Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, July 3rd, 2016

 Yes, it is Sunday, and again time for my weekly rant...Tomorrow is of course "Independence Day" for my neighbours south of the 49th parallel... It will be 240 years since the 13 original British colonies declared their "independence" from the British crown of King George III, and the new nation of the United States of America was officially born.... Or so it seems....One thing that most Americans do not realize is that their nation is actually not independent of the British crown at all....Yes, in spite of all the rhetoric to the contrary, the United States of America is actually still subservient to the British monarchy and the nation still pays a 'tribute' to the British crown.... Yes, my American friends, this is the truth and you can actually research it for yourselves to find it is fact, not fiction......  I have had many discussions with my good friend Whitewraithe out of Tennessee, and she has covered this most interesting fact in detail over at her Pragmatic Witness website ( It is therefore a fact that the supposed "Revolutionary War" was indeed fought for what at the time the colonists thought was for their independence from the British crown, but when the peace deal was finally signed in 1783, the United States actually never seceded from the British crown at all..... Yes again, my American friends, do your research carefully and you will again find this to be true.....You want proof?  Simply Google "America is still a British Colony" and read the facts for yourselves....But on to other matters..... One reader to this blog, "RickB" who gives some pretty good comments in my articles, sent me a most interesting tidbit of information last week, where it seems the Midget man from Idaho, who of course runs the "TUT" website, supposedly put out one article last week calling for sympathy for the "families" of the phoney children that did not die at the Sandy Hook fraud shooting.... The article also claims that the liars and scoundrels, who of course were the fraud 'crisis actors' used in the phoney Sandy Hook shooting episode, are supposedly contemplating "suing" everyone that has come out for the last 3 and a half years that has harassed them and has been calling them all a bunch of liars and thieves... My answer to this action from these piss poor crisis actors is this... I DARE THEM TO SUE!... The facts are that these liars and thieves have made a killing from the money they have taken in for their part in the Sandy Hook fraud shooting, and each and every one of these pathetic crisis actors and fools are criminals and traitors to the American nation.... If these scoundrels actually try to sue now, some 3+ years since their piss poor acting jobs at Sandy Hook, then the entire Sandy Hook escapade could finally be exposed as a fraud... Each and every one of the "parents" of the "victims" from that fraud shooting would have to show evidence that their "children" even existed, and because the majority cannot, and any other evidence presented could be quickly exposed as fraudulent, their lawsuits would backfire in their faces and finally blow the entire Sandy Hook fraud wide open.... Therefore I say to the fraud that runs that TUT site, to go back to the lying he has done for years now, and quit trying to find some "sympathy" for the liars and crooks that made out like bandits for their piss poor crisis acting!   Honestly, I am sick of him and the other agents of disinformation that permeate the alternative media....Lets face it... The Sandy Hook fraud shooting was bad enough, but it appears the criminals who run these shows have taken it to a new level with the fraud Orlando shooting....By now, anyone with two brain cells to rub together can see the hoax of Orlando in all of its glory... It is so over the top, and the crisis actors involved with that one were even more sloppy than the ones used at Sandy Hook... But again, I pointed out in a previous article that the masterminds behind Orlando know by now that the general American public is truly so stupid now, that they could throw anything out there and call it real and the gullible Americans would believe it without any questions!  Yes, the brainwashing and propaganda used is that intense....The entire "Pulse night club" that this fraud shooting allegedly occurred is appearing to be as phoney as the Sandy Hook Elementary School that was used as the main prop for that shooting..... The "night club" had ONLY 12 parking spaces in its lot for a cliental that allegedly numbered in the 100's... That alone shows that someone blew it big time in not finding a prop for that shooting that at least had parking spaces.....Logically, if that was a real "night club" then where would the patrons park their vehicles?  And we again must question the entire shooting scenario, considering the fact that Judge Andrew Napolitano himself came out and stated that the "shootings" took place AFTER 513am, and NOT around the "2 am" time frame that the liars in the Jew spew media are still harping... As I said before, what did the 'shooter' Omar Mateen then do for the 3 hours before he finally opened fire (if he fired at all...)?  So many questions about the time frame for this "incident" and we are still not getting the right answers from the Orlando police or even the FBI!One other thing that I did notice about Orlando that has bugged me for the last few weeks has been the "after shooting" videos, where the "victims" should have been directly in front of the "Pulse night club" but instead were shown some 200 meters away in front of a "Yoga studio" building... This to me does not make any sense at all if this was a real shooting... WHY would anyone move the supposed shooting victims some 200 meters away from the "Pulse nightclub" site, knowing full well that any victims with multiple gunshot wounds could not and should not be moved?  Moving these victims would have been the most idiotic and stupidest thing to do, and could have done more damage to their injured bodies even to the point that many could have died from that movement... Therefore, the question becomes: WHY were the victims of this "mass shooting" not laid out in front of the "Pulse night club" site itself?  That would have been more logical and would have been better for the "victims" if there were any real "victims" at all!And then we have the fraud videos where some of the "survivors" of the "shooting" were hauling some of the "victims" down the road TOWARDS the "Pulse night club".... I am still waiting for a logical explanation of this one, and that movement of victims TOWARDS the alleged shooting was indeed the one thing that should have blown this entire fraud to smithereens..... But again the majority of the American people have not put the pieces together and realized that this shows the entire shooting to be a fraud....OK, so we have a "triage" medical site illogically situated some 200 meters away from the shooting site in front of the Yoga studio building and well away from the alleged shooting location... Or was it  really away from the planned shooting site?  I put forward the following logical explanation, though speculative, that explains why the "triage" was in front of the "Yoga studio" building instead of more logically in front of the fraud "Pulse nightclub".... This fraud shooting was originally supposed to be at the 'Yoga club" building!   OK, I may be stretching it a bit with this idea, but lets just say that the original site for the fraud "Pulse night club" was supposed to in the same building where the "Yoga studio" is located, but at the last minute the planners of this charade moved the location down the road some 200 meters and set up their "Pulse night club" site and fraud shooting there instead.... I would then speculate that the crisis actors shown on video at the fraud "triage site" at the other building some 200 meters away did their acting jobs believing that they were being filmed right in front of the planned shooting site.   Having the "shooting" at the building that contains the Yoga studio would definitely also explain the fraud crisis actors carrying their 'victims' in front of the cameras and moving towards the area of the "Pulse night club"... If the shooting was indeed planned to be enacted at the Yoga studio building, then the videos showing the crisis actors carrying the "victims"AWAY from that building would make logical sense as well.....Someone may now come out and say that I am wrong about this, and the only way that the Yoga building could have been the real site of the "shooting" would be if those videos of the "triage" in front of that building were filmed well in advance... And who's to say they were not?  We have no "independent" video makers at this "shooting" and the only ones making the videos were the film crews and the crisis actors involved... So who is to say that the videos were made well in advance of this fraud shooting?  And to have these videos done in advance would mean that the entire event was indeed staged.....  Yes, I am indeed speculating here, but honestly, if the shooting was supposed to be in front of that "Yoga studio" building and NOT where the fraud "Pulse night club" was eventually located, then it explains the fraud "triage" medical site and the carrying of the "victims" away from that original shooting site!One way that may prove my speculation to be true is if anyone from the Orlando area of this fraud shooting comes forward and goes on record stating that he/she noticed some peculiar activities that may have occurred in the days, weeks, or even months, leading up to this fraud shooting event of June 12th in and around the area of this fraud "Pulse night club"......I am crossing my fingers that something does come up that proves my speculation to be accurate and that most definitely this entire shooting was prearranged and staged in advance....Well, the war for Syria's survival against the criminal US/Israel/NATO criminal cabal is going strong....The good guys, the Syrian army and its allies, are still attempting to make headway in their push to seize the fraud "ISIS" stronghold at Raqqa... And as usual, the United States and Israel have been sending in more and more weapons to their fraud "terrorists" and paid mercenaries to continue the blood bath and to try to retake the initiative against the Syrian forces.... I was sent the following video from a reader that truly shows how much the American people have been lied to by their own government.... This short video was taken by an Iraqi pilot, and shows a MASSIVE ISIS convoy of troops and weapons heading into Syria from Iraq just before the Iraqi pilots took a few shots at this 'convoy'...... Look at the video here for yourselves, and show this video to everyone.... This again shows how much the gullible people have been lied to and the video shows again exactly what I have been saying for years now, that 'ISIS' is a sham, is made up of US and Israeli agents, and has the full support of the US government.... The simple fact that the US government is blatantly arming these alleged "terrorists" should be enough proof that the entire "war on terror" is and always has been a fraud!I noticed that Lasha Darkmoon ( just came out with a most interesting article where some Russian writers just over a month ago came out and wrote a letter pleading with the US government to cease and desist in its sabre rattling towards the Russian Federation..  Yes, these authors and many others are seeing the US government pushing for war against Russia, and such a war would indeed be devastating to not only the US but the entire planet.......I would agree, and for the life of me cannot understand or fathom the sheer ignorance and stupidity of the present American government... Honestly, are these fools insane?  The war hawks in the American Pentagon actually do believe that they can WIN a war against the Russian Federation, but I see such a war as foolish and can only lead to the death of this planet....Lets face the facts here... The psychos in Washington DC and at the Pentagon have been pushing for a war against Russia for a while now, and have had their puppets in NATO agree with positioning massive amounts of men and armaments right on Russia's western border... These fools actually think that they can win a conventional war against the Russian Federation, and are right now trying to find any excuses or the use of a new "false flag" to get that war off and running... But in reality these idiots are in for a rude awakening, as the Russian Federation is fully capable of not only defending itself against this aggression, but will handily defeat NATO in any battle.... I have long shown at this blog how much Russia's vast array of weapons are in most cases superior to anything NATO and the US can put into battle... And sadly, if the US and NATO are truly that stupid and ignorant and try to fight the Russians, the moment they start to lose, then they may turn to the nuclear option which will lead to devastation across the planet...  But sadly, in spite of the reality that a war with Russia is a "no win" situation, these insane lunatics in the US and NATO are indeed pushing for such a war!Of course we have the "aftermath" of the United Kingdom's vote to get the hell out of the fraudulent European Union... And with the UK doing the right thing and wanting to get the hell away from the grip of the Jewish Rothschild criminal empire called the EU, we find other nations wanting to leave that fraudulent organization as well.... Lets face it, and here is a reality check.. The entire premise of the European Union was indeed the first "experiment" in a New World Order one world government, and it has failed so miserably.  Politically and economically the EU has been an unmitigated disaster and has brought so many of its own members to their knees economically..  Most nations would be better off breaking away from that disaster and going their own way...... Hopefully the other nations of Europe that are now calling for their own referendums on whether to stay under the enslavement of the EU or be free do have their peaceful votes and abide by their own peoples' wishes to get the hell out!Yes, we did have a new "terrorist" attack in Istanbul last week, and allegedly some 42 people are dead with hundreds more injured... I have seen some of the sites that are claiming that this was a fraud much like Orlando was, but from the evidence I have seen, I see this not as a hoax, but as I stated a warning to Turkey by the criminal Jewish elite, especially now that Turkey is trying to "make nice" with the Russian Federation, that they will must obey their masters wishes.... Turkey to me has always been a lynchpin in the plans by the US/Israel/NATO criminal cabal especially for their plans for any direct intervention into neighbouring Syria, and the plans by the Israelis for a lucrative pipeline deal linking the criminal Jewish state to European markets.... Basically Istanbul may indeed have been a warning to Turkey to obey, or else....Well, I guess that is enough for right now......I have already given my own thoughts and interpretations of what I see happening in our sick world this last week, but once again I cannot cover everything, but hopefully touch on those other matters here in my last minute tidbits.......I did see where Billy boy Clinton met last week with Attorney General Loretta Lynch just a few days back, and I am not shocked at all by the lack of news coming out of the Jew spew media about this act of desperation.  Yes, it should be plain for anyone to see that Bill was trying to get Lynch to block any investigations into his criminal psycho wife Hillary's acts of treason against the American people, and the attempt may have backfired.... Honestly, I cannot understand how anyone can actually vote for that demonic creature, Hillary "Killary" and again she should have been indicted and thrown into prison years ago for her crimes against not only the American people but humanity in general!.....  One reader said that I should not say that Drumpf is the only choice for America come this November's vote for President.  I stated to that reader that due to the failings of the "two party" system, there was no choice at all.  It comes down to either death and destruction under a psycho Killary regime, or at least a "delay" in the death of America under Jew butt kissing Donald Drumpf.  Sadly, this is what is so wrong with the American political system, and most Americans are just too ignorant now to see that their "democracy" is a shambles........I just read a report where supposedly the fraud "social network" called "Facebook" can track even its NON users using its "advertising cookies"!  I am not surprised by this news, considering that "Facebook" itself was built on an Israeli spy program that its Mossad handler, Zuckerberg, has "sold" to the gullible masses as a "social network".   Honestly what else does it take to make people finally realized that the best thing to do about "Facebook" is to never have an "account" period!.........Yes, I saw all that fear mongering taking place this last week where a report came out, fraudulently, that the northern hemisphere's jet stream had suddenly crossed over the equator.  Lets be honest here, in that there are indeed suckers born every minute, and this report was so laughable and proven to be a fraud.  But again, the hucksters behind the "Global warming" hoax will try anything, and I would not put it past them to try this on the gullible masses.......Yes, Barry Soetoro was indeed in Canada last week, and spoke in front of the Canadian Parliament in Ottawa in the House of Commons.  I looked at some video of that clown's "speech" and it was so full of falsehoods and innuendos.   I especially like his pot shots at Donald Drumpf being "xenophobic", which to me is an outrage and blatant pandering for the psycho Killary Clinton's campaign.  But honestly, Barry is now a "lame duck" and he can spew all he wants for come November he is history and his "Presidency" will forever be recorded as one of the worse in US history.......You want proof that "political correctness" is out of control?  A Grade 3 student in Collingswood, New Jersey, had to face police and possible arrest for commenting about some "brownies" that were served for an end of school party last week!  Yes, another student was "offended" by the term "brownie" and school officials and the police were called in.   This is no joke, and is so outrageous.  This once again shows how this "political correctness" bull crap is now out of control.   To me, anyone who believes in this "political correctness" bullshit can kiss my ass.  I will NOT ever be "politically correct", and I look at that bullshit as a detriment to our society........I am still waiting for anyone to show me some proof that Jennifer Aniston is or was born a man.   I have read some of the rhetoric in the alternative media, but I am still not sold.  On the other hand,  both Serena Williams and her brother Venus were indeed born as men, and of course Michelle Obama is most definitely a transvestite.  You have got to love the fact that most Americans do not see this as so obvious.........As a soccer fan, I am indeed applauding the effort the small nation of Iceland has been making in Euro 2016 competition.  To knock off England was no small feat, and we will see how far the Icelanders can continue when they face off against France later today.........I have several solutions to the people who live in California that are outraged by the passing of a law in that state making vaccinations mandatory for all adults.  Either protest, take to the streets and demand the Sacramento government be thrown out of office, refuse the vaccinations and face prosecution, or leave California immediately.  NOBODY should ever be forced into "mandatory" vaccinations, period....What else is there to say about the ongoing situation in Fukushima Japan with the nuclear disaster that is still running nonstop?   The northern Pacific Ocean is definitely damaged due to the continuing dumping of radioactive water directly from those failed reactors, and it seems that the Jew spew media just no longer gives a crap.  Yes, as I have said before, Fukushima is no longer news, and all they care about is what is good for their cherished Israel...... I see that the fraud, Elie Wiesel, finally passed away yesterday.  Yes, this crook made millions from his phoney book "La Nuit" and fooled the entire world for decades.  Now watch over the next few days as the Jew spew media gives glowing reports and accolades about this fraud.  It will be so disgusting..........And finally, my usual pot shots at the ridiculous American wet dream, the trolls and skanks of the Kardashian family.  I am shocked that the singer, "Fergie" formerly of the "Black Eyed Peas" actually made a video with skank Kim called "M.I.L.F. $".   This does not surprise me one bit, considering the decadent level that these rejects will stoop for attention.   I need not say here what "M I L F" actually stands for (I do want to keep my "G" rating...), but considering how much a cheap trollop Kim truly is, it makes sense.  Yes, the Kardashians are indeed "attention hounds" and for the life of me I still cannot figure out the infatuation the American people have for these skanks and rejects.   Again, what further proof do you need that America is going to hell?More to comeNTS