Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, December 13th, 2015

 Sunday again... And as usual time for my weekly rant...I do not know about the rest of you, but this year it just does not feel like Christmas at all... I have found that most people just are not as jovial or kind this year in comparison to previous years.. Granted, most people just do not have the spending power they once had and are more frugal this year than in previous ones when it comes to spending on loved ones and friends for the holidays... I also have noticed quite a change in the local mall this year as more and more people are absolutely NOT spending.... Again, as I stated in a previous rant, most retailers are now basically in a 'survival mode' when it comes to this holiday "spending season"... It used to be that the average retail store was banking on having massive sales right now that would have them either survive another year or turn a healthy profit.. But not any more... The fact is that there is NO money out there as most people have suffered from the economic downturn and inflation.... The result is that most businesses are now hanging on by a hair and come January there will be major store closures and bankruptcies right across this fair land....  And yes, I will say it.. We can thank the scoundrels behind our failed banking system, the Jewish criminals, that have indeed ruined our economies for this mess.....OK, the San Bernardino "shooting" has indeed now been blown wide open, and we now have the facts that even if there actually was a shooting and victims that died, the two Muslims that the Jew spew media and the criminals that run the US government claim did the attack, Syed Farooq and Tahseen Malik, were definitely the "patsies" and were clearly not involved in the incident... The eyewitnesses at the event, and there were many, have all stated the same facts to the reporters in the media that the attack was done by 3 very large WHITE men wearing bullet proof vests... The fact that we have 3 obvious military trained personnel involved means clearly that the attack was preplanned and carefully conducted with military precision.... Tahseen Malik herself weighed some 90 lbs soaking wet and therefore she could not even have carried the amount of ordinance or even wear the heavy vest that the liars in the government and media portray... These two Muslims were set up to take the fall and it was done purposely to further vilify Muslims and Islam in general to the gullible American people....The trouble is that no matter what proof is now shown to the gullible American people, most are just too far gone and way too stupid now to even care.. The Jew spew brainwashing media has done its dirty work in pumping the chemicalized and dumbed down American peoples' brains with nothing but lies, lies, and more lies... Most of these ignorant people will continue to sleep walk while the criminals in charge of their once free nation now go into overdrive in removing their last defense against tyranny which is of course their guns... Honestly, to me as a Canadian, I do believe that if America has not awakened to this danger by this point, then it is too late.....I have been watching the strange reports that have indeed surfaced from those in the "truth movement" that have looked at this latest fraud shooting in San Bernardino and have stayed quiet due to their ignorance when it came to the fraud shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary almost exactly 3 years ago today... I have especially noted the article coming from the King "TUT-ankhamen" website where the person behind that trash site goes into a tirade of slurs and insults against those people, including myself, that have indeed not been fooled by the fraud San Bernardino shooting and see it for what it is ... A false flag..... To me, this individual and the others that spew on his "site" have lost it and again I would say to anyone with any common sense to just ignore them and hopefully they will eventually disappear.....Yes, tomorrow marks the 3rd anniversary of that fraud shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary school (which was not even an operational school!) in Connecticut and we are still waiting for the American people to wake the fuck up and see that as a fraud and an attack on their intelligence... It is so ridiculous how so many people have been so badly brainwashed across the US in still believing Sandy Hook was real, and will again support their own criminal government seizing their last line of defense against tyranny.. Their guns....I had hoped that most people would have noticed how the fake shooting at San Bernardino occurred just at the right time when people were suddenly becoming aware of how the US government was involved in the illegal theft of Syria's oil via their fraud "terrorist" group ISIS, and using that other NATO puppet nation, Turkey as the conduit for the transportation of that stolen oil to tankers in the Mediterranean Sea... Those tankers have of course been transporting that illegal oil to Israeli ports.... It is therefore logical that the criminals behind that theft asked for a diversion for the gullible American people and lo and behold we have the fake shooting.... Most of these criminals know that the average American has a limited attention span, and therefore throwing the fake shooting into their faces worked wonders in having the average dumb ass American forget quickly about the ISIS oil theft... And yes, it worked to perfection.....I truly had to laugh the other day when I saw the reports that the US government had the gall to try to deflect their own part in stealing oil from Syria by pushing the ridiculous claim that Bashar al Assad himself was "responsible" for that theft... And we have the liars in the Jew spew media also  promoting that twisted logic.... All that anyone with any common sense has to do is to just ask the hard questions as to why Assad, of all people, would first allow the criminal US/Israeli group ISIS steal and ship the oil to Turkey and then offer to "buy" that oil?   Common sense would say that this is ludicrous, but again the liars in the Jew spew media are hoping that the average American will swallow this bull crap simply on the grounds that they have been pushing the lies for years that Assad himself was a "butcher" and the "bad guy"!Yes, the reports out of Syria have been most encouraging over the last week.. The good guys, the Syrian government forces, have now wiped out any remains of "terrorist" in the Latakia province and have removed any further "terrorist" or "rebel" threats to the cities of Homs and Aleppo... The Syrian army has also launched several offensives against what few rebels are left in pockets outside of the capital city of  Damascus, and have opened up the main highway to the ancient city of Palmyra in the interior...And of course the Russian air force has been helping out by continuing to blast away at fraud "ISIS" pockets near the Kurdish held regions in the northeastern part of Syria, and continue to blow up the convoys of that illegally stolen Syrian oil while they make a run towards Turkey.... It is therefore no wonder that the US, Britain, and other 'NATO' allies have been pushing hard to get into Syria in their last ditch hopes of turning the tide before Syria is free of their interference.....Canada has now 'welcomed' several groups of "Syrian refugees" into this once free nation with many more to come.... I do not support this move, simply because with the Syrian nation now on the road to being free of outside interference, why are our nations not making the effort to send these people home to their own nation?   It is a fact that with the Bashar al Assad forces now on the offensive in Syria and freeing their nation, most of the real Syrian refugees that have flooded into Europe are indeed wanting to return to their nation and many have already done so..... Therefore why doesn't the Canadian government do the proper thing and help these "refugees" return to their real home rather than become a burden on our already overstretched welfare state?  I dare anyone to come out and call me a 'racist' for asking that question.....The same is true for Europe... Most of the real "Syrian refugees" have indeed begun to return home or have every indication of returning back to Syria.. However, I again must point out that is not the real agenda of this entire fraud "refugee crisis"... The real agenda has always been to flood European nations with mostly illegal immigrants and illegal migrant workers to destroy the mostly white identities of these nations.... I have said it before and I will state it again clearly.. The Jews have always had their agenda to destroy their most dangerous enemy, the Caucasian race, by basically flooding white nations with these foreign people and eventually cause unrest, riots, and dissolution of those nation's identities.... And yes we are watching the results as nations such as Great Britain, Germany, France, and Sweden, are now cesspools of unrest and social problems due to these "refugees".....  And we can thank the ultra Jew criminal, George Soros, for being the financier behind that mess....Well, 4 and 1/2 years after the initial disaster at Fukushima Japan, the Japanese government, Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), and even the liars in the Jew spew media have finally come clean and admitted what I and others have stated for years... That reactor #4 definitely went into a full meltdown and basically blew its entire guts out into the Japanese countryside, the atmosphere, and the adjoining Pacific Ocean.... I stated 4 years ago that reactor #4 threw out a massive amount of Plutonium and other radioactive isotopes into the environment when it exploded, and that radioactive material was absolutely deadly enough to turn Japan into an uninhabitable area for thousands of years... And yet here we are some 4 and 1/2 years later and the Japanese nation has basically been poisoned, its people horribly irradiated by those deadly radioactive isotopes, and the Pacific Ocean still dying from Fukushima radiation.. And the world still turns a blind eye to this still ongoing horrendous disaster?   Yes, the Fukushima melted down reactors are still spewing their poison and there is absolutely no effort being put forward by the world's governments into turning their attention away from wars for Israel and trying to solve this terrible crisis that still threatens all life on this planet.... Hypocrisy is putting it mildly.....  By the way, it appears that the 2020 Summer Olympics are still slated for Tokyo Japan, and all I can say to any athletes and spectators that are going to make sure they pack their own food and a good geiger counter, for you will need it.....It has been a hectic month so far with so much on my plate.. I have talked with Whitewraithe and we have decided to delay our relaunch of Turbulent Times until January.... December is always a tough month for myself and I have not had even much time to concentrate on this blog and its writings and therefore have not had much time to even think about Turbulent Times.... Once everything is back to normal come the beginning of January, we will get our show going..... My apologies to everyone, but personal and family life comes first and foremost.....Well, there are so many other things going on in our sick world, but I try to keep these rants from getting too long and boring.. Therefore I do my best to touch on those subjects that I have not covered above in my usual last minute tidbits.......I really do hate being right about the situation in Ukraine, but the facts are indeed disturbing.  The Ukrainian military has been violating the Minsk "cease fire" agreements by moving heavy deadly equipment to the front lines in the Donets and are preparing for their major "offensive" against the civilians there.  It looks like we will not have long to wait now, and it will indeed be a blood bath..........Is it not amazing that in spite of the genocide of civilians in Yemen thanks to the criminal Saudis, the Yemen fighters are actually giving the Saudis a beating?  The Saudi Arabian regime is indeed over its head in regards to trying to crush Yemen, and will probably turn to the Israelis and of course the US to 'help' them destroy that innocent nation.........It must be Christmas, for I see that once again that symbol of pure evil, the Menorah, has been hoisted on the front lawn of the White House in Washington.  Why does no one in America questioned the hypocrisy that nativity scenes and crosses are not allowed, but that satanic symbol is put up in their place?........More people are jumping on the Donald Trump bandwagon, and again all I can say to them is to be careful. Many forget how they put their hopes in "Ron Paul" a few years back and Donald is no different.  My belief is the same that Donald is there to ruin the Republican vote so that the mass murdering freak of nature, Hillary Rodham BLIGH (Yes, that is the real last name of these "Clintons") will achieve the Presidency.  Yes, Donald Trump has said the right things about so many subjects that have given America "hope", but again he is firmly under the control of Jewish interests who definitely want psycho Hillary as the President.........And again, I do call Hillary, Killary the Kackling, Kanckled, Krusty,  Killer, Kommie, Kunt, Klinton  (the KKKKKK) for a good reason, for the woman is a menace to the entire planet.  And yet there are some American suckers and fools that will actually vote for that creature?.............One other note about the fraud ISIS.  It appears that some articles are stating that fraud "terrorist" group has "somehow" gained chemical weapons.  Gee, considering the entire group is a fraud and composed of Israeli Mossad and US CIA agents, it does not take much to see where they got those weapons!...........Turkey invades Iraq and yet the US and others turn a blind eye to that violation of another nation's borders and sovereignty?   But considering the fact that the US and Turkey are behind the ISIS fraud and want northern Iraq as their "safe haven" for that fraud, why am I not surprised!....... Arsenal Gunners just beat Aston Villa this morning by a 2-0 score while I type this report.  With this Arsenal victory, I will be cheering tomorrow for Chelsea, of all teams, to beat Leicester City and therefore have the Gunners get to the top of the table in the BPL.   Yes, I do love Soccer......... Our idiot nations' governments have "concluded" a Climate Change agreement yesterday in Paris, and all I can say to the suckers out there is be  prepared to be fleeced, for fraud "carbon taxes" are now definitely coming.  The fraudsters behind the fraud of "Climate Change" are definitely laughing all the way to the bank........And finally, what most people want to hear, my look at the freaks who have polluted American minds, the Kardashians.  Yes, in my previous rant I said Kim's baby would be named 'Easton' but I stand corrected. The kid's name is "Saint", which of course makes less sense than "Easton".  But hey, considering how screwed up the parents are, and how this kid will grow up probably as screwed up as the rest of those misfits, does it really make a difference? Again, I do wonder about the sanity of most Americans that they care more about this family of trolls, trollops, misfits, and psychos, than what is really happening around the planet.....More to comeNTS