Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, March 22nd, 2015

  Yes, it is indeed Sunday again... And here I go with my usual rant...I have been getting burned out at work these last few weeks and yes, it has taken its toll on me both physically and mentally..... I will not name the corporation that I work for, but suffice to say that they are in the process of reducing their staffing levels in all departments and mine has been running with a skeleton crew for a very long time...The net result has been extremely stressful days with outrageous work loads... Yes, it does seem to be the same in all corporations these days where they emphasize "Profit before People"....As a result, I have been coming home from work these last few weeks totally wiped out and mentally strained... My better half finally said that with my having a few weeks vacation time starting as of this week weekend, to NOT spend too much time trying to write about all that ails the world with this blog, but instead take the time off for some much needed rest and relaxation... I actually avoided this computer and my laptop yesterday, and spent the day sleeping... It helped a bit, but I do know that I need more time for my mind and body to recuperate...I talked to Whitewraithe last night, and she is still in a state of depression due to her unceremonious release from her job a few weeks back... Honestly, it has hit her pretty hard, and she is indeed worried about her future and wonders if she can land another job.... Being some 1500 miles away from her and of course in another country, there is not much I can do right now other than to send her as much support as possible and try to get her to hang in there....She has been trying to keep her head clear by continuing to write her blog over at Pragmatic Witness ( and I do hope that the readers here take the time to go over there and send her some well wishes and any support they can......OK, on to the business at hand.... I am really pissed off by all the reports coming out these days where the clowns behind the Global Warming scam have had the NERVE to claim that while it has been freezing cold this winter in many parts of the world, that somehow overall the planet is still 'WARMING' (!).... When I read these outrageous assertions by these con artists and swindlers, I honestly have to ask who in the hell actually believes them any more?   Sadly, from what I have seen, there are still suckers out there that will fall for that load of crap and will still blindly surrender their hard earned finances when these idiots behind the Global Warming scam start calling for "carbon taxes" to "save the planet".....The lies about the planet still warming is bad enough by these "Global Warming" clowns, but I have seen the reports all over the Jew spew as well as the alternative media, where they are now wanting laws put into place to actually punish anyone that believes "Global Warming" to be a fraud!   When I saw these reports, I did recall when in history, many scientists and researchers during the middle ages were burned as heretics or put into jail for believing that the Earth was not the center of the Universe, or to claim that the Earth revolved around the Sun!   What we have here is a modern version of that infamous  "Spanish Inquisition" where those who see through the lies of Global Warming are to be punished!   Let us just hope that common sense rules the day and these Global Warming nutters are finally put out of their misery....But on the flip side, we now have some so called scientists coming out in droves saying that the planet is heading for a new Ice Age...... Just as I said before, this other extreme is also nonsense... Our Sun, Sol, is going through a natural cycle where right now it has a diminished output of solar radiation that is resulting in a cooling period for our planet... When I saw these new "Ice Age" reports coming out recently, I recalled when in the 1970's during our last period of solar cooling, many alarmists were then saying that we were heading for a new "Ice Age" as well.....But of course that new Ice Age never occurred..... It therefore seems to me that the freaks in the so called "New World Order" are the ones that have been pushing both extremes, and when one fails they simply promote the other!  Hopefully more people wake up to these shenanigans and not fall for either....I had some very strange comments that obviously came from my "friends" over in the JIDF/Hasbara camp for my "Diary Of Ann Frank" assertions....  I said a very long time ago that there are so many things wrong with the "Diary Of Ann Frank" story, especially the fact that much of what was written in that 'diary' was written with a ball point pen which was non-existent in that part of The Netherlands during the period of the 1940's....That leads to the well documented reports, and speculations, that the 'diary' itself is a fake, and was written AFTER the second World  War.... But again, I can only "speculate" because again, living in this tyrannical country Canada, anyone that questions the authenticity of the most holy Jewish "holocaust" can be put into prison (gee, just like the famous Spanish Inquisition again...)... I have said clearly that I only laid out the facts and that it is up to readers to decide for themselves if the "diary" is authentic....  BUT of course these "commentators" did their usual attempts at character assassination of myself by calling me their usual 'ad hominems' and other slurs, such as being an "antisemite" which of course is such a laugher considering those flinging that accusation are not even semites themselves.......Honestly, these commentators are such losers and should know that none of their comments get published, and I wonder why they are stupid enough to waste their own time as well as mine....I have not put up any articles about how the Canadian people have finally awoken to the dangers of that piece of shit federal legislation called "Bill C-51", but I am glad that many have taken the time to take to the streets of this once free nation to show their disapproval of that attempt by that criminal Harper to ram through a bill that strips Canadians of their very freedoms...As I said in last week's Turbulent Times show with Whitewraithe, it is also shocking how much the Jew spew media up here tried to down play the revolt of the people to that horrific bill by either not covering the demonstrations in our cities against Bill C-51, or having the nerve to call these demonstrations the work of 'radicals' and 'misfits' of Canadian society... But what would you expect considering that the Jews themselves are behind the bill C-51 and of course they are in full control of Canada's media outlets?.. Better for them to try to keep the Canadians in the dark while their puppet, Harper, rams through that bill, and not allowing most Canadians to see their freedoms gone until it will be too late....And about our old friends, "ISIS" themselves.... There were even MORE reports that came out this last week showing how our own criminal governments have been supplying this fraud ISIS with its weapons.. Heck, there was even a report where some messages between the US government and ISIS were "wiretapped" and the conversations were clearly about the US sending more supplies to ISIS forces in northern Iraq.... That and of course we find the CIA/Mossad agents behind this charade also answering the hard question as to why ISIS has NOT bothered to attack Israel?  The answer was outrageous.. They stated that their "God" had not ordered them to attack Israel! ..... When I saw that, I could not help but to laugh and realize that I and others have been absolutely right about this fraud...  Sadly, most people in this country and elsewhere are as stupid as ever and still believe this "ISIS" to be the latest and greatest "terrorist threat"....Someone said to me last week that I should take another look at the vaccine FRAUD.... Honestly, what more is there to say?  Vaccines do not work, period... The chemicals in "vaccines" do far more harm to the human body than the diseases that they are supposed to fight... It is bad enough that Mercury in vaccines does indeed cause autism, but I have seen some startling reports about how the criminal psychopaths behind the fraud of vaccinations have been using these weapons as part of their long planned population control of the planet through mass sterilization.... The other shocker is of course the sudden massive push by our criminal governments for the mass vaccination of everyone, and their plans to actually punish those who refuse to roll up their arms and allow themselves to be injected by these poisons......The bottom line here is again, absolutely never, ever allow these monsters to force you and your families into taking any vaccines, period...What is there to say that has not already been said about that psychotic insane mass murdering freak, Benyamin Miliekosky (Netanyahu) getting "reelected" as Prime Minister of that insane asylum called Israel...The fact is that his "Likud" party is just as psychotic as he is, and easily convinced the criminal Israelis to get Benny reelected through their last minute call for absolutely NO Palestinian state.....I for one am not fooled by this lunatic Prime Minister switching his story around after getting "elected' and trying to convince the world that he still seeks a "two state solution" to the Palestinian question... This madman and his lunatic followers have always wanted ALL of Palestine ONLY for the greedy and selfish Israelis... It is shocking to me that there are still suckers out there that are fooled by this madman's false rhetoric about peace talks with the Palestinians and a "Palestinian state"..... The fact is plain and simple.. There can be NO Palestinian state as long as lunatics such as Miliekosky run Israel.... The only choices for the Palestinian people are simple.. Fight or die through genocide.. As I have always said, with those being the choices available, I know which one I would take in a heartbeat...There has been a lot of articles I have seen over the last while that talk about the fraud of feminism... Lets face the facts here... Feminism is a fraud... All that anyone, and especially those women out there that actually call themselves "feminists", have to do is simply see WHO is behind the so called "feminist movement"... Yes, this movement was created and has been pushed and run by none other than the Jews (Yes, Gloria Steinem is one fine Catholic, right?).... I also want those "feminists" to take a look at the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion and the articles that state that one of the methods for these freaks to defeat their opposition and dominate the planet is through the destruction of the family... And what better way to destroy the family than to promote the fraud of "feminism" that not only destroys the family, but destroys men (and women) themselves in the process... Therefore when someone asks me about the 'feminist movement', I tell them that it is a crock and a fraud and actually is being promoted and used as part of the Jewish agenda for world dominion.....Women out there truly need to wake the hell up!I will not go into all the ridiculous reports about Vladimir Putin "missing" that filled the Jew spew media over the last week... Lets be honest here... The Jew spew media and our criminal governments have indeed been conspiring in vain attempts to find any excuses to vilify Russia, and this Putin "missing" garbage was just part of their game... But the game did become more dangerous this last week with reports about how Britain was supposedly about to launch a nuclear strike (!) against Russia that was thankfully averted at the last minute by the Russians themselves (read shocking report here). If this report does prove to be true, then it does seem that our criminal governments are now trying to up the stakes against Russia and are desperately trying to get into a full blown war, especially since Putin himself has stated that he wants to nationalize all of the Rothschild banks in Russia itself, and were willing to use Britain to launch the first blow.... Yes, the insane criminal Rothschilds would indeed threaten a world war and the destruction of billions of people just to keep their worldwide hegemony over finances....The first sacrificial lamb in that new war would have been the United Kingdom itself with a suicidal nuclear strike on Russia that thankfully for the 70+ million people living in Britain was hopefully averted..... I wonder how my British readers feel about their criminal Jewish Prime Minster, Cameron, after knowing about this?There are of course a multitude of other happenings across the planet over the last week that I have not covered above..... Therefore, I will try to touch on  those other key issues here in my last minute tidbits....Interesting reports coming out this last week about not only sudden spikes in radiation output from the failed reactor cores at Fukushima, but also the fact that scientists at the site still have no idea what so ever exactly where the melted cores are.  They are still hoping that somehow most of the cores are still somehow under "containment", but from the high radiation output and the spikes, I can guarantee the cores have broken containment and are melting into the Earth itself.  Amazing how our Jew spew media still refuses to even bother to report about this still ongoing disaster, but again, wars for Israel do count first and foremost....Something very big is about to happen in the world 'financial markets' and will happen very soon.  It has been so amazing how the Jewish criminals behind the impending implosion of the entire world financial system have been able to delay it for this long. And so sad that most people are even prepared for the disaster at hand.... The so called Minsk Agreement for a ceasefire in Ukraine appears to be over, and the criminal Ukrainian US run regime is definitely getting ready for a resumption of the slaughter of civilians in the eastern provinces.  Yes, they will try to up the stakes in a vain attempt to draw Russia into the conflict and launch world war III.  Hopefully, the Russians are not that stupid........Reports that the poisonous chemical, Glyphosate, is linked to Autism are pure bunk.  The rise in Autism is clearly caused by Mercury in vaccines, and this "Glysophate" reporting is part of the deception.  Yes, Glyphosate causes a wide range of damages to the human body, including sterility, but Autism is not one of them.......I see Israel is still working overtime in trying to snuff the P5+1 impending deal on Iran's non-existent nuclear weapons program.  When will people ever learn that these criminals want Iran destroyed and have the US do all the destruction for them?........California running out of water?  I wonder if this is just some more scare-mongering with a hidden agenda.....Interesting study shows that "conspiracy theorists" are the most sane people around. Makes me feel proud, definitely..... Arsenal won a big game yesterday against Newcastle United, 2-1, and are still sitting in third place in the table.  With only 8 games left and being behind Chelsea by at least 6 points, it might be too late for a Premiere League title.  But a Champions League birth would be the next best thing for the Gunners.....Yes, my favorite skank, Kim Kardashian is such a troll, but Kourtney is almost as bad with some reports that she has the nerve to charge fans upwards of $150 a pop just to meet her.  Believe it or not, people are really that stupid enough to fork over that kind of money to get to see this trollop!  Yes, strangely again, brain dead people in America do indeed love their Kardashians.....Now back to some much needed rest.  See you all hopefully soon... And as usual...More to comeNTS