Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, January 29th, 2017

 Yes... It is Sunday once again, and as usual like it or not, time for my weekly rant...I indeed got very sick over the last few days... I am one heck of a stubborn man and instead of doing the right thing and actually seeking some proper rest and possibly going to see a doctor, I decided to try to "tough it out" and keep popping alternative medications including Oil of Oregano... However,  on Thursday, things actually got worse as I got horrific headaches and soreness in my ears... By Friday, I had full blown earaches and my sinuses were so bad that I had a hard time breathing and even swallowing... I had to go and get it checked out, and lo and behold I was told I had a SEVERE throat infection coupled with both an ear and sinus infection.... I told the doctor about my history of bad sinuses thanks to my inheriting them from my mother, and he did not hesitate after checking out my symptoms in prescribing some Amoxycillin antibiotics.....Again, I am indeed a stubborn mule and I have long been one to be against the use of antibiotics except as a "last resort"... And what I had did indeed become a need for that "last resort".... I am presently still having massive headaches and a bit of a real scratchy sore throat, but the antibiotics are now kicking in, and the fever and earaches have now subsided.....  The only side effect that I do not like from these antibiotics is severe diarrhea (not something pleasant to talk about...) and real drowsiness..... I am glad that as of this morning I am on the full mend and able to sit down and do this rant!Well, temperatures here in the real central Canada (and not that place called Toronto) have returned to what is classified as "normal" for this being near the end of January.... The intense cold snap that plagued us here in these parts is at the moment "over", and I am crossing my fingers that we will not get some intense storms in the form of "Colorado lows" coming our way...... And yes, I still would love to have that idiot, Al Gore, and his gaggle of misfits and idiots come up here and see their lies about "Global Warming" aka "Climate Change" for themselves....One major development that I actually do want to applaud incoming President Drumpf about is how he has ordered his people to turn away from the Climate Change idiocy.... It does seem that Donald does indeed know the full truth that all of this "planet overheating" rhetoric from these idiots is absolute bullshit, and he is now refusing to further finance any new "Climate Change" regulations... I actually do applaud him for this, but sadly the idiot running this nation, Canada, is still wanting to go full steam ahead with his "Carbon Tax" fleecing of the Canadian people under the false belief that man made "Climate Change" is somehow real.... I am still hoping that the Canadian people do wake the fuck up and stop the Trudeau regime from pressing forward with their Carbon Tax fraud and simply point out how the US is squashing it!Well, it is indeed over one week now with Donald in control in Washington, and we have the good and bad with his new Presidency.... The best good news is of course the destruction of the Climate Change bullshit, the suspending of so many of that crook Barry Soetoro's last minute "executive orders" in his final days as President, the building of the wall to stop the illegal immigrants from flooding into the US via Mexico, and his wanting to pull the US out of BOTH that fraud Rothschild controlled NATO and the Rothschild Jewish controlled "UN".... Those and a few other steps are the good news, and hopefully he carries through with these promises and want to stop the madness..Now the bad news.... I for one have been deeply perturbed and angry at Donald's not yet understanding the real situation in Syria, and his wanting to impose fraud "safe zones" in that sovereign state.... Honestly, Donald cannot possibly be serious with this plan simply because there is NO WAY IN HELL another nation can try to impose their will or this type of action on another nation without creating a de facto declaration of war.... As I said in my article about this disgusting motion, these "safe zones" are a fraud and nothing more than creating "safe havens" for the US led criminal and evil "terrorist" groups that have always wanted Syria destroyed... And of course these "safe zones" would need some type of protection from outside interference which implies that the US military itself would have to "protect" these safe zones, which means US intervention and a full fledged war against Syria itself!   Honestly, this is a severe boneheaded move by the new US President, and I for one hope that when this action is fully examined, Donald will see the folly here and rescind this request...One other bad news is of course the US wanting to push ahead to have the US embassy in that psychotic state of Israel moved from the city of Tel Aviv illegally to the city of Jerusalem... This is another boneheaded idea, simply because Jerusalem is NOT the Jewish capitol and is supposed to be a "shared" city between the Palestinians and the criminal Israelis... This move would symbolically give the fraud Jews in their stolen land the idea that they have the support of the US having their eternal capitol as Jerusalem, which is something that the Palestinians could never allow and rightfully so..... Politically this move could create further madness and cause more Arab upheavals and possibly generate a brand new Middle Eastern war...... Again, I do hope that Donald examines this closely and sees the folly of this idea....I ran into so many people the last while that have come out and said "Donald Trump is no good"... And of course I ask these people again and again where they get their ideas about Donald from?  The answer is always from "the news", meaning the lying sacks of shit in the so called Jew spew media news outlets.... I have constantly told these people again and again to NEVER trust anything that they are seeing over their idiot boxes aka 'Talmudvisions' that have made it their policies to slam Drumpf at every opportunity.... The facts are that the Jew spew media has indeed their agenda, and that agenda appears to be full steam ahead  in destroying Drumpf at every chance they get.... And it is no wonder that people are turning off these idiots in droves...People are not stupid and they can clearly see who the liars are...OK, lets again get this straight... I am not yet sold on Drumpf, for I see him as being under Jewish control and with his Jewish 'son in law' that Jared Kushner, right there pulling on Donald's strings, the Jewish control does indeed continue.... This Jared Kushner to me is a Zionist Jewish scumbag and freak, who's only claim to fame is of course being married to Donald's daughter Ivanka (does not say much for good taste by her!) and he has indeed planted himself firmly in the party of Donald's closest advisors to make sure that Donald keeps that scumbag state of Israel's "best interests" first..... Therefore once again in spite of everyone thinking Donald as being different, the Jews are making sure that Donald is kept under their control...... We can always hope that Donald stops listening to his scumbag son in law, but that may be wishful thinking...Well... There is not much to report about the war in Syria other than the fact that the good guys are still winning and are making some inroads in their newest attempt to recapture the city of Palmyra from the US bought and paid for "terrorists" called "ISIS".... It has been a slow offensive that is indeed moving easterly and the city of Palmyra may be recaptured by early February... Elsewhere, the Syrian government forces are continuing to clear out fraud "rebel strongholds" near Damascus and have launched some new offensives in Aleppo province towards the city of Al Bab.... And the good news this week was that the attempts by the fraud "ISIS" to capture Deir Ezzor have failed and the Syrian army there has regained much of their initial losses.....AND we have reports that the US airforce that has until now been bombing Syrian government forces and Syrian infrastructure is now actually bombing "ISIS" targets instead! .... It does appear that with the changing of government in Washington any more talk of having Bashar al-Assad 'removed' from power and Syria destroyed may be finally at an end...... We will see clearly over the next while if Drumpf is indeed a man of his word and actually joins Russia in actually fighting these 'terrorists'!One thing that I did notice this last week have been the sudden reports coming out almost everywhere about the "humanitarian crisis" that is right now turning into a disaster in Yemen... All I can say is its about fucking time that the Jew spew media bastards and the criminal governments realized that their supporting of the criminal Saudi regime in their insane want to have Yemen subdued and its people genocided has indeed led to the massive outbreak of Famine that is now rampant across that innocent nation....The question now is it too late?  We are now witnessing thousands of people dying almost weekly from lack of food in that nation as the US and NATO have continued their illegal blockade of that nation in support of Saudi Arabia.... And obviously with NO food coming in, or actual food aid reaching the Yemen people, they are indeed now dying thanks to the US policies....I am crossing my fingers that Drumpf sees what is really happening here and stops this madness and shuts off the aid to the Saudis immediately! Well.... Many people have written me and commented to me asking what the heck has just happened with Whitewraithe quitting our long time partnership?   And her last article over at her Pragmatic Witness website was not exactly a glowing report about the relationship that her and I had over the last 10 years.... I was as puzzled as everyone else by her reaction, and in several follow up comments I tried to set the record straight... I will explain myself here as well...... Whitewraithe has been an emotional wreck for a very long time... Her not able to find some decent work coupled by the actions and inactions of her immediate family has left her not only emotionally drained, but has caused her to suffer from very deep depression.... I tried for years to be a sounding board as well as an emotional as well as periodically a financial supporter for her, but after all this time I was at wits end and finally had to tell her flat out that she needed to solve the issues herself and to do what was necessary where she was, in Tennessee, to work out her problems there.... I could never do much being some 1500 miles away and after 10 years, I had had enough.....  Lets get this straight...Whitewraithe is absolutely a brilliant lady being a logical woman which is a rarity, as well as very articulate and well spoken...But she has allowed her emotions to get the best of her, and again coupled with the actions of her own family, she became self destructive and I could no longer handle it.....Heck, what else could I do?  I am deeply saddened by the ending of our association, and I do hope that when she is able to finally get things straightened out at home, she will contact me... I will never slam her, and I will not turn her away....OK, I guess I have spewed along enough... I wanted to especially clear the air on what has happened with Whitewraithe in this rant and cross my fingers that she does understand where I stand.... Otherwise, it is once again time to touch on so many of those other subjects on everyone's minds in my closing "Last Minute Tidbits".......I see that on top of everything else, Donald Drumpf is now going full steam ahead on those major pipeline building projects that were "shelved" by his predecessor.  I say good for Donald, and to hell with the bullshit "environmentalists" that are now up in arms about these pipelines!............Drumpf wants to have an investigation into the voting fraud from the 2016 Elections, and the Jew spew media is all against it.  Therefore the investigation must take place for the simple reason that the LIARS in the Jew spew media are dead against it! Hopefully that investigation shows how all those 4-5 MILLION illegal immigrants in California were even allowed to vote and miraculously all voted for Killary Clinton!......I see that the British Government is NOT listening to the will of the British people and is now stopping at nothing to prevent the "Brexit" from the fraud Rothschild controlled European Union.  Hopefully the British people wake up to this atrocity by their own government and give them the heave ho...........I saw a disturbing report that the food chain in the North Pacific Ocean is now in full collapse and local officials have had the nerve to "not understand" why this disaster is happening.  I have one simple word for them to understand here: FUKUSHIMA........Democratic Congresswoman, Tulsi Gabbard, went to Syria over the last month on a fact finding mission for herself to get the truth about the real situation in Syria.  And she came home and told it straight to the criminals in Washington and the liars in the Jew spew media that it is absolutely the fraud terrorists that are doing all the death and destruction there.  Hopefully, Drumpf is indeed listening to what this intelligent woman has to say!.......Drumpf also wants to make the US military "great again" and is pursuing a massive amount of new money to be spent on upgrading the US military.  Many ask where the money will come from, and I say that the wasted 1.5 TRILLION dollar POS F35 fighter program should be scrapped and the money spent there could work nicely...........I see the numb skulls in the California legislature are wanting now to 'secede' from the US due to Drumpf in the White House.  This is a laugher, considering how much US federal money is so heavily invested in California and that some of California's power comes from other states.  Honestly, this is just more US liberal cry babies at work and this 'secession' is nothing but a bad joke........OK, just this last week we had another fake "terrorist" (?) attack, this time in Melbourne Australia, where a "radical" driver did some "donuts" in the middle of one of Melbourne's busiest squares on a Friday afternoon and supposed "ran over" some 3-4 pedestrians.  Luckily, Peekay Truth and others have been all over this latest fraud, and it again is absolutely a pure piece of bullshit garbage.  However, I do wonder what the crooks and liars in Canberra will now do to the Aussie people as a result of this "attack"?..........Quietly, the Jewish scumbag bankers are trying to take cash out of the equation for everyone's day to day transactions.  Hopefully people are becoming more aware of this insidious plot, for if these criminals take away cash for transactions, then they will indeed control the planet through their fraud credit and debt system with NO cash as a valid and real back up!.......Yet another reason to hate the lie called "Facebook".  Supposedly its founder, that Jewish Mossad agent Zuckerberg, has just tried to impose his tribal will on the people living in Hawaii by having his multi million dollar mansion built on Hawaiian sacred grounds.  Luckily the people of Hawaii have not put up with this criminal's horseshit actions and all of his plans to seize the land have fallen apart now.  Yes, how do you like your "Facebook" now, you brainless saps?..........NO Premiere League games until this Tuesday.  Arsenal is now in 2nd place and only looking up to leading Chelsea.  16 Games left and I am still crossing my fingers that they can take the title...... And with NO soccer this week for me, I have been asked about the 'big game" coming up between Atlanta Falcons and New England Patriots.  I would like to see Atlanta take Super Bowl LI, but I would not be upset by New England being victorious just to see Roger Goddell have to give the Lombardi Trophy to Brady and Bellicheck considering his actions against them in that laughable "deflate gate" fiasco..... And finally, I guess I will take my usual shot at the ridiculous Kardashians and their insanity.  The Paparazzi are once again focusing on Kim this last week and had some pictures of her sunbathing showing off her "perfect body".  I say that if anyone spent as much money on plastic surgery to keep their bodies in perfect shape, then they too could look as great as this skank.  Yes, America spins around these fakes and frauds, and sometimes I do wonder if the reports on these trollops and misfits is the real interpretation of "Fake News"?Well, back to my medicine and some rest..... Again, I do hate to use antibiotics, but in this case I had no choice...More to comeNTS