Nice France Attack: Something Stinks Here For The Fraud Of ISIS Is Taking The Blame, And Other Points Of Contention....

Yes, yesterday was a very bad day for France, as a TUNISIAN man drove a large lorry through some crowded streets in Nice killing some 84 people and leaving maybe hundreds more hospitalized... We are still getting some information about this incident, and there will be more reports to follow this one... Needless to say that this incident could not have happened at a more convenient time for the French government as everywhere across France there have been rallies and protests against the French government's policies...One thing that first alerted me that something was not right about this incident in Nice was the following report, where supposedly the fraud "terrorist" group called ISIS has taken the "blame" for this horrendous attack in Nice.... First, here is the link to an article from the Time online news service, at, where "ISIS" indeed has taken the blame and the Hollande government is now "cracking down" on these "terrorist" groups: OK, It figures that the criminal Hollande government in Paris will not let a "terrorist" attack go to waste... I can guarantee the next step will be the imposition of "martial law" in France just as what happened in the very fraudulent "Paris bombings" of last year.....  But what really makes this whole Nice attack stink to high heaven is the fact that this "ISIS" has taken the blame knowing full well that "ISIS" itself is a complete fraud and is owned and operated by the Americans and Israelis... Honestly, how convenient is that?Next we find something very peculiar happening today.... For apparently even with the facts that it was a TUNISIAN "terrorist" that carried out this attack in Nice, we find the French government calling for more strikes against "ISIS" in Syria!  Here is a report from the "Telesur" online news service for everyone to see for themselves... I have further thoughts and comments to follow: Notes:  Yes, there was a very real attack that has just taken place in Nice, France, and there are very real victims here... (Not looking at this as any "hoax", at least yet....)What astounds me about this Nice attack is of course the following points of contention:(1) How quickly the fraud of ISIS has taken the "blame" for this attack... All it means is that the French government will indeed involve themselves more deeply in the war against that fraud terrorist group....The fact that ISIS is indeed a fraud should have everyone raise red flags on this attack......(2) That this attack took place in Nice.. The facts are that with the so called "elite" vacationing only a few dozen kilometers away in neighboring Monaco, I do have to ask why if these "terrorists" were real and legitimate, that they did not go and carry out this "attack" against "elite" in Monaco instead?  Has anyone also noticed that when these attacks take place, that they are always against innocent civilians and never against the criminal "elite"?  And people wonder why I am always a skeptic when these attacks take place....(3) How this attack has taken place at just the right time for the Hollande government considering how the French public is now in open revolt against its policies.. .This attack will now give those criminals the convenient excuses they need to impose another wave of "martial law" across France itself!(4) The supposed attacker was a TUNISIAN 'terrorist', and yet the French government is now calling for strikes against Syria?  Excuse me for asking this question.. But is Syria now Tunisia?  The last time I checked a world map, Tunisia and Syria are separated by over 1000 kilometers.....  But what we have here is the fraud of "ISIS" taking the "blame" and giving the French government their excuse to join with the other criminals in their attacks against Syria... How convenient is that for the Hollande government?The bottom line is that yes, this attack was horrific and there are indeed many victims from this atrocity... However, the timing, the fraud terrorists taking the blame, and the French reaction , should have everyone suspicious and digging deeper .... We should not believe what the Jew spew media and our governments are claiming about this attack, period....More to comeNTS