Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, December 17th, 2017

Well, what do you know... It is indeed Sunday once again, and time again for my weekly rant...It has been getting so cold over the last few days here in central Canada... The average daily highs have been well BELOW 0 degrees Celcius (Thats 32 Fahrenheit for you American readers..) with temperatures forecasted for the coming weeks to be dropping and well below normal for this time of year... This has been expected by myself, for I have stated in so many previous articles that we are indeed heading towards a "solar minimum" and winters being much longer and a lot colder... And again, it does not matter how much "greenhouse gases" are being pumped into our atmosphere, for the driving force behind this real "climate change" is of course Sol itself....But in saying that, I am once again sickened by the reports in the local Jew spew media that our provincial government is finally going to sign off on a new "carbon tax" that is of course absolutely wanted by the criminal Justin Trudeau regime in Ottawa... What it means is a poor sucker such as myself will have to fork over an additional $1000 -$1500 over the upcoming year that will NOT be put into any so called "green initiatives" that so many people falsely believe the money is going to, but instead will be used to fill government coffers.... I again will state what I have said for years now in these rants, that this "carbon taxation" is a FLEECING of the Canadian taxpayers.... And sadly too many Canadians have indeed "swallowed the Kool-Aid" and will all simply bend over and allow our governments to fuck us all up our asses!Well, there is little more that I can say about how the criminal Drumpf regime in Washington DC has sold its soul to the devil and has allowed the psychotic Khazar alien invaders that have been illegally occupying Palestine for the bulk of the last century, to grab hold of the city of Jerusalem and call it their "capital city"......Drumpf has again and again shown his true colours and how he absolutely adores the Jews (strong evidence shows he is one himself..) and will do anything now for his Jewish psychotic masters while ignoring the fact that he was 'selected' by the American public to obey the will of the American people.....  Now we all see the reality that America is truly fucked and will be once again used by the Jews for nothing more than wars against their sick state of Israel's "enemies"...There was some most interesting news coming out of Palestine just the other day, where apparently the Arabic nations have voted overwhelmingly to officially declare "eastern Jerusalem" the capital city of Palestine..... This is indeed a reaction to the illegal Israeli claim of Jerusalem being "their capital" and is perfectly justified.. Eastern Jerusalem is still mostly made up of Palestinian citizens, and it was part of Palestine after the creation of Israel back in 1947, only to be seized by the psychotic Israelis during their Six Day War of conquest back in 1967...  I for one applaud this brilliant move by the Arabs and the Palestinians, and with world opinion on their side it will be most interesting to see what the psychos in Israel have to say about this move......And of course we have the continuing build up of false rhetoric coming from the liars in the US government and of course the Jew spew media that the newest "threat" to the US is of course the innocent nation of Iran.... I for one saw when that horrendous psychotic witch that is supposed to be the US "ambassador" to the United Nations, Nikki "I suck Jew dick" Haley, get up on the podium last week in front of the UN General Assembly to try to link Iran to the missiles that Yemen has been using against the criminal Saudi regime... That bitch had the nerve to say that the US found 'evidence' that some of the components in those missiles fired by the Houthis were "made in Iran", and that was her entire argument for more "sanctions" against Iran as well as the UN to act against "Iranian aggression".... But I got news for Ms. psycho Haley, for further evidence shows that the Houthi missiles actually contained components that were made in the good ol' USA... Therefore, if she somehow is making the insane argument that an attack should be made against the countries that made or have components within the Houthi missiles, then none other than the US itself has to be on that list.... What we have here is a sad and pathetic attempt by the US to vilify Iran much like what they did in the run up to the invasion of Iraq back in 2003 by presenting ridiculous 'evidence' to the UN of "weapons of mass destruction" by the Houthi forces.....  It is indeed beyond pathetic....And of course the war in Yemen itself is still ongoing, with the Jew spew media not reporting on some of the criminal actions by the US and their Saudi allies against the Yemen civilians... With the death of Saleh now two weeks ago, the Houthis have had to 'regroup' and are now trying to prevent their resistance against the Saudis from collapsing... Meanwhile the Saudis have now resorted to bombing civilian targets in and around the Yemen capital of S'ana, and have STILL been refusing to allow any humanitarian aid convoys from reaching civilians on the verge of death from starvation... It is as I have stated so many times, pure genocide, and the US government is absolutely supporting the actions of the Saudis in committing these atrocities....Someone asked me about the Russian announcement that they were 'withdrawing' their forces from Syria... I told that person and I will repeat it here, that the Russians are not abandoning Syria at all.. Only that with the SAA and their Russian/Iranian/Arabic/Chinese allies now on the road to victory over the US fraud of "ISIS" in the war to free Syria, the Russian forces can be reduced in numbers... There is NO WAY in hell that the Russians are "abandoning" their Syrian allies, and if the situation changes in any manner over the near future, the Russians are ready and capable of sending their forces back into the fray...Of course the "war in Syria" is now entering a new phase with fraud American "ISIS" resistance in the eastern provinces near collapse... The SAA has indeed moved the majority of their forces into Hama and Idlib provinces and have launched their long awaited offensives against the fraud "moderate rebels" holed up there... The SAA and their allies have been making major gains over the last week against those US backed "rebels", with the emphasis on a two pronged attack aimed at gaining the Abu Al-Duhur air base that has been in "rebel" hands for some 3+ years now... If the SAA is successful in reaching that vital base, then the entire Idlib pocket could be cut in two and the entire "rebel" positions in Idlib itself will collapse... I for one am crossing my fingers that the SAA is successful in this latest endeavour, and if successful it could spell the end of organized "rebel" resistance in Syria itself....One thing that I did catch this last week was a report where apparently the US once again had one of their F22 Raptor "fighters" try to interfere with Syrian and Russian aircraft operating in Deir Ez-Zor province... Apparently the Syrian airforce had two Su25's supporting the movement of an aid convoy, only to be intercepted by the Raptor... The US Raptor had the audacity to try to fire off several flares as a "warning shot", but had to high tail it out of the area when a superior Russian Su35 fighter appeared in the area....  This is once again a belligerent act by the Americans who have been illegally operating a "no fly zone" in northeastern Syria, and are trying to somehow justify this "no fly zone" which is a violation of Syrian sovereignty.... The US has a lot of nerve, and I can guarantee that we have not seen the last of these "incidents" and it could come down to a full fledged shooting war between US and Syrian/Russian aircraft very soon.....Well, I did of course put out an article at this blog last week concerning the criminal Drumpf administration calling for a "new Space directive" and wanting to have man "return to the moon" within the next decade as well as direct NASA to make the "next step to Mars" as well.... But I could only laugh at the arrogance, for we have indeed seen these 'directives" so many times before, and especially almost the same "directive" called for by former President George W Bush back in 2004.... And what ever happened to that 'directive' from 13 years ago? Basically nothing.... NASA is still trying to solve the severe radiation problems in outer space and have been having nothing but delays and major headaches with their entire "Orion" project as well.....  But lets face the reality here in that this 'directive' will not go anywhere, for there is NO 'return to the moon' since NASA has never landed men there in the first place..... The technology for having man land on the moon still is not available to this day, and for getting men to Mars?  Forget that as well, until they can actually develop and build the technology needed for that 75+ million kilometre flight which is not in the cards for years to come.....  I see this 'announcement' as just another bit of distraction for the US public to get their minds off of both the failing US economy and the endless wars abroad for the psychos in Israel....And someone asked me just the other day why I have not posted up any articles about that fraud "election" that just occurred in Alabama where the Republican party candidate, Moore, had the election stolen blatantly from him.... I have read the reports coming out from both the Jew spew media and many alternative media sites, and all can do is shake my head.. The theft of this election was so blatant and "in your face" that it astounds me why there is not more uproar in both the state of Alabama and elsewhere... As Jim Stone has said over at his website, it should be obvious that the "results" were already decided well BEFORE the voting, which is another pure act of criminal audacity against the American people... But what are the American people doing about it?  From what I see... NOTHING! ... And it shows once again how far gone the majority of the American sheep are, and how they are indeed sleepwalking into their own oblivion....  I therefore have little else to say about this tragedy for it would not help or make a difference, for most Americans are now too stupid to live....Well, I guess I have covered some of the most important issues that I saw over the last week, and in doing so probably pissed off a few people as well..... But I am not done, for as usual I will end this rant with my 'last minute tidbits' to hopefully piss people off even more......I really will not gloat here, for apparently I have been right about the fraudulent "threat" of North Korea, and how it has been used by the Jew spew media and the criminal US government for "fear porn" for the sale of weapons. Yes, the US military industrial complex has been getting filthy rich over this fear mongering of this nonexistent "North Korean threat" and I wonder when the hell people will finally get it?...........I saw several reports that it has indeed been a "bad year" overall for those fraud "social networks" such as "Facebook" and "Twitter".  Maybe we will finally have people wake the fuck up, see how truly criminal these frauds are,  and actually close their "social network" accounts?......Yes, last week marked the 5th anniversary of the fraudulent "Sandy Hook shooting", and yes I did celebrate that anniversary by of course bashing it for the lie it really was.  And someone told me that one of the biggest idiot liars out there had a show on his "site" where he is still trying to push to his diminishing audience that it was a "real event".  I again must reiterate that these liars are still out there, and they should be ignored and ridiculed for their arrogance........Charles Giuliani is back bashing the fraud of religion, and especially the fraud of "Yahweh" in his two shows over at Renegade Broadcasting last week, and they are indeed worth a listen.  I for one have no qualms in calling all religions frauds and detriments to the human race...... Yes, Hollywood aka "Jewlywood" is not giving up on their wanting to ruin the gullible Gentiles out there, and especially with their sick and perverted release of a new "movie" that promotes the sickness of Pedophilia.  I again hope that people do the right thing and absolutely BOYCOTT any theatre that has the nerve to show such garbage to send a message that we are not going to take this type of crap any longer........So let me get this straight.  The Israelis  are once again hucking bottle rockets by their agents in Gaza back into Israel and have been launching strikes into Gaza itself killing innocent civilians?  That has been ongoing for years now.  But in this case apparently some criminal IDF forces had the nerve to kill a Palestinian wheel chair bound amputee who was part of a protest against IDF incursion into Gaza City! My, but how 'butch' are the IDF now that they are murdering wheelchair amputees?  Yes, the sickness of these freaks knows no bounds, apparently..........Anyone remember when Donald Rumsfeld told the American people on September 10th, 2001, that some 2.3 TRILLION DOLLARS was somehow missing from US government coffers?  That was bad enough, but now I have seen some reports where some 21+ TRILLION DOLLARS has now 'disappeared' from US defence department and other government coffers today!  I am surprised that THIS has not made the Jew spew media news at all, and I wonder where that money 'disappeared' to, and I cannot help but to think "Israel.. Israel"..........Will someone please explain to me why people are so scared of the freaks that make up this "LBGTQ" community? Fuck this "political correctness" bullshit, for that group of freaks must be stopped before they ruin our society........About this "net neutrality" issue that has been all over the alternative media this last week.  There was NOTHING wrong with the Internet until now when some of the "corporations" and other "organizations" are now wanting it changed so that they can "censor" those who see their lies in action.  Hopefully people are waking the fuck up and realizing that it is absolutely about "censorship" and controlling the Internet much in the same manner that they control the "Media", by not allowing the real truths to ever surface........ Yes, Arsenal won the game yesterday against Newcastle by the score of 1-0.  But any chance of the Gunners catching the Manchester City Citizens is a pipe dream now, even though nearly 1/2 of the season is yet to be played..........And last week was that freak, Taylor Swift's 28th birthday.  Other than someone letting me know via an email, and saying that I should give up on the Kardashians and attack that freak instead, I did not bother to notice......    Maybe I should go after this mentally deranged and mentally unbalanced person and give up on Kardashian skank-dom?  Not yet, for I found the following interesting tidbit about skank Kim's newest "perfume".  Apparently the good people of New Zealand and Australia are not happy at all with that skank's fragrance called 'Crystal Gardenia' for it contains a high amount of alcohol (meaning of course its cheap trash...) and is considered as flammable/hazardous material and therefore cannot be air carriers to customers in those nations.  Yes, this skank is indeed selling a "cheap perfume" to gullible and stupid people out there.  But hey, idiots are indeed buying this stuff which again shows there are suckers born every minute....More to comeNTS