Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, December 20th, 2015

 Yes it is Sunday again, and I am back from a short break....And again it is time for my weekly rant...I always feel that I must apologize to my readership when I take these small hiatus from writing... I find that periodically I do need to just stay off the computer and away from all the turbulence in our world and just unwind and take time to recharge my batteries... This last little break was no exception....One thing that I have found is that in speaking with people around me it seems that this battle for the minds of people and our chances to wake them up are almost fruitless... Honestly, I have tried again and again to reach out and try to get people to wake the hell up and see what is honestly happening in our sick world only to get the usual blank stares and wild eyed looks..... Many people, as usual, just do not want to hear about the reality of our world and many just look at me and say flat out "I don't want to talk about it".... It does make me feel exasperated at times and gives me the impression that we are fighting a losing battle simply because the brainwashing of the public's minds through the Jew spew media and the poisons in our diets is just too much to defeat....I have been in many long conversations with people such as Whitewraithe, and of course other real truth seekers, and we all feel the same way... Many times we all feel that we are indeed losing this war, but we just feel it is our duty to not give up and not give into the idea of defeat... I and others do feel that we can still make a difference and that there are still people out there with at least the rationality and critical thinking skills to understand that there is a battle between good and evil on this planet, and we must do our part in trying to defeat the evil...... It again comes down to whether we are going to win this war or we are going to accept our enslavement for eternity......One thing that I have noticed since my own awakening a very long time ago is that once you know the real truth about our world and the criminal tribe that wants to enslave us all, you quickly lose a lot of friends.... I used to have such a strong group of close friends that I could reach out and confide in, but once you discover the truth and try to reach out to people and tell them of these findings, many of those friends simply disappear... I have lost most of my own closest friends and even with writing this blog many others have also distanced themselves from me.. Many say I am "nuts" even without looking into my writings and findings for themselves..... Yes again the brainwashing is that intense.......Anyway, I do not want to ramble.... There is so much to touch on that has happened over the last week so lets get on to it.....As I stated before, the situation in Syria has turned against the criminal governments of the United States, the criminal NATO alliance, and even the psychotic state of Israel... The good guys, the Syrian government forces and their allies, have the fraudulent 'terrorist' and "rebel" groups, that have been bought and paid for by the US and Israel, on the run..... The clearing of central Syria around the city of Homs is most significant in that it again clears the road for the Syrian army to launch a full scale attack against the "terrorists" that still occupy some of the countryside around Syria's largest city, Aleppo..... Once the Syrian army clears Aleppo of any danger, the battle for Syria is basically won, and the American/Israeli dream of having Syria destroyed could be officially over... However, the criminals in the US and Israeli government are indeed "sore losers" and they are still searching desperately for any excuses for direct intervention into Syria itself.....Yes, that criminal US Secretary of State, John Kohn (real name of "Kerry") went to Moscow last week and sat down with Vladimir Putin to discuss the Syrian situation... I can guarantee that Kohn went there trying desperately to have the Russians again back out of their commitments to Syria, but obviously Kohn failed.... Now the US government has stated that they no longer want "regime change" in Syria in their "roadmap to peace" but in reality the US is absolutely NOT backing down in their vain attempts in having Bashar al-Assad removed from power.... There were reports this last week that the US has been moving into an 'abandoned' air field in northern Syria for usage by their airforce to launch "attacks against ISIS", BUT in reality they are there to of course support their fraud ISIS forces... The battle for Syria is definitely not over and the US/Israel/NATO cabal is again lying their asses off to the entire world when they claim that having Bashar al Assad removed from power is "officially off the table".....And of course we find the reports of the US air force launching an attack on Iraqi forces that were in fact about to obliterate an "ISIS" force in northern Iraq... It is so obvious that the fraud "ISIS" US CIA/Israeli Mossad force that was trapped there called in an American air strike to allow themselves to escape... Again, if this does not show the entire world exactly who and what the fraud of "ISIS" is all about then what else will?Of course with so much attention focused in on Syria, the ongoing plight of the Palestinians has been so badly overlooked... With the world having their attention elsewhere, the criminal Israelis have continued to both bomb the innocent people living in the world's largest open air concentration camp called the "Gaza Strip" based upon more fraudulent "rocket attacks" that these psychos claimed were launched from that prison camp back into Israel itself... But I again ask the hard questions about these so called rocket attacks in that (a) considering the fact that Israel has such a tight grip on the strip itself including all materials coming and going into that prison, then how do these Palestinians get the parts necessary to build these rockets? ... and (b) the so called 'rockets' themselves never ever hit anything, and they always seem to land in unpopulated areas within Israel.  Which means that either the Palestinians are truly such poor shots, or the fact that these "rockets" are always launched by Mossad agent provocateurs operating within Gaza itself.....The Israelis have always used these fraud rocket attacks to basically not only kill more Palestinians but to get their Jew spew media worldwide to constantly bombard the braindead saps out there with the lies that the "poor Israelis are always under attack"... And the propaganda does work wonders as people constantly fall for the bullshit....Lets face the reality again... Israel has used their world wide Jew spew media masterfully as they divert attention away from their continuing and accelerated land grab of the occupied West Bank with their building of their illegal settlements.... I have said it before and I will say it again.. .These monsters do not want "Peace" with the rightful people of the region, the Palestinian, when they want "Pieces" of Palestine instead... The criminal Israelis basically want all of the land for themselves and have used the fraud "peace conferences" as their stalling tactics while they basically swallow up what is left of Palestine for themselves....They also want the Palestinians themselves either exterminated or to become permanent refugees from their own land.... I again state that the only hope for the Palestinians is to fight back against such evil and to fight back by all means necessary... It is either fight or die and if I had to make one of those two choices, I know which one that I would choose in a heartbeat....OK, I am still waiting for anyone to challenge me on what I stated in my last rant about exactly what should be done about the so called Syrian "refugee" crisis.... Honestly, since the good guys, the Bashar al Assad Syrian government forces and their allies have now basically cleared much of Syria of the so called 'terrorist' threat, then why not simply give these refugees the chance to go home?  Yes, I am asking the question that if Syria is now once again becoming a free nation and is being rightfully returned to the Syrian people, then why not do the right thing and send these "refugees" home?    It would be much simpler for all nations to do this, which is exactly what most of these "refugees" want anyways, then having them become a burden on our already over burdened welfare systems.....So I am again calling on most people to go after their governments and ask them again why not send them home?   Syria is for the Syrians and that is where they belong...Well, the Paris "COP21" conference (or as it should be properly called.. the CON-21 conference) on "Climate Change is officially over... And the numbskulls that run our governments have "agreed" in principle to the 'reduction' of "greenhouse gases" through the imposition of fraudulent "carbon taxes" on sucker citizens..... Yes, in spite of the fact that "Global Warming" or as these con men now call it "Climate Change" is indeed a fraud and a hoax, we find our nations now wanting to purposely bleed their own citizens ( or fleece them if you like to call it) out of their hard earned money for the lie of saving the planet from ourselves......  Up here in Canada, for example, Justin Trudeau has indeed signed off on these accords and will be hitting we Canadians hard in the pocket books come the new year.... It does appear the damage has now been done, and peoples' lives will indeed soon become that much poorer.....And about that "Climate Change" thingy?  This part of central Canada has now just went through a major snow storm over the last week that dumped some 30cm of that white stuff that Al Gore states does not exist, and I personally spent the last few days in -15 Celsius temperatures clearing that stuff out of my driveway and walkways..... This winter is turning out exactly as I stated would happen with temperatures now plummeting well below normal and much more snow coming in the forecasts... I say to those that say that the planet is somehow warming and to the bullshit artists out there that stated that this year was the "warmest year" on record to give their heads a shake and have a reality check.... Most true scientists are now stating that with the diminished solar radiation output of our sun, Sol, and with increased cloud cover due to increasing cosmic rays hitting our atmosphere, we are heading for a solar minimum aka a "Maunder Minimum" that means much colder temperatures for years to come.... And yet again, we find the con artists behind the "Global Warming" fraud patting themselves on the back for a job well done in getting the suckers out there to sign off on "carbon taxation" in Paris?  It does boggle the mind about how stupid many people truly are......One good thing that happened earlier last week was when I sat down with a colleague over a cup of coffee at the local Tim Hortons restaurant.... We talked about so many different things, and then he suddenly asked me about the "shooting" that had occurred over a week ago in San Bernardino California... I quickly explained to him about it being a fraud, especially when it came to the fact that there were supposedly 'three white burley' shooters involved at the Disabled person centre, and then the Jew spew media and the criminal US Government ran with the tale about the "two Muslim extremists" doing the deed... Yes, he did have that "wild eyed" look and asked me where I got the facts... I gave him a list of sites online to just Google and see for himself... He said he would and well, guess what... Just yesterday when he again joined me for coffee, he said that he checked into it, and said that "I was right"... He asked me for more and I explained to him about how ALL of these "shootings" were hoaxes and how they were used for both mind manipulation and for gun control... I also gave him a long list of other sites to help open his eyes to the reality of our sick world and again asked him to get back to me either this week or after Christmas to tell me what he thinks....... I am crossing my fingers that I have made one small "victory" in this fight, and I will let everyone here know what happens....Yes, this is why I continue to fight...OK, I will honestly state here that I did listen to some of that so called "Republican Candidate" debate last week, and all I can say is that the bullshit was definitely flying amongst those clowns that honestly believe they will be 'selected' by the Jews that run America to be the next President of the United States..... It was so revolting to hear those escapees from clown college actually try to talk about how they would solve the "ISIS" problem when most of them know that "ISIS" itself is nothing but a hoax and a fraud... Several stated that if they would be 'elected' that they would go right after "ISIS" by getting to the bottom of where they come from and who funds them, which is so laughable when it is the US Government that created, controls, and still fully funds them!   And then we had them all almost like clockwork suddenly change their direction to the "threat of Iran".... And everyone knows by now that the only 'threat' that Iran poses is to the criminal state of Israel that wants Iran destroyed for them to achieve their sick dream of a "Greater Israel".... It is so obvious by them all magically changing direction and attacking Iran that they were all indeed doing as they Jewish masters demanded...... And yes, even Donald Trump took the same position which again showed everyone that he also answers to the Jewish power elite that definitely controls America.....Well, there are indeed so many issues that I have not covered in this rant... I again do not want to bore people to death by rambling on and on, and instead will touch on those other key issues right here in my usual "last minute tidbits"....... Reports coming out of Yemen show that the British (and Americans of course) have "embedded" forces amongst the Saudi forces that are trying to destroy that peaceful nation.  Another war that could see the genocide of millions of innocent people, and this time for keeping that psycho Jewish family of criminals in power in Saudi Arabia.......Still more "violations" took place in Ukraine last week along the ceasefire line between the Ukrainian army and the Donbas breakaway provincial forces.  Yes, the US puppet regime in Kiev will eventually attack the Donbas and cause the slaughter of thousands of innocent civilians.  It is only a matter of time now......Yes, Donald Trump is bad enough in his kissing Jewish butt, but WHY would any sane American actually consider that psycho murderer freak of nature called Hillary Rodham Bligh (Clinton) for the next President?  Is there not someone left in America that could actually lead that nation without being a Jew butt kisser?.........Do not get me wrong, for I do applaud what Vladimir Putin is doing in Syria and stopping the sick Israeli dream of having that peaceful nation destroyed.  But again, Putin does answer to the Jewish criminals that have never given up their control in Russia. Honestly if Putin ever did turn away from his Jewish masters, they would have put a bullet into his head in a heartbeat..........If you honestly think the economy is bad right now, especially just before Christmas, just wait until January of 2016 when I suspect the real collapse will unfold.  If our governments were truly wanting to stop the impending collapse then they would have put an end to the Jewish criminal banking ponzi scheme decades ago.  Hey if Iceland did the right thing by arresting the criminal bankers for their destruction of that nation, then what is stopping our own countries from following suit? ......Are Americans really that clueless when a fake poll was sent around asking Republicans what they thought about the imaginary "threat" from the imaginary country of "Agrabah" which is from the tales of Aladdin's Lamp?  Many took the bait and said that the US should "bomb" that nation which does not exist!  It does show how out of synch most Americans are and how clueless many are about the world around them, which is indeed frightening.....One good thing that I did notice is where Jim Stone has finally come around and realized that the entire NASA "probes on Mars" are indeed a fraud.  I have been saying for years that NASA has been lying through its teeth when it comes to its Mars "landings" due to how they were landed (I am still waiting for someone to please answer me as to how a conventional parachute can operate in a 0.004 BAR atmosphere?)  Yes, everyone does make mistakes and I do applaud Jim for coming around on NASA's lies........Arsenal plays a HUGE game tomorrow against the Manchester City Citizens, and with Leicester City winning yesterday over Everton it is important for a Gunner win to keep pace with the front runners at the top of the table.  I am crossing my fingers, for Manchester City, now with the addition of Argentinian striker Sergio Aguero coming off of injuries, is a very powerful team.  It will indeed be a challenge for the Gunners.........I have talked to Whitewraithe, and yes she has taken a bit of a long and much needed hiatus from writing over at Pragmatic Witness ( until the new year.   Times have been especially tough on that lady, and I did send her a bit of money to help with Christmas.  I usually do not request it, but if anyone else can help out by sending her a bit of help, it would be appreciated as well..........Someone has asked my opinion of the latest "Star Wars" movie.  I would be careful of the hype for the fact that it has been produced by that Jew JJ Abrams, and of course all the "political correctness" bullshit it supposedly contains..... And finally, my look at that American family "Icon" called the Kardashians.  Yes, the paparazzi is all aflutter with reports of my favourite skank, Kim, being seen in public for the first time with her new son, Saint West.  Honestly, with the corrupt activities of the US Government around the world and the failing US economy at home, this is what makes news in America?  I again ask why anyone sane actually cares about this family of misfits, skanks, and trollops?BTW, If I do not have the chance to say so, and even though I am very much anti religious... I hope that everyone has a joyous and a Merry Christmas..... Remember this time of year and those in need....More to comeNTS