Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, January 24th, 2016

 Sunday... And time again for my weekly rant..I have of course been listening to some of the news coming over the Jew spew media outlets over the last few days about the so called "storm of the century" that is presently pounding the American east coast... Yes, blizzard like conditions have hit all the way from the New England states south to the Carolinas.... It is so surprising, especially when we have that escapee from clown college, Al Gore, and his misfit minions out there still proclaiming that the world is some how "heating up" and snow was supposedly to be a thing of the past already.... I am still shaking my head too when I hear all the reports stating that 2015 was the "hottest year on record" which is such a lie that I cannot even understand how they can possibly make such a claim without having their own heads explode... But in the meantime the Americans right now living on the eastern seaboard are finally seeing the winter that strangely went missing over the last few months... Winter is indeed back with a vengeance, and what we are witnessing should hopefully put the fraudsters behind the "Climate Change" aka "Global Warming" crowd finally out of their misery..... The facts are that the planet is in fact cooling and we will see more and more of these brutally cold and miserable winters for the next decade at least due to our Sun, Sol, heading to what is called a 'solar minimum' and a diminished output of solar radiation....Over the last while I have been watching the economy here in Canada turn dismal to say the least.. Yes, food prices here in central Canuckeheadistan (Yes I tend to call Canada the land of the Canuckleheads these days....) skyrocket due to the vast difference now between the shrinking Canadian dollar in comparison to the almighty US greenback.....  What people need to understand is that the demise of the Canadian dollar and the collapse of the overall Canadian economy does indeed have a lot to do with the fall of the price of Petroleum.... One thing that few Canadians are being told is that the Canuckleheads that ran our government in the late 90's to early 2000's made a trade deal with the United States that guaranteed shipment of some 3.5 MILLION barrels of Petroleum from the "tar sands" of Alberta to the United States at "world trading prices"... It was a windfall for Canada all through the early 2000's and up until two years ago when Petroleum was well over $100 US a barrel at world market prices, especially when the price to produce one barrel of "Syncrude" oil from the Alberta tar sands was easily above $60 US.... BUT fast forward to 2015-2016 and prices of a barrel of Petroleum has now collapsed to around $27 US a barrel, while the cost to produce a barrel from the tar sands actually has risen to around $75 a barrel... BUT, and this is a huge BUT... Canada is still committed by treaty to send those 3.5 MILLION barrels of Petroleum stateside on a daily basis at world price of now ...$27 a barrel!   Therefore, and anyone can do the math.. Canada is losing some $48 a barrel for each barrel produced, and therefore is bleeding our  economy daily at the rate of some $140 MILLION dollars in lost revenue for its commitment to US exports!   We are talking almost $1 BILLION dollars a week that Canada has had to lose (some claim that certain factors are now in play and the loss is not that great...) because of a trade deal that had no protection if Petroleum prices went bad...... THIS is why Canada's economy is now going to hell in a hand basket, and we can see it here in Canada with all the new articles about the plight of people living in Alberta itself.....  And here we have so many "experts" saying that Canada's economy is not based on Petroleum?  These so called "experts" to me are either fools or idiots.....I came across some material from Jim Stone's website just the other day that has caused me to really shake my head in disgust... It appears that Jim has been taking some major shots at everyone that knows that NASA has lied its ass off during the 1960's to 1970's with their very fraudulent man on the moon missions, saying that we are all nuts, fools, and/or idiots for saying that they were a fraud... I sat down yesterday and read all his material, and I figure I would again show where Jim is most definitely wrong on this one....Jim's major sticking point that he has been using again and again in his articles is that the Van Allen radiation belts are "easily traversed" and that there is no danger from radiation.... Knowing what I do know and especially reading the massive amount of material sent my way a few years back from Jarrah White out of Australia (Grandson of the Apollo Moon Hoax, and author of the "Moonfaker" series of Youtube videos) concerning a report put forward by EE Kovalev, who worked for the Soviet Union's Space Medicine department, to a Dr Groening from the Ontario Canada Department of Energy back in 1983 concerning the Soviet Union's own tests of the strength of the Van Allen belts (which I usually call a barrier) over the decades of the 1960s to 1980s, I would say that Jim Stone is absolutely positively WRONG when it comes to the notion that the belts are easily transversed by living organisms... EE Kovalev showed in his reports (and yes I have seen them all.. Jarrah actually sent me via email copies of the reports in 2009...) that the belts were in fact much more dangerous than even what Van Allen had conjectured.. The strength of the inner belts (belt A) showed an average rate of exposure of some 500 rad/hour and the outer belts (belt B) showed a much higher rate from above 1000 rad/hour to well over 10000 rad/hour... Any living organism that is not either less susceptible to radiation or was not heavily shielded would get such a massive dose of radiation for going through these belts that sickness and even death would quickly follow....  Jim Stone says that NASA's own astro-NOTS wore "dosimeters" that showed an exposure for their entire journey through and back from the moon of some 0.40 rad maximum... Knowing what I know about how much NASA lies, and the only source to back up the Astronaut's claims about radiation exposure comes from NASA itself, I would honestly ask if we can trust NASA at all?Yes, certain organisms can withstand the radiation of the Van Allen belts... The Russians ran many tests with lesser organisms, and certain creatures such as Turtles had a higher endurance to the radiation than many other animals... But humans?  Forget it.....One thing too that is never told about testing endurance of living organisms in the Van Allen belts is how the United States ran a series of tests during 1969 by sending several monkeys into the belts... In fact on June 28th, 1969, the United States sent up a "biosatellite" carrying a small 14 pound monkey into low Earth orbit, though an elliptical one, to test the animal's endurance in the lower Van Allen radiation belt A".... But few people know the result of the test, but the information is available online... And yes, it was a dismal failure.. The monkey died.... Many reports say that it was from "respiratory failure" and "dehydration", and yet many believe that it was due to damage from radiation exposure..... Yes, 3 weeks before the vaunted Apollo 11 launch to send a "man to the moon" the US was indeed STILL testing the radiation of the belts and to see if an organism can survive... It does make one wonder that if the tests did show that the belts were dangerous and organisms similar to humans cannot survive, then how in the hell could NASA get away with still sending men to the "moon" even though they knew that they could not guarantee the astronaut's survival?  Those "astronauts" must have either been suicidal, or they knew they were not going at all!But Jim Stone is so far off on so many other factors.. He also misses the fact that the radiation is deadly not only in the belts but on the moon itself.... Our moon has NO perceivable atmosphere at all, and therefore anyone standing on the surface of that rock would be exposed to massive amounts of interstellar as well as solar radiation..... There is no shield like we have with our own atmosphere.... What would happen if an astronaut was on the lunar surface if and when a solar flare erupted on our Sun and sent MeV and GeV particles at near the speed of light to hit the moon?   Again, they were not shielded by those "space suits" that offered NO radiation protection at all..... And their Lunar Excursion Module?  Do not make me laugh.. For that contraption also did not have proper shielding (if anyone says that thin Aluminum offers protection.. Look up how Aluminum actually fragments when bombarded by high speed radioactive particles... Protection my ass...) and they would fry from exposure to flares and cosmic rays in that flimsy piece of crap as well...... Oh, by the way.. Did I also mention that the moon is so heavily irradiated by cosmic rays and solar radiation that it actually glows in X-ray light?  Yes, lunar orbiting missions and even Earth based telescopes have shown that to be fact.. Therefore try standing on the surface of another world with no atmosphere, no shielding from solar and interstellar radiation, and have the very ground that you are standing on irradiate your body.. Sounds wonderful, doesn't it?And of course here we have the moon again with no atmosphere and therefore no protection from the space particles whizzing around and hitting the lunar surface at some 10 miles per second speed, which is faster than a speeding bullet... OK, what protection did these "astronauts" have from THOSE particles?  NONE!   A particle the size of a grain of sand traveling at some 10 miles a second would go right through our beloved astronauts standing on the lunar surface... Even if an astronaut was to survive the bombardment, his space suit would have been compromised and he would be dead within a minute... And what about the good ol' LEM again... Particles would go through that contraption and blow huge holes in it making it unusable and make survivability for the Astronauts impossible.....  Is it no wonder that when the original ideas were discussed by scientists and the people of NASA for putting men on the moon that many concluded that they could not stand on the lunar surface at all and would have to go underground.. Not only to endure the radiation but to avoid being bombarded by small meteors that are constantly blasting the lunar surface above....But do not get me started about the other factors that blow so many holes in Project Apollo that even Jim Stone has missed... What about the massive temperature fluctuations on the moon?   And how did the Astronauts prance around on the Lunar surface in temperatures approaching some 250 degrees fahrenheit without a proper cooling system?   The facts are that right here on good old Earth, we have an atmosphere and any residual heat is taken off of our bodies by convection and conduction.... BUT again there is no atmosphere on the moon and therefore the heat from the Astronauts themselves as well as the 250 degree heat hitting their space suits had to be taken away from their bodies by Radiation using a medium to radiate the heat into space.. The best medium is of course water, and supposedly the claim is that NASA had a series of tubes in the suits that transported the heat off of the astronaut via water and back into their back packs... But where then did all that heat go once it got back into those units?  The heat could not just simply build up in the life support packs that the astronauts carried, for that would cause a severe overheating of the system and a breakdown...Therefore the heat had to be expelled out of the suits.... BUT we see no expulsion of that heat carrying water at all in ANY of the videos of the clowns as they prance around on the lunar surface at all..... Honestly, watch the videos, for I have, and you see absolutely no spray of hot water leaving the life support systems that we all should see.....Of course the biggest factor that I have found that proves the moon landings to be false is the audio problem, especially the delay that would occur in communications between the Earth and the moon... I must point out that some of my expertise is in communications, and I have been looking closely at the problem right here on Earth when it comes to audio/video communication with anyone right here on this planet from over 1/2 way around the globe... Audio/video communication is done through bouncing the signal off of satellites sitting in geo-synchronous orbit above our planet some 23500 miles up.... And consider the fact that the speed of light is still 186,200 miles per second, there will always be a DELAY with audio response back and forth as the signal gets delayed at least anywhere from 1/4 to 1/2 a second dependant on its relay through these satellites around the Earth... Watch closely when the Jew spew media outlets talk to their correspondents from around the world and you can hear and see the delay before the correspondent responds to a question.... Now switch over to talking from the Earth to the Moon,and the delay is more pronounced... The moon is still some 240000 miles away, and therefore the audio/video delay is some 1.25 seconds at least ONE way.... Therefore the response to a question coming from Houston on Earth to the astro-NOTs standing on the lunar surface would be well over 3 seconds (1.25 seconds each way and some delay for response...)... And yet as you watch the videos in especially Apollos 15, 16, and 17, there is almost NO delay in response either way between the clowns on the Moon and mission control on Earth!   THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE.... No one or no device can exceed the speed of light and transmission delays in Earth-Moon transmissions must always be present.... The lack of delay proves that these clowns are NOT on the Lunar surface, period, end of story right here.....I have also discussed many times in previous articles the big problem with the "Saturn 5" rocket that to me was always a dud and was in actuality severely underpowered..... Bill White who worked with Bill Kaysing in exposing the lies of Project Apollo worked on the Saturn 5 and said clearly years ago that the Saturn 5 was a spectacular failure and stated that the criminals behind NASA during the Apollo launches injected kerosene into the J5 rocket housings to make the launch look "more spectacular" for the viewing audience, when in reality the engines barely had enough power to lift the contraption off the ground...Bill Kaysing himself may be right in his conjectures that NASA launched the Saturn 5's and had them all crash into the south Atlantic Ocean out of sight from the spectators sitting there at Cape Canaveral watching the launch..... Basically I also doubt if few if any of these machines actually achieved low earth orbit at all!   And is it not remarkable that shortly after the last "Apollo mission" the entire Saturn 5 rocket program was quickly scrapped!  Honestly, why?  If the Saturn 5 was so successful then it would have made the perfect launch platform for even the future shuttle missions and saved US taxpayers billions of dollars... And again, the entire program gets scrapped shortly after Apollo ends?  Something definitely stinks to high heaven here.....Jim Stone's biggest argument about the moon landings being real has always been to say that the 'telemetry' proves the landings as real... Well, guess what?  ALL of the records of the "telemetry" have gone mysteriously "missing" over the last few decades and all other records that could prove the "telemetry" have also mysteriously disappeared or have been "erased" as well.... Here is what even Wikipedia says about the "missing tapes" and the strange happenings behind the search for them here!  And what the liars at NASA say about their missing tapes here.  Notice how in each report how NASA purposely does their usual "run around" with their 'search' for the missing tapes.  And of course they now say that they have "recovered" some of them while others (especially the key telemetry information) is still missing......No shock to me at all that the telemetry tapes have disappeared, considering the fact that the criminals behind NASA do indeed know full well the telemetry information from the Apollo missions, if made accessible to the public, would indeed prove the landings as legit....And yet the records are either gone, or NASA is stonewalling any investigations into their disappearance... How convenient is that?  But Jim stands firm that "the telemetry proves the moon landings" and yet there are no telemetry records?  Come on, Jim!One other thing that Jim Stone does show are the supposed pictures of all the "landing sites" that were supposedly taken by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter from a few years ago... But again, there have been so many photo experts that have looked at those and called bull shit immediately... They claim that the so called 'landers' that we see in the photos are indeed done by poor PHOTOSHOPPING where the pixels were removed or doctored.... And again considering that the LRO was another NASA vehicle, and that the pictures only come from NASA itself which has a history of lying its ass off, honestly need I say more?Look, I am not here to bash Jim Stone for what he strongly believes in... But Jim has already caught himself when it comes to NASA and their fraud Mars Mission rovers, especially the fact that the rovers are absolutely not on Mars at all, but are conveniently right here on Earth and taking their "Mars" pictures from that island in the Canadian Arctic..... Jim admits in his previous articles that NASA has indeed been playing shenanigans with their Mars missions, and yet knowing they have been lying their asses off about Mars for decades now he cannot see that NASA has always been lying, and that Apollo is one of their scams?   Come on, Jim!I will give credit where credit is due.. Jim Stone has been so right about so much that has been happening on our sick world... His exposure of the false flag attacks, the criminal Jewish control over our planet, and especially his exposure of how these ultra psychotic criminals had stolen that Malaysian flight 370 aircraft, murdered all the passengers on board, and then reused it for their Malaysian flight MH17 false flag fiasco a few years ago is priceless and a must read... But  Jim has been wrong before and he has  corrected his mistakes many times... It may take some time for him to finally come around and realize that we have all been had by NASA for decades and their Project Apollo is part of that charade... I for one have known full well that Project Apollo is a massive lie and swindle when I was told flat out by several Physicists (yes, I do have a background in Physics, lo and behold for those who do not know...)back in my college days in 1979 about the lie and why NASA and the US Government did the hoax... It is only 37 years later and there are still  may out there that actually believe it to be real.. Jim will come around, eventually as well.......One thing that I will make clear here is that there are indeed clowns out there in the so called "flat earth" group that have taken NASA's lies about space travel much too far and I again see them as disinformation agents... I will make it perfectly clear that manned space travel is possible and has been going on for decades.. BUT man cannot go much above low earth orbit due to the dangers of radiation in space.... And again, the Earth is NOT FLAT as those escapees from clown college continue to promote... This planet is the same as all other planets in our solar system and it is indeed round, though not perfectly round due to a slight flattening at the poles.... I again urge people to be weary of the 'flat earth' clowns for they are doing a severe disservice to everyone and I look upon them as part of the game to try to make myself and others look like idiots..... I am not fooled, and I hope that others are not as well.....OK, enough of all that space stuff.... I have already exhausted almost all of this rant taking a few shots at Jim Stone's latest claims, and there indeed has been so much else happening in our sick world... I will do my best to discuss many of those key issues right here in my usual "last minute tidbits"........WHY are the American people not up in arms and not even aware of their own government's outright escalation of the civil war in Syria?  The US has very much invaded Syria and is right now operating an airbase in northeastern Syria illegally, and yet there is little outcry!  Yes, the US is once again escalating the situation there and will do anything to protect their sham of "ISIS" at all cost........The good news out of Syria continues as the good guys, the Syrian government forces, are continuing their advance into the eastern provinces.  With Aleppo now almost totally freed of danger from the "rebels" and "ISIS", the good guys are now attacking the area around Palmyra and moving against ISIS "strongholds" in the east.  It is therefore no wonder the US is so desperate that they are now directly intervening in the conflict......I honestly have to understand why in the hell the US has now been trying to impose new "sanctions" against Iran considering the fact that Iran has kept their part in the nuclear deal that was just concluded?  It seems that the Jewish power that runs America and the psycho state of Israel itself still want to see Iran destroyed, deal or no deal!......The illegal migrant crisis continues in Europe.  But now it seems that many of the "migrants", after having their fill of raping women and destroying so much of Europe's infrastructure, are complaining that Europe is "too cold" with winter settling in, and many want to go home.  I say, good riddance and get the hell back to where you all belong......Another false flag happened over a week ago in Burkina Faso, and everyone must be asking "why Burkina Faso?".  Well, it seems that west African nation is again mineral rich and of course the US/NATO criminal cabal wants those riches for themselves.  Yes, rather than actually try to make trade deals with a small nation such as Burkina Faso, these criminals find it easier to find excuses to invade and just steal the resources instead......Well, surprise, surprise, for that standoff at Burns, Oregon, at that ranch is indeed showing signs of a provocation by the US Government.  More and more evidence has come out that the "militants" who are trying to stir up trouble have indeed been hired hitmen by the US Government itself.  Why am I not shocked?  I pointed out over a week ago that this Burns Oregon fiasco is a set up, and I have found nothing to prove me wrong......OK, I again must ask the big question here: WHY is that mass murdering freak of nature, Hillary Rodham Bligh (again, look it up, the Clinton clan changed their names from Bligh to Clinton a long time ago...) NOT in jail for her crimes against humanity.  Not only is that foul creature a murderer, but from her own emails, she is an outright traitor to the American nation itself.  But again, only in America can a mass murdering freak and traitor possibly become the President....... Yes, the love in with Donald Drumpf (Trump) continues.   There have been so many that have said that I am "wrong" about Trump, but I have found so little yet that does prove me wrong about calling Trump a Jew lackey.  Honestly, does anyone with actual common sense think that the Jewish power elite would surrender their control over America if Drumpf gets "selected"?  Give your heads a shake........A mysterious "Influenza virus" is ravaging Russia and much of eastern Europe and Asia right now, and I have to wonder if this is indeed another "bioweapon" produced by the US itself made to target Russia.  Would the US government do such a thing?  Absolutely.........Lead poisoned water in Flint Michigan still in the headlines, and I do wonder if things are that bad in Flint, then what about all the other water supplies across the US and even here in Canada?  Exactly how "safe" is our Fluoride laced drinking water at all?..........Yes, the war against the impoverished nation of Yemen continues unabated.  New reports show that the Saudis are being aided by both the US and the UK in their bombing campaigns against innocent civilians.  But what would you expect considering how the US and the UK seem to always suck up to the criminal House of Saud that brutally runs Saudi Arabia......Some economists are calling this fall in our economies only a "correction" and I do wonder what those clowns are smoking?  The coming weeks will show exactly how bad things will get, and I do hope that everyone has done at least a little preparation for a possible collapse......... Arsenal plays the Chelsea Blues this morning, and I am hoping for a Gunner victory in spite of the fact the Gunners have not beaten the Blues outright in almost 5 years.   Crossing my fingers........ Someone asked me what I predict to be the outcome for today's American NFL football games.  I am a soccer fan, but I will give it a shot.  I see the Patriots of New England over the Broncos of Denver,  and the Panthers of Carolina in a tight one over the Cardinals of Arizona.  No idea yet on Super Bowl L in two more weeks though........And finally, even though I missed out on so much other news, it is time again for what most people wait for, my look at America's lovable "family", the Kardashians. Well, it appears that there is no news from these skanks and trollops this week, thank goodness.  I could always dream that they all got trapped by that huge blizzard hitting the American east coast, disappear and are never seen or heard of again.  I can dream, can't I?   Yes it is wishful thinking and they will be around for a while yet to fill most American heads with crud....More to comeNTS