No Vaccine Mandates in Canada!

Being aware that vaccines are chock full of endocrine disrupting chemicals, dna from monkeys, pigs etc, and fully believing in the individual/parental right to choose the appropriate medical care, I can in no way shape or form see the implementation of a vaccine mandate as anything but state sponsored tyranny and terrorism. Canadians have taken it lying down as their free speech rights have been eroded will we now bend over for forced medical treatments knowing full well that vaccines are not the panacea they have been promoted as?Link for petition

The Canadian Medical Association (CMA) wants to change the way medicine is practiced in Canada. At its annual meeting in Halifax, August 23-26 the 80,000 member group is intending to vote on a “mandatory vaccination” resolution requiring that all children registering for school or daycare show proof they are fully vaccinated.The CMA is aligning its policies with the American Medical Association and other powerful medical lobby groups that have pushed resolutions to eliminate parental choice from vaccine decision-making. This recently occurred in California where parents lost the right to personal belief exemptions from vaccination for children enrolled in school or daycare.This is Canada, not the United States of America. Canadians have certain guaranteed rights and freedoms. This policy resolution by the CMA would not only deprive Canadians of their medical right to informed consent, but would abrogate certain Constitutional guarantees under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.The attempt to disempower parents from deciding which, if any, vaccines a child would get, and when they would get them and make CMA doctors the sole arbiters of who qualifies for exemptions is illegal, unjust and unethical.You can read our fully referenced letter to the CMA here. It details both the legal and scientific issues surrounding mandatory vaccination.Tell CMA you are against their resolution calling for “mandatory vaccination of children"  because:
  • It is illegal to mandate vaccines in Canada without personal and religious exemptions due to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
  • Mandating vaccinations without personal and religious exemptions would breach the following laws, codes and conventions on Informed Consent which is the right to understand the risks of medical treatments and the right to choose or refuse them:    - Canadian Medical Law     - Provincial regulations such as Ontario’s Health Care Consent Act    - The CMA’s own medical code of ethics    - International Conventions to which Canada is signatory, including   the Nuremberg Code, and Helsinki Accords and the UNESCO Universal Declaration of Bioethics and Human Rights
  • As a matter of justice, a policy of mandatory vaccination which carries medical risk must be accompanied by a vaccine injury compensation program. Unlike every other Western nation except Russia, Canada does not have such a national compensation program in place. 

Mandatory vaccination threatens our basic human rights because it:

  • Undermines the right of families to protect their children from unwanted medical interference
  • Invalidates the personal freedoms of conscience and religion and the legal right to security of the person guaranteed to all citizens by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms 
  • Violates our right to know and understand what we are putting in our bodies, and to refuse unwanted medical treatments, whether ‘preventive’ or ‘therapeutic’
  • Ignores the thousands of vaccine adverse events reported in Canada each year and health injuries that are occurring -  the majority to young children
  • Exposes families to the risk of vaccine injury and death without any National vaccine injury compensation program
  • Changes our relationship with the medical profession, making Doctors into medical enforcers and Judges, rather than professional resources we consult with in order to make our own medical decisions

It’s time to fight for our health freedoms and to defend our most basic human right to refuse unwanted medical procedures, including vaccination.Please sign this petition and send a message to the CMA in time for their annual meeting in Halifax, August 23-26: NO MANDATORY VACCINATION IN CANADA!

Just a very few posts relinked below on the myriad of problems with vaccines!You can also check the swine flu label (bottom of post) the vaccine left a whole slow of young persons with nervous system damage manifested in the form of narcolepsy- safe my ass!