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Most people that currently know that there is no such a thing as an infectious virus do not know of the war that was waged long before we came to know the truth. The virus scare is a control method used by the people trying to secure more power in this world and if you study history you’d realize that it has been used for centuries. The SARS-CoV-2 hoax is just the most recent example. 
Anthony Brink was one of the leading South African’s apposing the HIV hoax during the nineties and his story of how he convinced the South African president at the time to refuse the horrifically poisonous AZT drug is unbelievable. He worked with the Perth group, especially Eleni Papadopulos-Eleopulos, to bring the truth to the world. He describe Eleni as incredibly genius and watching her speaking with precision in her presentations it is easy to come to the same conclusion.
Direct links to the Perth Group:

Also refer to the work of 
ViroLIEgy Newsletter
 in an article that he has on his webpage. Link to the article here. A description of the Perth group from the article:

“The Perth Group of was formed in 1981 in Perth, Western Australia. The three original members are the leader, biophysicist Eleni Papadopulos-Eleopulos, emergency physician Valendar F Turner and Professor of Pathology John Papadimitriou. Over the years several other scientists have contributed to or joined the Group. These are physicists Bruce Hedland-Thomas, David Causer and Barry Page, Florida USA biochemist Todd Miller and Colombian physician/medical researcher Helman Alfonso. The Perth Group has published scientific papers and letters in peer reviewed medical journalsas well as in the popular press. Two of the group are invited members of the Presidential AIDS Advisory Panel and have presented our material in various forums including the Presidential Panel and via satellite at the Geneva International AIDS Conference.”

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