New Hampshire Buries Biden and Warren, Prepare for the Rise of Little Pete

Not all the highly suspicious and flagrant bungling and/or manipulation of the Iowa caucuses – which should be the simplest and smallest of all democratic election procedures to count honestly and efficiently in real time – could save Senator Elizabeth Warren and her dreams of power.
A quarter of a million voters in the little Granite State of New Hampshire put the last nails in her political coffin.
After a year of empty speculation in the U.S. Mainstream Media (MSM) fawningly built up the hollow and fraudulent Warren – she fulfilled her political fate as a badly built giant airship, full of nothing but gas that crashed and burned on her first real test flight, just like her socialist predecessor, Britain’s bizarre R101 more than 90 years ago.
After her rejection by the caucuses of Iowa- who similarly threw out Hillary Clinton in both 2008 and 2016, performing signal services for world peace and survival – Warren knew she had to do better in New Hampshire. But she could not even make the top three candidates among Democratic voters alone and she also failed to break the 15 percent barrier.
Democrats in New Hampshire were even more stunning in their humiliation of veteran national candidate Vice President Joe Biden who led the preferences of national Democratic voters for so long.
Biden’s campaign is plummeting out of control. His vaunted loyal support, among older, white working class and rural Democrats and among Hispanic and African American voters must now kick in across the U.S. South on March 3 – Super Tuesday – or he’s toast.
Biden could yet prove a “Comeback Kid”. Registered Democrats across Heartland America and the great Hispanic and African American communities have so far have shown no enthusiasm at all even for Senator Bernie Sanders – who has won the hearts and minds of students and potential young voters, or of the other two now clear frontrunners, Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar and South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg.
The heiresses of Hillary Clinton and other feminist extremists across the United States – the same people who actually believe Russia stole the 2016 presidential election for Donald Trump – are truly grieving for Elizabeth Warren.
The Washington Post on the very day of the New Hampshire primary ran a long piece in its Style section lamenting that voters’ rejection of Warren was a judgment on the bigotry of gender-bigoted Americans who were not a ready for a Strong Woman at their head.
As is now usual for the Post, its lies are not only absurd but also incompetent: It was not mainstream American voters who rejected Warren: It was her own liberal Democrats in New Hampshire.
Far from being gender bigoted, those same voters preferred in their top three, an openly gay young mayor (Pete Buttigieg) and another woman (Amy Klobuchar) as well as an elderly Jewish Socialist originally from the borough of Brooklyn in New York City (Bernie Sanders). Not much if any racism or gender hatred there.
However no tears will be shed yet in Langley. Wall Street and the U.S. Deep State would clearly prefer not to have Bernie Sanders as the next president of the United States. But so far their efforts to demonize him have failed entirely.
On the other hand, Buttigieg, suddenly the hot commodity to “stop Sanders” has been packaged as the new “moderate” and “bright fresh face.” He came out strong from both Iowa and New Hampshire. And the dynamics of primary politics and favor him.
Taken separately, Iowa and New Hampshire are both extremely low population states and the Iowa caucuses are a bizarre though sweet ceremonial procedure that began before even railroads or electric wire telegraphs had fully come to the Midwest back in the 1840s. The Iowa caucuses are democratic politics as they were conceived in the era of horses and buggies, slaves and serfdom.
However, Iowa and New Hampshire are so different from each other and so far apart that to do strongly in both of them, as Sanders did in 2016 and this year, as Barack Obama did in 2008 and as Donald Trump did in 2016 shows a candidate has the broad appeal to give him or her national credibility.
This year, Buttigieg, Klobuchar and Sanders all passed that test in both contests with flying colors. But Warren and Biden both dismally failed to do so.
I regard Buttigieg as an entirely empty figure, another of T S Eliot’s Hollow Men – a Straw Dog. The most chilling thing about him is that despite his utter lack of experience, achievement and substance on every issue, literally scores of senior CIA, NSA and other Deep State officials have enthusiastically endorsed him, as the Grayzone has documented.
The question is Why?
The answer is obvious:
Lovable little Pete Buttigieg is not only a Manchurian Candidate: He is Langley’s Manchurian Candidate.
Buttigieg is far from being an unprecedented phenomenon: Repeatedly, the U.S. establishment tolerates or actively advances a young, inexperienced, supposedly squeaky clean candidate to launch a new era of Instant Happiness and Virtue.
The disgusting little hypocrite Jimmy Carter – who unleashed both the Iraqi attack on Iran and supported the Mujahedeen to start more than 40 years of war in Afghanistan – won the presidency that way in 1976.
Barack Obama rode the popular wave of a similar appeal in 2016.
Having a first woman president is now passé. In fact Klobuchar could certainly do the job credibly, but the ludicrous fiascoes of Hillary Clinton and Elizabeth Warren have tarnished her.
Buttigieg offers yet another childish, meaningless “glass ceiling” to be broken in the way so beloved of infantile romantic-liberal Americans. He would be the first gay president! A new Rainbow Coalition! A new way to display imagined U.S. moral superiority over the rest of the world!
Watch for the rise of the pampered little Buttigieg as the brave boy knight in shining armor ventures forth to slay the foolish old raving socialist dragon Bernie Sanders.
It is a ludicrous narrative. It is packed with lies. But it is going to be stuffed down our throats in the months ahead.