Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, January 22nd, 2017

 It is Sunday once again, and again time for my weekly rant...We FINALLY have had a reprieve from the intense cold that has gripped this part of central Canada for the last few weeks....Over the last week we have had daytime temperatures rise to above normal for this time of year which is typical for January in these parts of Canada... And again this does NOT prove man caused "Climate Change" to be real by a long shot... In fact temperatures are again expected to fall and will be below normal for the end of January right through to mid February....One good piece of news with this "Global Warming" aka "Climate Change" fraud is the fact that incoming US President Donald Drumpf has already taken steps to halt the fraud in its tracks.... Apparently he is prepared to take the US out of all of these "Climate Change" accords and kill the Paris agreements for "carbon reductions" in America... This is indeed great news and shows that at least ONE world leader is not suckered in by the bullshit of "Climate Change"..However, up here in Canada, apparently it is still full steam ahead as the Justin Trudeau regime is all set to impose their fraud "carbon taxation" on the Canadian people as predicted.. In fact, in some Canadian provinces that "tax" is already in play and some Canadians are indeed paying dearly for that folly and being fleeced..... One example that I have not talked about until now is how a couple in Alberta was recently sent a bill for $100 Canadian for "carbon taxes" from having one of their dead relatives cremated!   Rather than pay that outrage, they went to the Canadian media and that action forced the funeral home that charged that outlandish "carbon tax" fraud to back peddle and the bill was 'adjusted' to only a $10 "carbon tax" for that cremation!   But even that $10 charge is outlandish and nothing but a criminal fleecing..... And it is only the prelude for things to come for all of Canada....Yes, President Drumpf is now the 45th President of the United States, and in spite of the rhetoric from the liars in the Jew spew media that his inauguration would be a disaster, it went off with very few problems... All of the talk of riots and demonstrations fizzled out, and a near record crowd of well wishers did indeed flock to Washington DC to watch his swearing in.... And to top that off, one of Drumpf's first orders of business was indeed to freeze the so called 'Obamacare" fraud health act that has already ruined so many American lives.... Drumpf is indeed keeping several of his promises that he made during his campaign, and we will see over the next while if he does keep all the other promises in his attempt to "make America Great again"....I have had some commentators say that my calling Trump "Drumpf" is wrong and that I should call him by his proper last name... I again will state that Drumpf has always been his family's true last name and that the name was changed to "Trump" back in the early part of the last century,  most probably due to a lot of anti-German hysteria that had gripped America at that time.... I will state that I will indeed start calling him "Trump" if he does live up to his hype and actually makes many of the changes for the better for all of America... I am not yet sold on this person being the great saviour that most Americans truly want to believe since we have all heard this rhetoric about previous Presidents being the ones to solve America's woes and in each case, other than President Kennedy, turned out to be nothing more than slaves and minions for criminal Jewish interests.....OK, Did I watch the inauguration?  Yes, and what I did find disgusting was how the Jew spew media took every opportunity to try to shoot down Drumpf and to try to picture him as corrupt and a danger to America.... Even up here in Canada, the so called "news" was taking pot shots at Drumpf at every opportunity and to try to picture his incoming Presidency as doomed to failure.... It was indeed disgusting, but everyone must remember that the Jewish elite does indeed control the media and they will continue to blast away at Drumpf to try to brainwash people into the belief that he should not be the President..... BUT as Buelahman has said, this again may be part of the big game that these criminals are playing, and that their plan has always been to have their man, Drumpf, in the White House..... I again must point out that no one for over the last 1/2 century has been in the Oval Office without the seal of approval from the Jewish power elite, and if any of their minions as President was to ever turn against them, they would simply have him or her assassinated..... I still say that it will be wait and see for everyone to see exactly what Drumpf does stand for....Well, the news out of Syria is still a mixed bag.... The good guys, the Syrian government forces are now on the offensive again in their newest attempt to recapture the city of Palmyra.... That is good news... The bad news is that the eastern Syrian stronghold of Deir Ezzor, that has been surrounded by fraud "ISIS" forces for a few years now, has been under constant attack by these frauds and the pocket of Syrian forces in that stronghold have been under siege for the last week.... Apparently "ISIS" is trying to make up for their loss of Aleppo by having that pocket destroyed... But the Syrians have been holding firm, have been receiving resupplies from airdrops, and have now pushed the fraud "ISIS" forces back..... Coupled with the impending recapture of Palmyra that will probably happen as early as this coming week, these are more defeats for the criminal US/Israel/NATO cabal in their vain attempts to have Syria destroyed...And of course with the change in administration in Washington DC, there has indeed been many of these "rebel" strongholds across Syria now willing to surrender or seek amnesty with the Syrian government forces.... Apparently as I stated before these fraud "rebels" are now fully aware that incoming President Drumpf will not give them the massive support that the outgoing criminal President Soetoro was so willing to give..... Again, we will see how President Drumpf does indeed handle the situation in Syria and if his administration finally puts an end to US support for the fraud terrorists and rebels that have been destroying that innocent nation and killing so many civilians in the process...I have been a bit perturbed by what I have been seeing in the so called 'truth movement' over the last while, and some of the problems stem from some of most esteem members calling on others to end their usage of anonymity... They are claiming that for some members, including myself, to remain mostly anonymous is hurting our efforts against the Jews..... I say they are wrong, for the basic fact that it has indeed been our ability to remain anonymous that has allowed us to  be able to come forward with our information and to tell the world the truth, without the repercussions against us or our families if these criminals knew who we are... One prime example is of course myself, as a Canadian... If the Jewish criminals and their minions knew exactly who I am and what I do for a living, I would be basically toast.. These monsters would attempt to destroy my family and my livelihood and would go all out to see me labeled by the Jewish controlled Jew spew media as a "hater" and of course the big lie of being an "antisemite".....And as a Canadian, I need only point out how some great Canadians were already destroyed because these Jewish pricks knew exactly who they were... The biggest prime example would be Ernst Zundel..... And even today, I only need to point out how Arthur Topham has had his life turned into a living hell by these Jewish pricks, and in a large part due to them knowing exactly who he is!   Therefore, for some of the "leaders" in this movement to call those who wish to remain anonymous "cowards" is foolish and without logical reasoning...Apparently the knuckleheads in the "flat earth" society are at it again, and have tried to target me for my stance that they are indeed fools and idiots... I keep on telling them that if the shoe fits, then they wear it so well.... I again am not going to hold any punches back with those rejects from clown college, and again must point out that the entire 'flat earth" scheme has indeed been a ploy by the US government to discredit the alternative media... The "flat earth" clowns have mostly been out there to "poison the well" so to speak mainly in the exposure of the lies of NASA and their faked Apollo Moon missions..... Many have had the nerve to claim that mankind never went to the moon simply because the 'world is flat', which of course is an attempt to discredit the moon hoax movement...  I again will state clearly that these clowns should be avoided at all cost, and I will continue to reject any of their comments made to my articles at this site... I have no time for fools and idiots...Well, for a change I decided to make this rant for this week just a bit shorter than usual.... The primary focus of so much attention this last week was of course the inauguration of the newest US President,and so much news elsewhere was put on the 'back burner'.... But of course, I will once again touch on many of those important subjects right here in my usual closing "last minute tidbits".......The war in Yemen is continuing unabated and of course the reality of that conflict is once again missing from the Jew spew media.  The Saudis are NOT winning this war and the Yemen people are still fighting while a true humanitarian crisis in the form of a massive famine is now unfolding.  And of course we can thank the US government for creating that crisis.  There is hope that incoming President Drumpf will put an end to the US support for Saudi Arabia and actually alleviate the crisis, but all we can do is of course wait and see...........I have not reported on the continuing disaster out of Fukushima Japan for a while, but there is nothing new to report other than the disaster is NOT under control and still going as strong as ever.  The net result of inaction for the last almost 5 years now has been to witness the slow death of the north Pacific Ocean due to radioactive nucleotides released from the failed reactors.  It will again be "wait and see" if incoming President Drumpf's administration turns any of its attention to this calamity or continues the policy of "nothing to see here"..........New medical reports have come out over the last two weeks showing a definitive link between the chemicals in vaccines to the catastrophic rise in cases of Autism across the globe.  All I can say here is "Its about time!" and remind everyone to avoid taking any vaccines into their bodies at all cost........A report states that the criminal Jewish Rothschild family of thieves has more wealth than 75% of the entire planet.  I wonder if you will ever see THAT truth from the mouths of the liars in the Jew spew media..........Now that Drumpf is the President, I do wonder what will be done with all those US and criminal NATO forces that were "rushed" to the Russian Federation border, expecting a nice little war with Russia before the inauguration?  Honestly, what a stupid waste of time, money, and idiocy!.......Maybe one good reason to like Drumpf as President is because Dr. Evil himself, George Soros, apparently absolutely hates his guts. Hey, anyone that Soros hates must be someone to like right?........I do wonder now with Drumpf in the White House, if that crooked murderous freak, Killary Clinton, will indeed be finally investigated for her crimes against humanity?  We can only hope and cross our fingers.  This traitor and murderous does indeed deserve to rot in hell for her crimes.........OK, how do we sum up the 8 years that America has suffered under President Barry Soetoro?  Lets just say that I was right in saying good riddance to bad rubbish, and it may take years to undo the damage that homosexual freak did during his tenure.........I do wonder that now that Barry is not in the White House any more, if his boyfriend Michael will finally come out of the closet?  Maybe now America is ready for the shocking truth about the former so called "first lady"?.....Well,  I finally spoke to Whitewraithe just the other day.  She is still much the same and suffering from some depression from not being able to secure any decent employment over the last year.  And sadly she has decided to end our joint efforts until she is able to find improvement in her personal life.....  Hopefully with the changes that Drumpf is wanting to make,things will improve for both her and other Americans in much the same financial state of despair..........Arsenal played Burnley and won by the score of  2-1 this morning...That and with Tottenham tying Manchester City yesterday, the Gunners moved into 2nd place in the table as of today, with only Chelsea ahead of them.  Many key games are yet to come and I am still crossing my fingers that the Gunners can overtake Chelsea and win the championship..........OK, I guess I will close this shortened rant for this week with my usual look at the rejects known as the Kardashians.  This week we find skank #2 Khloe supposedly rumoured to be spending time with Cleveland Cavalier's centre Tristan Thompson.  All I can say to Tristan is to run, and I do mean run as fast as you can away from that trollop.  Getting involved with those rejects has destroyed so many lives, and this man would be a fool to be involved with such a piece of garbage.  But once again, most Americans have their lives revolve around this family of misfits, and it shows how America is indeed a failed nation that so badly does need to be rebuilt.  Drumpf does indeed have his work cut out for him to make America great again....More to comeNTS