Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, January 8th, 2017

 Well, it is Sunday again... And after a most hectic week, it is time once again for my rant...I actually am a bit under the weather for the moment, and I was actually contemplating putting up this week's rant a bit later due to a harsh head cold.... But after popping a few pills, I figured I would give it a go....Well, lets be serious here first about the weather and the fraud of "Global Warming"... It is freaking freezing here in central Canada with temperatures all of the last two weeks well below normal, with daily highs in the mid -20C (thats -5F for you Americans) range.... And the temperatures for the next two weeks coming are going to be just as bitter..... There are predictions now that the temperatures will NOT even rise anywhere near the freezing mark of 0C until the beginning of March for this part of Canada.....The other sad aspect is that when the temperature even rises just a bit above the -20C point, we get snow... And I do mean a lot of snow..... I have already shovelled out at least some 50-60cm (20-24 inches) of that Al Gore "non existent" white stuff, and with it only being the beginning of January, there is so much more to come....Why do I bring up these weather reports to start these rants? Its because of the fools, morons,and idiots out there that are still freaking screaming out the lies that the planet is "overheating", thats why!  I personally am sick and tired of these bastards and their "Global Warming" bullshit lies and falsehoods... And yet here in Canada the Trudeau regime in Ottawa is now going "all in" and will shortly proclaim a brand new freaking tax on the Canadian people based on "carbon credits".... I have long warned everyone that this was coming and that it is NOT to "save the planet" as the liars proclaim but is simply just another bullshit tax for people to absorb.... And guess what?  A typical Canadian family of 4 will have to fork over an estimated $2000 extra Canadian dollars a year in this bullshit "carbon tax" to boot!   I for one am surprised that the average Canadian will bend over and have them shove this new bullshit tax up their butts!   As I said before, are Canadians really this stupid or are they just plain ignorant of the fraud of "Global Warming" hoisted on them?Well, I guess I am getting warmed up now.... It is just the beginning of the new year, and we already have our first bullshit "shooting" in America.... This one at Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport is so badly acted out, and the apparent trademarks of this being a laughable fraud are right there for all to see... And yet here we have the usual liars and criminals in the Jew spew media going now almost 24/7 with their "reports" from Fort Lauderdale.... We see the usual fraud "crisis actors" being rolled out one by one on the Jew Talmudvision screens, and each following their scripts and crying out to the cameras about how "terrible" this "tragedy" was.... And of course we have the periodic slip ups that these piss poor paid actors always do that gives away the fraud as well.....And we of course have the "major US networks" like that Jew run "CNN" talking hour by hour about this "tragedy" and the "multiple deaths" and "multiple injuries" (Yes, they love that word "multiple") and talking about guns and how terrible guns are... It is indeed brainwashing for the gullible fools that fall for this crap....Lets be honest here.. When I first heard about this "shooting" very shortly after the drill conducted at the Fort Lauderdale airport went "live", I suspected immediately that we were dealing with an pre-planned operation in progress.... But of course with the ONLY initial reports coming from the LIARS in the Jew spew media, it took some time to sift through all the facts and to piece together how the game was indeed being played... It took some great alternative researchers and video makers such as Peekay Truth out of Australia just a bit of time to diagnose the entire scenario and show the evidence that it was indeed a fraud... Now almost 2 full days after this "event" we can all see the facts that point to this clearly as being a set up and a fraud.... OK, the glaring evidence of this fraud is so blatant... The suspect himself, this "Esteban Santiago" looks exactly like the perfect "patsy" for this incident.. Here we have a 'veteran US soldier' living in Alaska that apparently was "programmed" by the CIA to do this type of killing... And we have him fly all the way to Fort Lauderdale Florida just to carry out this "event"... That alone had me wondering WHY the real criminals behind this staged event would have a guy come all the way to Alaska to pull this off?  WHAT? Local Florida based CIA operatives were not good enough? And then we have the action on the tarmac at that airport that looks so contrived... OK, lets say that this "gunman" fired off "multiple shots" in just a few minutes.... I can not for the life of me understand WHY the people on that tarmac were all running around like banshees for a long time after the shooting was over?  Yes, the apparent "shooting" was already long over and yet we have these people still "running for their lives"? And of course the Jew spew networks all over the airport reporting and talking to each crisis actor and getting the same response of "Being Afraid".....FEAR is indeed a very powerful propaganda weapon here indeed.....And we see the videos of these piss poor actors running across the tarmac as if they were doing it by script... It seemed almost choreographed..... They were all in running gear and running shoes.... Its as if they were all indeed doing it as part of a drill.....And I had to really laugh when further evidence showed that at least ONE Jew spew network in Florida actually ran their scripted report on this shooting a full 4 HOURS before it even happened?  What?  Clairvoyance?  Not really, when you consider the reality that this was a pre-planned drill, and many television and radio stations got their scripted reports about this planned event in advance and were told to run them at the proper allotted time AFTER the event took place... But at least ONE station jumped the gun and ran their report ahead of time.... This is therefore the dead giveaway that this was indeed a drill.....Well, one good thing happening in America is that Barry Soetoro is now 12 days away from being booted from the White House.... And yet, before he leaves, here he is trying everything possible to trigger a world war against the Russian Federation... I for one have been reading all the reports still coming over the Jew spew media about this laughable "Russian Hacking" bullshit, and indeed only those with less than two brain cells to rub together would ever believe it.....  But here we are with the outgoing Soetoro regime still pushing this bullshit and moving American men and American made weaponry across Europe to the Russian border... AND at the same time we have some of the European governments all falling for this same Russian hacking bullshit and moving their forces to the Russian border as well..... Apparently I could be correct, as I stated in my previous rant, that lunatic Barry may "gift" incoming President Donald Drumpf with a full blown war against Russia....The question becomes.. What will these lunatics use as their "trigger" to get the war against Russia going?  The "Russian Hacking" bullshit is falling apart, so there must be something else up their evil sleeves... Well, lo and behold, but we have this "Paris Conference" on January 15th, to discuss moves towards peace in the Middle East.... THAT conference will have delegates from all over the world attending, and it therefore makes the perfect stage for a new "false flag" attack to try to vilify Russia and possibly trigger that war that Barry insanely wants..... Yes, that conference is only 7 days away now, and we should all be watching it closely to see if these monsters do attempt an attack.....If one does occur, the immediate response from everyone should be to dismiss any concept that "Russia did it" and point the blame properly in the direction of the evil nations of the US and Israel....Well.... The "war" in Syria is still going strong... But there has been a major change in the last week with the Russian Federation withdrawing some of their forces from Syria itself, and sending its aircraft carrier home from the Mediterranean Sea.... The major onus on the fighting now falls back on the Syrian government forces and their Arabic allies......And yes, the battles continue with the reports now coming out about Syrian government forces concentrating on wiping out "terrorist strongholds" near Damascus, as well as fortifying their positions west of Palmyra for a planned offensive to possibly retake that city soon.....Then there the continuing battles in northern Syria where the fraud of "ISIS" is now in some pitched battles with Turkish forces near Al Bab....The Turks had planned to capture that key center a few weeks ago, but failed.  Now the battle for Al Bab will continue for the near future at least.... And we have the continuing "battle" by the Kurds and "US coalition" forces to try to seize the major "ISIS city" of Al Raqqa.... But of course that battle is now a see saw affair,  as I had expected since the entire "battle for Al Raqqa" is as equally fraudulent as the "battle for Mosul" in Iraq.....And speaking of Mosul?  Has anyone else noticed that this "battle" has bogged down with no end in sight?   It is especially laughable when you consider that this "attempt" to seize that key city of some 1.8 million people has always been a massive fraud!  I have yet had anyone come forward and answer my basic questions about Mosul such as:  HOW did a small group of some 2000 rag tag "terrorists" come in almost 4 years ago and seize this city of some 1.8 million residents in the first place?  And HOW did this fraud "ISIS" support and supply that city and its residents for almost 4 years?  It takes thousands of tons of supplies and food on a daily basis to maintain a city of 1.8 million and here we supposedly had "ISIS" do it with no problems for 4 full years?   That is bad enough.. But does anyone remember about 2 months back where the US supposedly "withdrew" ALL of their "ISIS" fighters from Mosul and helped them to scurry over the border into neighbouring Syria?   OK, if that really did happen, then WHERE did these "ISIS" fighters that are NOW supposedly in Mosul suddenly come from?  Did they magically get there out of thin air?   I for one am so surprised that so many people swallow the horseshit that the Jew spew media is pushing that there is an ongoing "battle for Mosul" when obviously it is pure propaganda.... As I said before, if anyone does not like my statement here, then please prove me wrong!Someone asked me a while back about incoming President Drumpf and the strong possibility that he would be "assassinated" before he assumes office on January 20th.... I will state it clearly here that it should be obvious by now that Donald is fully in the pockets of the Jewish criminals that control America for the simple fact that if he was EVER against them, they would have never even allowed him to come near the Presidency, and if he was not in their pocket and under their control, they would have already had someone put a bullet into his head and put another of their controlled sock puppets into the White House...... Therefore, what we have going on in America is just another charade just like other Presidential elections over the last few decades at least.... Drumpf will do exactly what his masters dictate and we will see that evidence clearly starting on January 21st....Well, I guess I have rambled on long enough already.... I plan to pop a few Vitamin C tablets, some oil of Oregano, have a cup of tea with honey, and try to fight off this damned head cold..... In the meantime, I will close this week's rant with my usual last minute tidbits to cover some other topics that I may have missed.......Yes, I am disgusted by how the US Congress has obediently dismissed the UN resolution in support of Palestine so blatantly.  But what would you expect from a bunch of Jew butt kissing traitors?  I hope the American people finally have taken notice as to exactly who runs their nation with that act of treason.........Economy here in Canada is coming to a standstill as I had predicted. Now that the Christmas "consumer" season is over, the real sad state of our economy is finally rearing its ugly head, and the next few months will be horrendous here in Canada.  And yes, it is getting bad here in Canada, but it pains in comparison to what is happening in America.  Will Drumpf make the difference come January 20th?  I doubt it.............I see the criminal US government is wanting to give the green light to moving their embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem as part of their plan to support Israel officially declaring Jerusalem as their capitol.  This is horrendous and I can guarantee the Arabic people, and especially the Palestinians will not take this well at all. It in fact could trigger a brand new war, which the goddamn Israelis insanely want!.........Again, I have to wonder why there is not more outcry in the state of California over their own crooked government in Sacramento ok'ing no criminal charges for child prostitution.  Are those idiots that stupid to not see that this will open the door for every sick pedophilia lunatic in America to want to now move to California and practice their sickness there with no criminal charges?  Has our society become this corrupt?...........Someone again last week asked me why I do not write about the Jewish Holocaust of World War II to expose it as a fraud?  I simply cannot at this stage of the game due to my living in Canada, where it is illegal to even "question" that "official history" without possibly getting jail time. But I will state once again that since real research and investigation is "taboo" on that subject, we should all be questioning WHY?  And yes, the answer is because a certain group is wanting to prevent the real truth about that "holocaust" from being made public.......I see that FINALLY some news is coming out exposing the horrendous famine situation that is ongoing in Yemen.  We can all thank the US once again for creating that crisis through their support of the brutal Saudi regime that wants to see that nation destroyed.......I see that the US is once again wanting to send troops back into Afghanistan.  But I thought they never left?  And of course we should all know by now that the "war" in Afghanistan was always about protecting the Opium poppy fields and to make sure the drugs flowed out of Afghanistan to markets around the world.   Yes, once again we fought on the wrong side in Afghanistan and against the wrong enemy..........OK, I used to like actor Mark Wahlberg, but now with his release of his phony "Patriots Day" movie this coming week to try to keep the bullshit lies about the bullshit Boston Bombing alive, I look at him as a sell out.  And for anyone that wants to watch that piece of pure bullshit propaganda?   Don't waste your money, unless you want to watch a piece of pure fiction.........I also continue to be under attack from the "Flat Earth" clowns out there.  I told these idiots to stop wasting my time for their comments are now in permanent spam.   I for one have long known that these idiots are there to "poison the well" and to divert peoples' attention with their nonsense.  It therefore has been easy to dismiss them and their antics.........Arsenal sits 5th now in the table with their piss poor play against Bournemouth last Tuesday, squeaking out a 3-3 draw.  I for one am troubled by their inconsistent play considering the talent on their team.  We will see if their play improves in the 2nd half of the season, for if not there will indeed be major changes in the off season......And finally, I will close this rant with my usual parting shots at the Kardashian family of idiots, misfits, and trolls.  Well, apparently my favourite target, Kim, finally broke her "silence" about that fraud robbery in Paris back in October.  I for one have long seen that "robbery" as a fraud and nothing more than "attention grabbing" for this skank, and therefore dismissed her "breaking of silence" as just another attention grabbing attempt.   And yet, most people will suck it all up and  have pity for this pathetic creature?   Yikes.  But as I have always said, for the strangest reason America has a "love in" for these disgusting trolls that I for one cannot figure out!  If someone has a sane answer for that, I am all ears.....More to comeNTS