Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, May 22nd, 2016

 Yes, it is Sunday... Time for my weekly rant... And a chance for me to catch up on what has been happening in our sick world...Just for everyone to know, my better half did suffer a bit of back problems from the accident she got into some 10 days ago... It appears that when she impacted against a tree and totalled our vehicle she of course tensed up and it did some minor (hopefully only minor) damage to her back.... She has been slow moving and in some pain over the last week and I therefore had to take over many of the chores, dinner preparations, work around the house, and of course taking care of her this last week... I also was given a very hard project at my work that did not help the situation at all.... And to top it all off I had to go out and vehicle shop this last week at an assortment of dealerships around this part of central Canada which was again gruelling and time consuming..... I had no choice but to put this blog on hold until I found the time to sit down and see what has been happening elsewhere....Lets face it... Trying to buy a vehicle in this recession times here in Canada is hard... I found that dealing with new and used car salesmen is almost as bad as dealing with Jewish controlled banking scoundrels..... They are out to maximize the profits from their sales and will do their utmost to sell vehicles that in most situations the customers do not want or need with "options" and "insurance" that is mostly not required... I though went to different places armed with as much information as necessary and focused on purchasing the exact vehicle that suits my needs.... And I got what I wanted eventually for the price I was wanting to pay and refused most extra "bells and whistles" and especially "extra insurance".....Yes, I go away for a few days and here we have another "plane crash".... And this one is chocked full of mysteries that seems to be a replay of the same situation we saw with both flights "MH370" and "TWA800"...... I have been reading all the reports over the last two days from a fellow researcher, Jim Stone, from his "Jim Stone Freelance" website ( and though his information is sound in asserting that Israel is behind the "downing" of this aircraft, I am still looking for more facts before I back his claims.... I also have been looking at the information provided elsewhere that points to the possibility that we have just witnessed another "TWA800" shoot down by missiles launched from nearby naval war games.... And yes, there were some naval war games and exercises taking place near that part of the Mediterranean Sea during the time this Egyptair 804 flight was on its last approaches to landing at Cairo Egypt......The possibility that the aircraft was indeed shot down by a stray missile from these war games would explain the plane taking some last second "evasive maneuvers" before it suddenly disappeared from radar....AND I do find it peculiar that this plane went down in its final approach to Egypt and should have been seen by so many radar installations and naval vessels around that part of the Mediterranean Sea if it was indeed falling from the sky.... AND I find is also strange that with so many ships in the vicinity we find almost zero reports of any fireball in the sky if the plane had been hit by an astray missile or suffered from an explosion from a "terrorist bomb"... This Egyptair 804 mystery does not add up at all, and myself being a pessimist has indeed been leaning to what Jim Stone is stating....I also find it so interesting that there has been so much misleading information out there in both the Jew spew and the alternative media after this plane suddenly disappeared.... From what we have seen before with these air disasters, most of that information pumped out there is misleading on purpose.  Someone is obviously trying to cover up for this disaster and the disappearance of the 66 passengers on board, which seems to always happen when that psycho state of Israel is involved..... I am also not sold on the "terrorist" angle for there has been NO so called fraud "terrorist" group that has come forward to claim responsibility for this disaster.  And yes, we all know by now the tendency of the criminal US/Israel/NATO cabal to use their fraud terrorists right on cue to cover for their criminal operations.......The bottom line here in regards to Egyptair flight 804 is absolutely to not accept the explanations coming from the Jew spew media outlets at all... I am still surfing through reports and have not reached a conclusion (yet) and therefore will not side with any speculation and theories until all the facts are presented......Something here definitely stinks to high heaven and like other real researchers in the real truth movement I will do my utmost to get to the bottom of it....Yes, I go away for a few days and here we have that US/Israel/NATO created and controlled fraud called 'ISIS' reportedly murdering people by dipping them into pools of nitric acid.   I looked at these reports and I saw a scam and a lie immediately.... What we have here is these criminal governments trying to 'up the ante' so to speak in their psychological war on people's minds... They have already t tried the "barbaric beheading" idea and pushed that several times before, and it failed miserably for even the least logical of people could see that the beheadings were all phoney....Now these same criminals are trying once again to show how "barbaric" this fraud ISIS is by having them reach a new low by melting victim's bodies in pools of nitric acid..... Honestly, this is so ridiculous and almost laughable.... Anyone with two brain cells to rub together can see clearly that our own criminal governments that are absolutely 100% behind their ISIS creation are now reaching new lows in their attempts to strike fear in gullible peoples' minds....... Honestly, this "nitric acid" killing is a new low for them to go, but I can guarantee they will even go lower!Only a few weeks from now until the people of the United Kingdom will vote in a referendum to either stick with the European Union that has basically been bleeding the British economy to death, or to exit ("Brexit") from that fiasco and go their own way..... Honestly, to me there is absolutely not a choice here for the British have to vote YES to exiting the EU just to save their own nation.  The EU has been a fiasco from its very beginnings and has failed to unite Europe at all.   What we have seen over the last while is Europe turned into a shambles by both the actions of the EU in terms of making each member nation's economies an unmitigated disaster, and by the EU allowing the flooding of illegal migrant workers into their member nations that has destroyed their social structures... The United Kingdom now has a chance to finally rid itself of the EU disaster and start reaching out independently to the rest of the world for trade and potential growth...... I again state that this "Brexit" vote is nothing short of a vote for either freedom or slavery....Hopefully the British do not fall for the lies promoted by the propagandists and do the right thing for their futures and the futures of their children....I am still troubled by this "transgenderism"issue that has been flooding so much of the Jew spew reports these last few weeks.... I look at this "issue" with the thought that it is being done purposely to  do exactly what the criminal Jews want which is to destroy the family unit.... It is so sad that so many people are climbing all over this sick idea of having these "transgenders" having access to any washroom facility they desire, and by having them into our children's lives by giving children that basically do not know any better "decide" at an early age if they want to live their lives as either boys or girls... Lets face it, for children are already being screwed up enough these days by the poisons in their bodies and the machinations of the Jew spew brainwashing tool that I call "Talmudvision", but this transgender issue is truly fucking them up grandly!... I seem to recall one small quote that I came across courtesy of Jim Stone's website that I want to present here that sums it up nicely: "Teaching the children about gaydom and transgenderism is indeed child abuse, and is in fact one of the few qualifiers for the use of the term "child abuse"."   I could not agree more with this statement, for I do see this issue as abuse of our children, and look upon the criminal Jews as the ones behind this entire sickness as part of their long sought plans for world dominion as laid out in their most wicked Protocols by using this type of sick tactic to destroy the family unit...The wild fires outside of Fort McMurray Alberta Canada are still basically "out of control" and have indeed moved on to threaten the Alberta Oil Sand production facilities north of that city.... I stated in my previous rant my own theory that these fires may have been created on purpose for the idea of putting those facilities out of commission for some time and by the process of supply and demand drive up Petroleum prices world wide... And yes, the world price of Petroleum has indeed been rising over these last few weeks by the effect of the reduced output from those Alberta facilities and the potential of a total shut down of their production as the fires approach.... Some may say that I am wrong about my assertions that the fires were deliberately set to put the Oil Sands production out of commission, and yet evidence shows otherwise......And speaking of Canada... I see all the Jew spew media is going wild about Justin Trudeau's "elbow check" in the House of Commons last week on a New Democratic Party backbencher, Ruth Brousseau.... Quite by chance I watched the video of that "assault" again and again, and honestly I can not see any ill intent by the Canadian Prime Minister, and this should have been a non-issue.... It does trouble me that with so much going wrong here in Canada with all the economic woes and troubles with our horrific Jewish criminal banker created national debt, that this "elbow gate" fiasco has swallowed up so much of every Canadian's time..... But of course the Jew spew media wants their fluff and this type of crap to fill people's heads and divert them from issues that matter most......What else can I say about Syria that I have not already said?  I have stated the obvious that the entire "civil war" is a sham and has been purposely created and fought for nothing more than the destruction of that peaceful nation for the nefarious "Greater Israel" project... Every single "terrorist" or "rebel" group that is presently fighting in that nation against the good guys, the Bashar al-Assad government forces, are financed, armed, and equipped, by the criminal US/Israel/NATO cabal... These criminals that are out to destroy Syria care not for the Syrian people and would want to see as many innocent civilians die in their genocidal psychotic want to have Syria destroyed.... But the news gets good this last week as Vladimir Putin has come out and stated that he wants the US and Russia to coordinate their attacks on "ISIS" in Syria itself.  Basically, Putin has just "check mated" the United States again by forcing the US to either accept the Russian offer, or by refusing that acceptance finally show that they are firmly behind and supporting the "terrorists".....It is great to watch the US government squirm as they will now find their "excuses" to not accept the Russian offer.....One note again before I get onto my last minute tidbits... I have not heard from my fellow truth seeker and cohort Whitewraithe at all this last week as she was in Memphis for her training for her new job.  I look at this as "no news is good news" for if it did not go well I would have definitely heard from her by now.... And again with her getting back into the work force, it has curtailed our relaunch of Turbulent Times even further.  Wraithe did state that once she gets her life back on track, we would get our show going, and all I can do now is wait for her to be ready...Well, I figure I have rambled on long enough... Time to close this rant with my usual last minute tidbits......The "Killary" Clinton circus is still going on strong in America I see.  And I once again have to ask the American people one question about this demon: "Why is this foul creature and mass murderer not in jail?"  It troubles me that "only in America" can a traitor, a killer, a psychopath, and a true demonic freak of nature, all rolled up into one individual called "Hillary" not only avoid jail time, but actually be allowed to run and potentially win the US Presidency!  It indeed boggles the mind as to the absolute ignorance and stupidity of the American public that they would actually consider voting for this foul creature.  But again, with the dumbing down of the American people, if "Elmer Fudd" (Looney Tunes cartoon character just in case anyone does not know) was running as a Democrat, they would vote for him too!..... And then we have Donald Drumpf who is now expected to be the Republican Party candidate for President on the other side of the coin.  Look, Drumpf does put on a great show and is saying exactly what the people want.  But that is it.  If Drumpf does get to be President, he will not sway from what his Jewish masters command of him or he will have a bullet put into his brain.   The Jews control America, period, and the American public has to accept that as fact.  If and when Drumpf gets into the White House, all of his promises to make America great again will vanish and the despair and collapse of the once great American nation will continue.......I see the "Saudis did 9-11" propaganda being pushed by the criminal American government has not panned out as they have expected.  The facts are that almost 15 years after that assault on America by the criminal Israelis the American people are finally waking up to exactly who the real culprits are, and the US government are making fools of themselves by trying to promote others as being responsible. The big question I have had these days is what are the American people now going to do about it?........I saw several reports come out this week that claim that extremism has now taken over in the psychotic state of Israel and the reports state that Israel is now as bad as "Nazi" Germany.  Well, the truth is that Israel is and always has been far WORSE than anything that Germany allegedly was.  I have said that Israel is a pure poison on this planet, and I find nothing at all that changes that assertion....Yes, the "Global Warming" cultists are out there now screaming that 2016 is heading to be the "warmest" year on record.  I do not know whether to laugh so loud when I see their bullshit spew or to ask them what they are smoking these days?.......Someone sent me a few videos showing the lineups at Chicago O'Hare Airport for the fraud TSA bullshit friskings and abuse of passengers that are now some 4-5 hours long (some say even longer).   Lets face it, for the TSA is nothing more than militarization in our airports, and there should be demands from the public that they be put out of commission once and for all.  Rather than catch any fraud "terrorists" all they have done is to make air travel across America a disaster......As expected, the US has turned Venezuela into a disaster with the nation in full economic collapse.  It will only be a matter of time before the US steps in with a new puppet regime in that peaceful nation and turn the Venezuelan people into slaves.  Yes, are not the US foreign policies so wonderful?........NO soccer until next fall?  I guess I will have to ease my withdrawal symptoms with some hockey instead.  I would like to see a Tampa Bay Lightning/ San Jose Sharks finals for the NHL Stanley Cup championship this year........And finally a bit of Kardashian bashing once again to close this rant.  It appears that "snapchat" media outlet has some "intimate" video of skank Kim with her husband Kanye West.  This makes sense when you consider that this trollop is best known for her soft core pornography and it is about the only thing she is good at!  But again, this type of garbage makes news and shows the mental state of most of the American people.  I again must ask what America actually sees in these creatures and their antics?  I am still waiting for a logical answer...Again, it is good to be back....More to comeNTS