Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, February 5th, 2017

 Well, Sunday again... And time again for my weekly rant...Lets be clear.. My last article taking a shot at the ridiculous "flat earth" idiots out there was meant exactly to take a shot at these flat earth idiots.... I have long been perplexed as to how the idea that the Earth was flat was actually put out of its misery decades and even centuries ago, and yet now we have these fools magically appearing from almost out of nowhere once again trying to change science and astronomy.... I have long said that this sudden rise of these "flat earthers" is on PURPOSE and me be part of the agenda of the CIA and other criminal government groups to poison and destroy the internet as a means of seeking the truths about our sick world.... If someone has any other logical reason for their sudden appearance, I am all ears....Ok, enough of the nonsense... It has been a real rough week for me as I have tried to recover from what I first thought was a simple head cold but turned into a full blown throat/ear/sinus infection that just would not quit... Heck, even after a full week of taking the "last resort" of antibiotics to fight the infection, I am still not completely over what ails me... My throat has been absolutely horrendous in terms of scratchiness and pain, and I will probably have to return to a doctor shortly to have it checked out further.... And for those who say that I should avoid doctors and try natural medications, yes, I have tried that and there was no improvement... It was in fact the failure of natural medications in alleviating my situation that I had to turn to a doctor again as the "last resort".....  I am crossing my fingers that it is nothing more serious and will keep my readers informed of what they find...Well, the temperatures here in central Canada have returned to what can be classified as "normal" for this time of year.... Average daily highs are in the mid -10C (thats about 10F for you Americans..) and  spring is still a very long way off.... But again, there is NO sign of that magical "Global Warming" anywhere to be seen as there is still some 3 feet of that "Al Gore nonexistent" snow on the ground.... Again, as I continue to shovel that snow, I curse Al Gore and his misfits and swindlers behind the Global Warming fraud....One good thing of course is how President Drumpf is indeed putting an end to the "Climate Change" aka "Global Warming" idiots in America as he is putting an end to any climate change bills and funding.... The guy does know the truth that "Global Warming" is indeed a fraud and a detriment to society and he will not have the American people subjected to the fraud of "carbon taxes"...However, up here in Canada, it is full steam ahead for criminal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his "Climate Change" agenda, including the imposition, aka, fleecing of the Canadian people through the fraud of "carbon taxation"..... I have long warned the good people of Canada to be on the alert for this fraud, and sadly most will not even know what hit them until it hits them hard in their pocketbooks!I have of course been keeping some attention on the continuing reports about that shooting at that Mosque in Quebec City, here in Canada, last Sunday that did indeed take the lives of some 6 innocent people... I am of course very angry at the Jew spew media and our corrupt government here that continues to promote the LIE that this horrible act was done by a single "lone gunman", named Alexandre Bissonnette... I will state it clearly once again that every single witness to this shooting at that mosque reported right away that it was carried out by a hit squad consisting of 3 shooters... It was the actions of the Jew spew media in having the story magically changed within hours to this "lone gunman" scenario, and sadly the Canadian people are swallowing this bullshit.... Lets then be clear as to what is the real scenario here... Yes, this was a planned attack conducted by a group of 3 men, who did in fact shoot up the mosque killing 6 people and leaving at least 8 others wounded... These murderers have of course escaped as planned and the government and the liars in the media then went ahead with their fraud reports and had this young man, Alexandre Bissonnette, prepared to take the fall as the patsy... Basically Bissonnette is most probably innocent and will take the fall for this attack..... And of course the timing of this attack was absolutely perfect with all of this Muslim rhetoric in all the news and of course President Drumpf wanting to temporarily close the borders of the US to Muslim immigrants....  I am especially angry at Prime Minister Trudeau and his ridiculous statement within hours of this attack that it was a "terrorist attack"......I am watching what will happen now to Canadians with the liars in our governments and the liars in the Jew spew media still brainwashing people and whipping them into a frenzy of fear thanks to this planned operation.... We may see more "laws" put into place in Canada now for this fraudulent fight against "terrorism"....Well, the news out of Syria continues to improve for the good guys, the Syrian government forces under Bashar al Assad... His forces have finally launched their major offensive to retake the ancient city of Palmyra, which is so long overdue... And his forces have almost cleared out every last town and village near Damascus that is still under "rebel' control....  The next phase of the Syrian army operations do indeed appear to be focused on eastern Aleppo province and the push to retake the city of Al Bab from the fraud US backed "ISIS" forces....AND with President Drumpf at least in principle willing to cooperate with the Russians and Syrians in 'defeating' the fraud of "ISIS", the war in Syria is now definitely being won for the Syrian people..... It is about time!OK, lets be honest here... Incoming President Drumpf has stated clearly that his goal is to defeat "ISIS"... I do understand that Donald appears to be an intelligent man, and I would assume that he has now seen every government report and briefing about this "ISIS" and that he now understands the truth that ISIS is and always was run and composed of US CIA and Israeli Mossad operatives...Therefore I am waiting to see if Drumpf actually does the right thing and defeats ISIS within days by simply cutting off all funding for these CIA operatives!  Basically cut the funds and ISIS would indeed dry up within a week.....But the strange actions of President Drumpf continues this last week, especially with his sudden sabre rattling and threats towards the innocent nation of Iran....Almost all of this sudden Iran bashing comes on the heels of Iran's testing of their new ballistic missiles, which under international law they have every right to do!  The truth is that these ballistic missiles are NOT a threat to the US at all, but of course lo and behold they hold a threat to the criminal and psychotic state of Israel... Apparently this new threatening of war against Iran is not being done by the US itself, but of course by their controllers in Israel that of course now want the US to go out and destroy Iran for themselves...These Jewish pricks and monsters want the US to fight and die in a war against Iran just so that they can extend their control over the entire Middle East... Iran has always posed the biggest threat to the criminal state of Israel's long ambitions of their fraud "Greater Israel" project and they are now once again pushing for the US to strike Iran.... I for one hope that Drumpf does see through this sick game and does not do what Israel wants....And of course we now have the threat of escalation to war with Iran thanks to the actions of the Houthi forces in Yemen against Saudi warships in the Indian Ocean last week.... The US is strangely blaming Iran which has always supported the Houthis, for that attack and the US Navy is apparently sending some ships to prevent any further attacks.... I can just see a very bad scenario and a false flag taking place where an Israeli submarine will launch one of their Popeye cruise missiles into an American ship to have it blamed on Iran, much along the same false flag attack they conducted against the USS Cole back in 2000 when it was also just off the coast of Yemen!  People so quickly forget how the criminal Israelis did indeed fire a Popeye cruise missile into the Cole and tried to have it blamed on the Yemeni "rebels", but failed.....And yes, for Israel to get their nice little war going against Iran, they would indeed carry out this type of false flag attack again....Yes, the war in Yemen is still going strong, with the Saudi forces still taking a beating at the hands of the Houthi Yemen forces... But of course there is still so little being told about the real war in Yemen, which is the war against the civilians being carried out by the US and the Saudis in the form of mass extermination due to famine..... I have long said that until the US stops their blockade of Yemen and allows food to reach the civilians, thousands if not millions will indeed die very soon due to mass starvation....  People need to wake the hell up to this truly humanitarian disaster and quickly...Well, the war in Ukraine is starting up once again, but a year later than even I had expected... The Ukrainian government forces are indeed focused in trying to destroy the eastern breakaway republics and they will indeed commit crimes of mass genocide against the civilians there... But I do wonder why Poroshenko and his other useless US controlled idiots in Kiev have to gain by attacking now?  There is of course the mad and insane idea that Poroshenko is attacking the Donbas region now to trigger a Russian response, but that is indeed sheer madness.....Ukraine is absolutely in NO shape what so ever for any war against the Donbas at this time, let alone a bigger war against the Russian Federation... Ukraine is an economic nightmare and has a hard enough time trying to keep its own citizens from revolting let alone go to war....  Something stinks here, and I smell the criminals in the EU behind these new attacks by Ukraine....Well... TWO full weeks now into Donald Drumpf's Presidency, and some people have been asking me for my take.... Well, to be honest I want to see what happens within the first 100 days and not just two weeks.... So far, there have been some good things and of course some bad things that Donald has done.... I am still not sold yet on him being this "saviour" that most Americans want when you consider that he still has surrounded himself by a gaggle of Jewish pricks and criminals, especially his own son in law, that disgusting Jared Kushner.... I say to watch and see if he does fulfil his promises or if he does indeed show his colours as just another Jew controlled lackey.... We still have about 84 more days before that first 100 days are up....OK, some people have asked me what my future plans will be with this site and my other actions now that I apparently am no longer working with Whitewraithe... I will state that I have not considered any other collaboration with other truth seekers at the moment, and have no plans for launching any alternative media networks or podcasts on my own at this time....  I am always open of course to being a guest on anyone's shows or podcasts as I have done many times in the past.... And again, I have NOT given up on Whitewraithe at all, and hope that she will eventually want to contact me once again when she is ready..... And as for this site, I am still planning some tweaking and changes to its appearance, and might still get out of "Blogger" eventually.... But for right now, it is business as usual...Well, I guess I have spewed enough for this rant.... I always do miss a few key issues, and try to cover them here in my usual "last minute tidbits".........First, I do wonder WHY one of the most evil creatures on planet Earth, Dr Evil himself, George Soros is not in a cold jail cell right now for his crimes against humanity?  And considering that his support of treacherous protest groups in America is a criminal act against America, I am surprised that the US Government has not asked Interpol to have him arrested in Europe?   But again, since Soros is a Jew and the Jews are so 'special', apparently he can get away with almost anything he wants!.........American "Liberals" still crying the blues about Drumpf's imposition of a 90 day travel ban by Muslims from 7 nations to America?  I have a few words for these idiots: "Get a life!".........People once again need to wake up to the reality that these so called 'refugees' are nothing of the sort, but are actually in most cases illegal migrant workers from North Africa that are flooding into our countries illegally.  And guess what?  Most cannot find work and are nothing but burdens to most nation's already overstrained welfare systems.....Israel is going ahead with even MORE illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank, and many Israelis are now believing that they can go ahead thanks to Drumpf "supporting" their settlement building operations.  Honestly, it does not matter now if Drumpf does or does not support this illegal Israeli action, for the settlements are now in place and the criminal Israelis will NOT have them removed except by force.  And with these settlements, there is now NO chance for a viable Palestinian state to exist on what little land is left!   As I have said many times, the Israelis want it all, and there is no chance for the Palestinians now other than to fight for their very survival........Well, as I said many times, the Fukushima disaster is still out there.  And as I stated in my last report, the disaster could go from bad to worse if more structures at that facility collapse.  But of course the liars in our governments and the liars in the Jew spew media will continue to avoid reporting the truths about Fukushima, and instead continue their love in with the criminal state of Israel........I see so called "celebrities" are still out there crying the blues about President Drumpf.  Honestly, does anyone with any sense actually watch or listen to their garbage any more?..........Even more reports of store closings everywhere across America, and even a few here in Canada.  No need to tell me the economy is in a tailspin when I daily go to the local mall and see NOBLDY buying anything.  Economic meltdown around the corner?.......Well, it is "Super Bowl" Sunday, and we indeed will have the Patriots of New England and the Falcons of Atlanta clash in that modern gladiator sport of American Football in Houston Texas this evening.  Many have of course asked me about my prediction for this game.  Well, I am a soccer fan of course, and football comes actually second here just ahead of ice hockey (sorry, my fellow Canadians).  But I will say the Falcons do look good and I can see them prevail by a 34-28 score.......I am so mad today that Arsenal blew it yesterday against Chelsea, losing 3-1 in the process.  That coupled with losing to Watford last Tuesday has the Gunners falling back into the pack and they will have a hard enough time securing a Champions League spot for now. But the title shot is now gone and I will have to wait another year for the Gunners to take the crown!..........Well, I guess I will indeed close this rant with another look at that great American family, the Kardashians (I am holding my barf bag at the ready..).  OK, THIS made news:  Apparently my favourite skank, Kim, is all in a tussle about her personal trainer being late last week due to the actions of her sisters?  Wow, the Paparazzi is really reaching the bottom of the barrel when this ridiculous action has this family of misfits all up in arms.  But hey, nothing makes sense in the topsy turvy world of these frauds, and yet most brain dead Americans still follow their stupid antics.  I for one have about had enough of these fools and am again looking for a new target.  If anyone has some suggestions, I am again all ears...More to comeNTS