Gates Foundation is increasing their "common core" initiatives across America in spite of the public backlash against this ludicrous program.  Yes, someone definitely wants to see the American public and especially the next generation of American school children to be as dumb and stupid as possible.  This "Gates Foundation" is again nothing but pure evil and part of the "new world order" agenda.....Cell phones do indeed cause brain cancer.  As I showed in my last article, no shock here.  This should be a wake up call for everyone and hopefully curtail the further expansion of the cell phone industry until public health issues are addressed.......Well I was 1/2 right in my NHL Stanley Cup final prediction I made in last week's rant.  With no soccer available for the next few months, I figure hockey is the next best thing for the next few weeks.  I am predicting the San Jose Sharks to beat the Pittsburgh Penguins in 6 games.......Whitewraithe has finished her courses and is now fully employed once again. I want to congratulate her on her success, and she has already stated that once she gets everything settled, we will have our Podcast show "Turbulent Times" relaunched.  It is about time!..........And finally I will close this rant with my usual look at the great American family, the Kardashian gaggle of idiots, trolls, trollops, and skanks.  I see apparently Khloe and her estranged husband Lamar Odom have finally filed for divorce.   Honestly how anyone with any brains would marry any of these creatures is beyond me.   But again, while America is going to hell, the people continue to care most about the day to day antics of this 'family'.   And people wonder why I see America now as a failed state?More to comeNTS