Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, April 12th, 2015

 Yes, it is Sunday again, and as usual, it is time for my weekly rant...I personally am most disgusted by what I am watching happening in our sick world today... Everywhere I turn I see so much despair with people everywhere walking around in a daze while the world goes to heck... It does appear that the lunatics that run our nations are now rushing headlong into what looks like World War III and most do not give a damn about the consequences, especially the thought that such a war could indeed mean the end of civilization as we know it...Just the other day, I was at my office, when a friend and longtime coworker came in and we started to talk about a multitude of subjects.... We then decided to head out to the local coffee and doughnut shop and continue our conversation over a couple of coffees..... Just to let everyone know, I have known this person for years, and he has always appeared to be one of the brightest guys that I have ever know.....Well, the conversation turned to the usual family, sporting events, what was happening in our province, and then to events affecting the country... I let him give me his own synopsis of what he interpreted as what was happening, and I was shocked to find out that he was as oblivious to the truth about how Canada has turned into a militaristic police state with dwindling freedoms, as I have seen with most every other Canadian that I have met... We started talking about politics and then what was happening around the world, and that was when the s*** hit the proverbial fan.... I could not believe it when he said that the Harper government was doing the "right thing" in going after the so called "terrorists", and then he began to say exactly what I have been hearing from those who absolutely do not know the truth but instead have fallen for the lies of our media's propaganda campaigns, in that we must "do something" about the "terrorists" that "threaten" our nation.....  I had to bite my tongue and wait for him to finish before I started to fill him in about the real truths about the criminals controlling Canada, the fraudulent war on terror, and then about the facts that "terrorism" in itself is a massive fraud... Honestly, I wish that others were there to see his reaction.....Lets just say that his demeanour at that time appeared to turn very sour after I had just spent a few minutes in letting him know the real truth.... He could not believe anything that I was saying and I could tell by the look in his eyes that what I was saying was entirely foreign to his thinking... It showed the definite effect of the brainwashing by the lies of our media and our own government.... But believe it or not, rather than getting angry with me, he actually wanted to hear more and wanted some facts to back up my statements......After we both returned to my office, I spent the better part of 20+ minutes going over some facts about so called "terrorism" and how it is indeed a facade being used as a weapon of fear on peoples' minds... I explained how the real criminal goal is to brainwash people with so much fear that people will seek solitude and help from our criminal governments, and gladly surrender their very freedoms for the illusion of "security" from these non-existent "terrorists".... I also grabbed a piece of paper and jotted down a long list of websites for him to take a look at and to do his own research... I closed by asking him to get back to me and to tell me what he thought at that point....  He has always known me to be an intelligent individual that would not spew lies and he agreed to do some much needed research...Well, two days later, he was back in my office, and said to me that he looked over several of the websites that I told him about and he said that he was amazed and that surprisingly he was totally oblivious of the wealth of information presented at those sites...  He said to me that he had a lot of "catching up" to do and would  continue to keep me abreast as to his own research and findings..... I was deeply impressed and realized that I had again claimed a small victory in this war against the true evil out to enslave us all...The bottom line here is that yes, this was indeed another small victory in a continuing string of small victories on my part in the fight against the criminal Jews and their lies and falsehoods that permeate everyones' minds these days... But again it was ONLY one small victory when anyone considers how intense the brainwashing continues in keeping most people oblivious and living in their illusionary world of lies and falsehoods....OK, I have come under fire at times for my stand on trying to reach people with education and facts and not slamming them over the head with the "The Jews are the cause of all of our troubles" statement too quickly... In many conversations with Whitewraithe, we both have come to the understanding that education and getting people to open their minds with facts, and to doing their own research, is better than hitting them hard with the truth right off the bat... The fact is that the brainwashing is so intense by these Jewish criminals and their Jew spew media propaganda machine, that if anyone tries to break that brainwashing with the "It is the Jews" statement right away, most of the victims will simply turn away and accuse you of being a "racist" or a "hater"... At that point, they obviously will shut their minds off to reasoning and rationality, refuse to listen to any truthful information and facts, and will be nothing more than a lost cause.   Therefore the only chance we do have in reaching more people is to ease them into the truth and not try to hit them over their heads with a hammer.....Yes, it means a very slow process in most cases and in the meantime the criminals are continuing their dirty work in enslaving us all... But honestly, is there any other choice?   I personally would prefer some small victories rather than turn more people away in defeat..... The fact is that there are still some people out there with some margin of critical thinking and once they are given the information they will indeed to do their own research, many will be on the right path  to the truth.... Naysayers will again disagree, but I do believe that in spite of the obvious drawbacks, this is still the best way of reaching people....OK, on to what has been happening in our sick world..... I am truly shocked by the ignorance of the American public and the lack of any outcry to the travesty of justice we have witnessed last week in how the truly criminal American so called "Justice System" railroaded a 100% innocent man, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, for the fraud known as the "Boston Bombing".... As I stated in a previous article, a travesty is an understatement... .The facts are all out there for everyone to see for themselves that the entire "Boston Bombing" was indeed a DHS drill and that absolutely NOBODY was killed....  How can it not be anything different?  The proof is there with the fact that right at the finish line for the Boston Marathon on that fateful day, loudspeakers were clearly screaming out "This is a drill... This is a drill..."  How any numbskull can believe it to be a real "bombing" after listening to the audio in the videos that many Youtube users have presented for that moment is simply ludicrous....  Then we take the so called "Bauman" character who was already a crisis actor that had previously lost his legs in Afghanistan, and was there to play the part of a "victim" of the bombing that supposedly had his legs blown off by the "bomb", and rather than bleed to death, was miraculously placed into a wheelchair and then whisked away down the road for the world to see.... I could not help but laugh at the ridiculousness of the entire charade, but I too have been amazed at how easily the gullible American people swallowed this horse crap without any thought!  Honestly, are Americans really that stupid?Lets face the facts here... We have had the phoney Aurora shooting, then the fraudulent Sandy Hook school massacre, then this fraud Boston Bombing... And since that time we have had another ridiculous false shooting in Seattle Washington as well as that equally ridiculous Los Angeles shooting to boot.... It does appear that the criminals are seriously out there to push as much fear into the American public that they will indeed gladly give up their freedoms, and their guns, for the illusion of "security"... Yes, FEAR is very much an intensive psychological weapon and these criminals have become the masters in knowing how to use it against gullible people to get exactly what they want.....So, again, we now have a once upon a time truly free United States of America that now can easily take any innocent individual and have them charged with crimes that they absolutely did not commit.... This Boston Bombing fraud verdict is only the beginning, because guaranteed there will be many victims in the near future of the so called American "justice" system that will make sure anyone that the government does not like be found "guilty" even though 100% innocent... And most Americans will be too stupid or simply too full of fear indoctrination to stop the ever increasing injustice....Yes, the United States has indeed turned into a police state and has fallen under tyranny..Beyond the fraud Boston Bombing kangaroo court fiasco, there are so many things happening elsewhere on the planet.... I have been trying to put the pieces together to the Germanwing aircraft crashing at full speed into a mountain puzzle and I have been just as perplexed as everyone else as to exactly WHY it occurred....Yes, I have indeed read all the reports where it has been claimed that the copilot of that ill-fated flight seized control of the aircraft and purposely flew the plane into the mountain in an act of suicide due to his usage of "antidepressants".... BUT of course these people continue to miss the fact that (a) the plane was being shadowed by military aircraft before its crash, and (b) access to the cockpit was easily obtained from entering a punch code on a security lock...... John Kaminski in his most recent article has come forward with the very interesting speculation that criminals had indeed taken control of the aircraft, most probably through remote control and then had both the pilot and copilot incapacitated...Then these criminals purposely attempted to fly the aircraft into the largest water dam in the entire region, the Barrage de Serre-Poncon dam.  Luckily, though sadly for the passengers on board, the French military were alerted and actually blew the plane out of the sky over the said mountain that the Jew spew media promotes as being "crashed" into.... Yes, this scenario still has some holes to fill in, but it is far better than those saying that the "homosexual" pilot was on "antidepressants" and flew the plane "into" the mountain in an act of suicide.....The situation in the Ukraine has now taken a turn for the worse, and I said in a previous article that the entire Minsk "Ceasefire" agreement reached over a month ago was a fiasco from the start... The so called Minsk ceasefire had indeed been used as a pause in the Ukrainian army's aggressive assault against the innocent eastern provinces, during which time the US led Kiev regime rearmed their army with  American military hardware supplied at US taxpayer expense, and moved heavy military armaments to the ceasefire line in the eastern provinces to prepare for an all out offensive against the so called "rebels"...  Yes, the eastern Ukrainian provincial leadership did try to warn the world that the criminal Ukrainian regime was indeed moving in their new heavy weaponry and preparing for an all out offensive, but thanks to the Jewish control over the world's media, few people have listened... Now we are witnessing the newest bloody onslaught with Ukraine now launching their new offensive in an attempt to achieve all out victory... They care not that they will be slaughtering thousands of innocent civilians in the process.....It also does seem that when it comes to the Ukrainian fiasco, the criminal US is indeed wanting to escalate the situation, and see more Russian speaking civilians in the eastern provinces murdered to provoke Russia into coming into the fray to stop the slaughter.   If Russia rightfully intervenes to stop the senseless slaughter of civilians, then the criminal US government will have their excuse to starting World War III with Russia itself.... Yes, readers, the American government is that psychotic!One thing that I did not report on for the last week was the new twist in the Global Warming fiasco, where the criminal President of the United States came out and stated that his own daughter's health problems due to asthma are caused by "climate change"... He then stated that he would do anything to put a stop to "climate change" to save his own daughter.....This should be a warning to the American public that with his failure at the fiasco known as "Obamacare" he is now attempting to fleece the American people out of their hard earned savings by imposing the fraud known as Carbon Taxation legislation.... Yes, I have been trying to warn my American readers that these criminals would stop at nothing to use the fraud of "Global Warming" or what they now call "Climate Change" to get more taxes imposed on the American public, and now we are seeing the US President himself trying to use a flimsy excuse of "saving his daughter's health" to force that legislation into being.. Pathetic is an understatement.... So let me get this finally straight....Here we have just finished having one of the coldest winters on record here in North America to say the least...And we have provable evidence that more cold temperatures are yet to come in the next decade due to diminished solar output from Sol... And somehow the clowns behind the Global Warming scam are still preaching their nonsense that the planet is somehow getting warmer, and that their "solution" is to "carbon tax" the public.... Am I missing something here?.... Sadly, there are indeed suckers out there that will indeed continue to swallow the Global Warming bullshit....Yes, as PT Barnum once said, and when it comes to the fraud of "climate change", there indeed is a sucker born every minute!One more thing before I get onto my last minute tidbits... I am sickened by what I see happening in Syria right now, and especially the actions taking place against that innocent nation by the criminals running this once free country known as Canada... As I and others stated midweek, the Harper regime has "extended" Canada's actions against the CIA/Mossad run fraud known as "ISIS" by launching air strikes against targets inside Syria itself.   These targets are absolutely NOT "ISIS" bases as the Jew spew media claims, but are indeed Syrian infrastructure and population centres.... Yes, Canada is now willingly participating in the outright murder of Syrian civilians as the Jews in control of this nation command!   That, and the reports about "ISIS" forces now in the outskirts of Damascus itself taking part in the murder of civilians in a refugee camp means clearly that the US and Israel have indeed upped the stakes in their attempts to have Syria destroyed and Bashar al-Assad driven from power... Lets face reality here, everyone; The US and Israel created the fraud of "ISIS" for the sole purpose of seeing Syria destroyed.  These monsters will continue pushing this fraud "terrorist" group in our faces until either that sick goal is achieved, or hopefully enough people finally wake the hell up, see that they have been played as suckers, and stop this madness created by own governments....Well, I guess that is enough of what I see as the major issues of the last week.. Of course there are other important topics that I have missed, and will again try to cover some of them here in my usual "last minute tidbits".......OK, will someone please explain to me why the hell the Greek government handed over some 400+ million Euros in "interest payment" to the criminal IMF and thus "delaying" their "default" for a few months?  The answer is obvious to the Syriza government in absolutely not giving in to these crooks and telling them to take their debt and shove it where the Sun does not shine.  I hope the Greek people are listening and go after their government for not respecting their own wishes to end their enslavement to these thieves.......Rand Paul running for President of the United States?  I sure hope the American people are not that stupid to actually vote for this Israel butt kisser... Is this a joke?  Jewess Hillary Rodham Clinton is preparing to also run for the US Presidency?  Honestly, is there ANYONE out there that can be US President that is NOT a Jew, a lunatic, or a Jew butt kisser?.......Criminal governments wanting to pass laws to have vaccinations become mandatory?  Great, roll up your arms and allow criminals to pump Mercury laden, cancer causing, aborted fetus laden, chemicals into your body that do far more harm than the diseases they are supposed to fight.  Honestly, I have given up trying to figure out the mentality of people due to what has happened to me personally when I have tried to warn people not to get vaccinated!  Yes, the propaganda has indeed been that intense and people are just too stupid to listen.... Interesting on what has just happened at Fukushima Japan.  It appears that TEPCO has now tried to use robots for the dangerous business of removing the damaged fuel rods from the failed reactors.  However, the robots themselves have failed due to the intense radiation that has overwhelmed their circuits.  Yes, It appears that even robots cannot handle the radiation.....Sadly, this nuclear disaster is still going strong, and it could be decades before it can be stopped.  Again, it is amazing that this life threatening disaster is still going strong and the Jew spew media ignores it.  But again, wars for Israel come first and foremost.......Interesting report came out that shows that the spy program known as "Facebook" has not only been spying on its own users, but even those who do NOT have "Facebook" accounts!  I continue to shake my head in disbelief that anyone in their right minds would have an account with this Israeli built and developed spy program.  Again, if you want your privacy respected, close and end your "Facebook" account immediately..... Yes, Whitewraithe and I are finally getting more of a hang at doing online radio shows and we hope to get onto part II of our expose on the truth about Adolf Hitler and the second World War shortly.  There are so many important topics to cover in our Turbulent Times broadcasts, and I hope that everyone takes the time to listen in live, or go to Blogtalk radio and listen to the archives of previous shows.  It is worth your time..........Arsenal beat Burnley 1-0 yesterday and the Gunners have closed to within 4 points of table leading Chelsea.  The Gunners did have a bit of a difficult time against the Clarets which was surprising.  But anything can indeed happen from week to week in BPL action........I received an interesting email from a friend that said it would be perfect for the closing of this rant.  Yes, it appears that the major Jew spew networks across the Jew controlled United States "news" network, CBS, went gaga earlier this week with the "breaking" news that skank Kim Kardashian's baby loved to play with, of all things, shoes!   THIS made major US network news??  Am I missing something here?  And people wonder why I keep on saying that America is a basket case when "news" about this family of skanks and trollops ranks above much more important news events elsewhere.  But again, America sure loves their Kardashians!More to comeNTS