New Study: Goats Who Eat Monsanto GM Soy Produce Abnormal Milk

Monsanto likes to say (with the FDA’s help) that their Round Up Ready GM soy is substantially equivalent to its non-GM counterparts. But a new study proves that GM-fed goat milk is completely abnormal – is human milk next?
Is it any wonder that the US has such a high infant mortality rate compared to other ‘civilized’ nations? (Ours is more than twice the rate of countries like Sweden or Japan.) Though it is due to a confluence of factors, Monsanto is likely contributing to our atrocious infant mortality rate.
When baby goats die more often due to their mothers eating Round Up Ready soy feed, it isn’t a far stretch to understand that human milk is being affected as well. This is especially true since glyphosate residues have been found in fetal cells and pregnant women’s breast milk. (Glyphosate formulations induce apoptosis and necrosis in human umbilical, embryonic, and placental cells as evidenced in this study.)
What exactly is wrong with the GM-fed goat’s milk?

  • It has significantly reduced antibodies
  • It had reduced protein and fat content
  • It contains transgenic DNA

Just as with human milk, a goat’s first milk, called colostrums, is normally filled with proteins, important fats, vitamins, and antibodies that protect newborn babies from disease. All of these important factors were altered in the GM soy-fed goat’s milk.
In this study, offspring from conventional and GM-fed mothers weighed the same at birth, but those from GM-fed mothers weigh significantly less 30 days after birth.
As reported by Institute of Science in Society:

“A new study finds that feeding goats the genetically modified (GM) glyphosate-tolerant soybean MON40-3-2 changes the composition of colostrum, the nutrient-rich first milk produced during pregnancy. Colostrum is ordinarily packed with proteins, vitamins as well as antibodies to protect the new-born against disease. Offspring from conventional and GM-fed mothers weigh the same at birth but those from GM-fed mothers weigh significantly less 30 days after birth. The researchers also discovered transgenic DNA in the milk of mothers fed the GM diet.”

The gig is up. If biotech’s GM foods aren’t altering our reproductive health, permanently altering the human genome, killing us via cancer, and organ damage, then their GM poisons are targeting our infant children in their first days of life. It has to stop. Now.

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