New Direction for Resolving the Middle East Crisis

One problem in resolving the Middle East Crisis is that the pro-Israel contingent follows the Trump philosophy — bludgeon the opponent with made up stories, deceit and invectives. Talk with those who favor Israel and find the most rabid of them shout, scream and prevent rebuttals. If their ugly behavior does not silence critics, they resort to the ultra-low technique of labeling their antagonist as an anti-Semite. Use of anti-Semitism to silence opponents and constant reference to the World War II holocaust to promote Israel are essentials to Israel’s strategy of confuse and conquer. Contradicting history with references to biblical literature in order to convince an unknowing world that Jews have returned to their ancient land and retrieved a stolen possession is another dishonest measure. Historians, archaeologists, and geneticists have shown that contemporary world Jewry has no direct ties to the ancient Hebrews, the Hebrews did not exercise much control in the area in which they wandered, and, similar to other tribes, they became extinguished by merging into other civilizations. The Jewish persona and Judaism emerged more fully in Mesopotamia and spread throughout the world. All of this has been summarized in previous articles: Return of the IsraelitesThe_Jewish Caliphate, and The War of Narratives.
A thinking person does not need the historical narrative or archaeological diggings to demonstrate the speciousness of the claim of a Hebrew empire; just note that no major museum displays any validated documents in old Hebrew or prominent artifacts from an ancient Israel. There are no appearances or historical references to monuments, buildings, weapons, vessels, artwork, roads, tools, ceramics, earthenware, which define a people or civilization; nothing more than some seals and coins for commerce, which can be provided by local authorities.
Besides, people of today have almost no relation to those from 4000 years ago. All elements that form conscience are different — experiences are different, behavior is different, environment is different. Are Italians the same as ancient Romans? Are modern Egyptians the same as the dynastic Egyptians? DNA is not the complete story; we all have the same number of genes, but they are turned on and off in reaction to the environment. A Jewish person from Europe has much, much less similarity to an ancient Hebrew than a Palestinian who has lived for decades in a similar environment to that of the ancient tribes.
A statement by Jack Gleeson, one of the actors in the popular television drama Game of Thrones, demonstrates the absurdity to which the subtle brainwashing reaches. The 19-year-old actor, who plays the boy king, Joffrey Baratheon, in the medieval drama, has been quoted that: “After ‘Game Of Thrones’ I’d be happy to do some amateur plays but I don’t think I want to do any more professional acting. I’d like to be an academic, a philosophy lecturer if possible. I’d do a Masters in Ancient Hebrew maybe, and a PhD hopefully, if I get in.”
A PhD in ancient Hebrew! Being as there are only about four small writings of a debatable ancient Hebrew script, what can be studied in ancient Hebrew for more than one day? In an article, “The Oldest Hebrew Script and Language“, which summarizes work by epigraphy scholar Christopher Rollston, Associate Professor of Northwest Semitic Languages and Literatures at George Washington University, Rollston contends that all the Old Hebrew discoveries are debatable and more likely use Phoenician script.
Michael Handelzalts, Haaretz, August 04, 2013 writes that:

Modern Hebrew writing isn’t really based on ancient Hebrew letters at all, and it’s because of the exile in Babylon. About the end of the sixth century BCE, the Hebrew language discarded the ancient Hebrew letters and adopted Aramaic ones. This dramatic act is documented in the books of Ezra and Nehemiah in the Bible and commented on in the Talmud and in Greek sources. Perhaps the alphabet that the Hebrew language uses today, which is in fact Aramaic, should really be called Jewish.

A simplified and accepted language tree describes Old Hebrew becoming archaic and Modern Hebrew being derived from Aramaic script.
Israel’s Museum of the Lands of the Bible has a more certified alphabet tree but for legal reasons cannot be reproduced. It shows proto-Canaanite as the mother alphabet and script for the western languages. Both early Hebrew (the museum uses early rather then old) and Phoenician are derived from Canaanite and both disappear with early Hebrew evolving into Samaritan. Rather than a Modern Hebrew being derived from Aramaic, the museum chart describes a Jewish language as a derivative of West Aramaic script and New Hebrew derived from the Jewish language.
The popular mindset has accepted the spurious descriptions of the Hebrew tribes and their place in history, which has led to acceptance of a false attachment of modern Jewry and Israel to an ancient homeland. Keeping historical knowledge to academic books and libraries serves only academics. Releasing this knowledge elevates thought processes and places in perspective the Zionist mission. which is a venture replacing a Jewish redemption, similar to a Massachusetts Bay Colony, which expanded and expanded until it liquidated the Native American presence, replacing a Puritan experience.
Today’s Israeli Jews around the world may have some common ties and characteristics, but Israelis have little relation with these Jews or past Jews; Israelis are a new people, Israeli Jews, who are a product of conditioning by the administration that rules them. They have a new language, a new history, and a new conscience, a virulent nationalism and militarist spirit that had been alien to the dispersed Jews throughout their history.
Way back in 1876, George Eliot penned a confusing book, Daniel Deronda, which has a controversial sub-plot — an idealistic and aristocratic hero finds compatibility with the London Jewish community and becomes a supporter of early Zionism. Due to its dual and confusing plot, George Eliot’s book was not well received. Nevertheless, the almost 150 year-old novel has been made into three films, two television programs and been adapted for the stage. The Zionists started the brainwashing early and have not stopped one day since that time.
Noting that use of questionable techniques to defend a position is a clear indication that the position is indefensible, acceptable strategies can be devised to counter the techniques that enable Israel’s occupation of the international mindset. Not correcting the spurious arguments that create a facade for the construction of Israel has been the greatest failure of those who want a just solution to the Middle East crisis. It is time to place a discussion of ancient Levant history at the top in the agenda of the new direction for resolving the Middle East crisis and make certain that schools of lower and higher education do not replace authentic history with biblical stories, and they do.
Page 14 of the NYSTROM Atlas of World History, used in Middle Schools, quotes the Hebrew Bible (Tanach) with “unconfirmed history,” and locates the Hebrews between the pages of the Akkadians and Egyptians, starting from Sumeria with Abraham, and wandering for 500 years until reaching Canaan from Egypt and establishing kingdoms, none of which are defined or mentioned to have accomplished anything — speculation leading to nothing, and indirectly proving there was nothing.
Start with the constant exploitation of the World War II holocaust.
The extent to which Israeli propaganda operates by continuous exploitation of the World War II holocaust to gain sympathy is well known, but the depths of the manipulations are subtly hidden. A February 2016 Public Broadcasting System (PBS) program, Nova’s Memory Hackers interviewed Dr. Eric R. Kandel, one of several neuroscientists who appeared on the program. When Dr. Kandel, who was born in Vienna, Austria, spoke, a flashback to the 1938 Kristallnacht with storm troopers appeared on the screen and commentary on Dr. Kandel’s leaving his home after the Nazi annexation of Austria was detailed. What did this have to do with the Memory Hacker program? Nothing. Should not PBS be criticized for this lack of judgment?
In the cinema listings of the February edition of Diplomat, a Washington D.C. journal that presents embassy news, 32 out of 56 posted films were related to the World War II holocaust, Israel, or Jewish themes. This was partly due to Washington’s Jewish Community Center (JCC) featuring some of the films but most appeared in other theaters. During the same month, the Washington D.C. Palestine Center had films each week on the Palestinian experience but not one of the films was listed in the Diplomat. This may be due to the failure of the Palestine Center to take advantage of the free advertising, but it shows the intensity with which Israel’s followers behave in the interests of Israel.
Public education, media, cinema, theater, music, wherever lives meet word or sound, the World War II holocaust, after almost 80 years, is continually highlighted. The Holocaust has an essential place in history but not a unique place that dilutes the intensity and awareness of other genocides. Israel has identified itself with the death of others to give it sustenance and life. This disregard for the sanctity of the perished and the use of their sacrifices to promote an ideology warrants a response and that response, which reveals a notorious use of the World War II holocaust, contradicts the reasons for Israel’s existence.
The often quoted phrases that “Israel is built on the legacy of the Holocaust,” and “the Palestinians have been made to suffer because of the crimes of the Europeans against the Jews” are spurious and should be countered. Hearing these contrived remarks from pro-Palestinian activists, as I have heard, indicates the effectiveness of this purposeful misinformation.
The plans for creating Israel occurred long before awareness of the Holocaust and independent of the World War II catastrophe.
The shown map of the Zionist position can be found here.
The Zionist mission to subdue the native population and create a unique state for its adherents began decades before World War II. After the 1917 Balfour Declaration declared that “His Majesty’s Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people,” the Zionist Organization submitted a proposal to the Paris Peace conference, which showed a greater Israel from slightly west of Amman, Jordan to the Mediterranean Sea and from slightly south of Beirut, Lebanon to the Egyptian border in the Sinai peninsula.
Nor has it been proven that the UN Partition Plan, Resolution 181, gained approval due to sympathy with the European Jews. It can also be shown that the Soviet Union and its satellites voted for the plan in the expectation that the new nation would favor socialist ideals and side with them in UN debates. President Truman’s catering to a Jewish electorate in his bid for the presidency by declaring support for the Partition Plan, and leaders of Central and South American countries, whose votes were decisive in enabling the Resolution, being influenced by their northern patron, were more important considerations than a moral obligation. Even if there were no Holocaust or UN Resolution 181, the Zionists would have proceeded until they succeeded in their plans and probably with more aggression.
The frightful Holocaust is used to play on the fears of Israeli children. They suffer from an educational system, which instills in them that the past Holocaust means fear of a future Holocaust from which they must protect themselves. In the disguise of being educated to survive, Israelis are being trained to be fearful, alienated, suspicious and careful of the others. They are not being trained to live but are being trained to make themselves ready to kill. Education of Israel’s children has a similar mind setting construction to that which has characterized totalitarian systems. Here is what the new Israel generation favors:

Almost half of all Israeli Jews are in favor of transferring or expelling the state’s Arab population, a major U.S. survey of Israeli public opinion has found.1

If the sacrifices of its victims remain in proper perspective, the lessons of the World War II holocaust will not be forgotten. They will be forgotten if their sacrifice is transformed into a commodity for advertising and sale, whose excessive attention distracts from the principal World War II history and warnings and drives people to ask the question, “Why are we repeatedly being told this?”
Charge of anti-Semitism is another weapon to silence Israel’s critics
I noticed the start of this campaign during the 1980s when a Rabbi from Boston, Massachusetts showed up in Maryland, and was allowed to interrupt a course in biblical archaeology at a Jewish Community Center and lecture on the subject, “Is anti-Zionism actually anti-Semitism?” No student knew who he was, where he came from, or why he was allowed to interrupt and talk to a captured audience.
One of the worst charges of anti-Semitism was an accusation made against President Obama by Netanyahu’s spokesman, Ran Baratz. Haaretz newspaper’s Barak Ravid reports on November 05, 2015.
“Allow me to be harsh, contrary to my moderate habits,” Baratz wrote in the March 3 post. “Obama’s reference to Netanyahu’s speech — this is what modern anti-Semitism looks like in Western and liberal countries. And it comes, of course, alongside much tolerance and understanding toward Islamic anti-Semitism. So much tolerance and understanding that they are willing to give [Iran] an atom[ic bomb].”
Combating the erroneous charges demands a huge legal defense fund for those unlawfully accused. Applying a new definition to the words will also be helpful. The former can be effective by aiding those who have either been silenced or lost their positions in educational institutes, media and industry because they have spoken against Zionism and Israel. It is a difficult operation, which, if not done correctly, can be counterproductive but it is not blue sky. People have actually won law suits in defense of unfair accusations of anti-Semitism.
“Charges of bigotry backfire”, by George Lane, Denver Post, April 29, 2000.

An Evergreen couple accused publicly of being anti-Semitic won a $10.5 million damage award from a federal jury Friday in a defamation lawsuit against the Anti-Defamation League.
The ADL accused William and Dorothy Quigley at a 1994 news conference of perpetrating the worst anti-Semitic incident in the area since the slaying of Jewish talk-show host Alan Berg 10 years earlier.
They were accused of launching “Operation Aronson,” an effort to run their Jewish neighbors out of town, and threatening to commit acts such as painting oven doors on their neighbors’ home.
The jury found that the statements at the news conference, and on talk radio, were defamatory and “not substantially true.

If they could do it, so can thousands of others and with those victories, charges of anti-Semitism used to silence Israel’s critics will be subdued.
Anti-Semitism is not only misapplied; it is not defined correctly. In a previous article,  Emergence of the Real Israel, the writer fancied a more correct characterization, which leads to a more widespread and valuable application.
Arabs are also Semites and suffer magnitudes more discrimination and serious attacks than Jewish Semites. In order not to have any group monopolize the term anti-Semitism it is preferable to use the term with more correct meanings.
Anti-SemitismA refers to discrimination against Arab Semites from non-Arabs.
Anti-SemitismAA refers to discrimination against Arab Semites from other Arabs, of which there is plenty.
Anti-SemitismJ refers to discrimination against Jewish Semites from non-Jews.
Anti-SemitismJJ refers to discrimination against Jewish Semites from other Jews, of which there is plenty.
A simple rewriting of the word, such as using anti-SemitismA (discrimination against Arab Semites from non-Arabs) when appropriate, can reshape a new generation’s minds, and apply a more honest characterization to the word anti-Semite.
Pernicious statements are purposely inserted in arguments to confuse the issue.  One  pernicious statement, which must be refuted, is that there are “Two nationalities fighting for the same land.” It should be rephrased that “a composition of individuals coming from various parts of the world has seized land owned by indigenous people who show title, have nourished the land for generations, and are defending themselves against the illegal intrusion.”
Another pernicious statement, which must be refuted, is that “the two sides have been fighting the same war for 5000 years.” The two sides have scarcely known one another until about 150 years ago when the foreign Zionists arrived in Palestine and ignited the battle.
In addition, let us not permit Israel’s conflicts with Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran to confuse the issue. These are separate quarrels that should be treated separately. If there were no Hamas, no Hezbollah, and no Iran, Israel would still be occupying the Golan Heights, Jordan Valley and oppressing the Palestinians, except there would be Israeli settlements in Lebanon up to the Litani River, in Gaza, and probably most of the Sinai Peninsula.
Enough of the background and pointed reasons for alarm. What can be done?
If articles, books, appeals, rhetoric, demonstrations, and myriads of organizations sympathetic to the Palestinian cause — decades of products dedicated to turning the tide against Israeli oppression — have not succeeded by now, then those paths to success are not likely possible. Go back two decades and recall that demonstrations in Washington, D.C. for Palestinian rights covered the broad avenues with tens of thousands of participants. A similar march on March 20, 2016, which featured a demonstration against the AIPAC 2016 convention, attracted only about 1000 people. Although the oppression has become worse and is approaching a catastrophic level, the numbers willing to fight aggressively for Palestinian rights are dwindling.
A side attraction to the demonstration exposed the manipulative manner of the Israeli system; several well dressed and personal Israelis appeared from nowhere, worked the crowd at the Convention entrance, and debated the demonstrators as if they understood and sympathized with the Palestinians, but after all, “the Palestinians have started it all and are not really a people.” Those debating these infiltrators did not seem to realize that these Israelis were only trying to obtain information, note what the other side thought so Israelis can form suitable rebuttals, and serve as a safety valve, draining energy from the crowd, and making believe there were Israelis who were willing to listen and cooperate.
A new path, with new organizations that neither complement existing organizations nor exist apart from them, but operate in an entirely different manner, which work to salvage the last flickering hope of saving a world from expected devastation, is needed. Because of the difficulties, complications, and complexities in forming organizations of this type, the following is only a hypothetical guide. These organizations are not for the faint-hearted; they will be continually forced to explain themselves, combat legal challenges, and make sure they do not violate lobbyist laws. If they succeed, the other organizations succeed, if they fail, all is lost. Despite the challenges, considering the need for these organizations, some groups may find a way and accomplish the formation. This way will not be directed at Israel; Israel is its own problem and its citizens and foes must handle that situation. The argument of these organizations is with those who assist Israel in its illegal, unlawful, discriminatory, and oppressive activities, its human rights violations, and preparations for endless wars — governments, institutions, religious groups, and lobbies. They will learn to understand that

  • Israel is not an island of stability; it is the center of instability.
  • The U.S. is not making Israel more secure; it is making other nations more insecure.
  • The thrust is not to delegitimize Israel; Israel’s supporters have already done that. The thrust is to make Israel into a valid nation and not one that represents a criminal enterprise.
  • Those who claim to be supporters of human rights must change their attitude toward Israel’s extensive violations of human rights or face their hypocrisy.
  • Israel’s Palestinians have been good citizens, which show that cooperation with the Palestinians is viable if Israel becomes an inclusive government.
  • The U.S. is not halting an arms race; by aiding Israel it has stimulated an arms race.
  • Policies in the Middle East are only another part of a long line of counterproductive U.S. policies from the invasion of Vietnam to wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya.

Assuredly, pro-Israel groups will more and more convince an unwary public that defending Palestinian rights is related to supporting Hamas, Iran and, Hezbollah, and pro-Palestinian groups will be severely attacked. Changing the perspective from helping Palestinians to helping citizens throughout the world will change the battleground, change the players and change the direction.
As one example, the Religious Right, which Netanyahu carefully nurtured, will be challenged for its anti-Christian policies that promote the decline of Christianity in the Holy Land, and for its anti-SemiticJ rhetoric that speak of the Rapture and Armageddon in the Valley of Jezreel at Megiddo in Israel. At this final battle, “Jesus Christ will lead a heavenly army to victory over God’s enemies,” destroying the Jewish experience and converting all Jews to Christianity.
Zionists will be revealed as not representing the Jewish people and guilty of anti-SemitismJJ by leading the Jews to an ultimate destruction both in spiritual values and physical presence. Israel has not incorporated contemporary Jews into a nation; it has created a new Jew, the Israeli Jew, which has only a vague relation to world Jewry and Judaism.

The organization’s thrust will be to reveal the errors in U.S. foreign policy, expose the manipulations that steer those policies, educate the public toward a new direction, and influence government to change direction, with emphasis on the Middle East policies. It may be preferable to start with an already well established organization that can revise its charter to become a larger organization with a central focus in the U.S. capital city, and has capacity to gather and disburse funds for operations. Subsidiary but independent associations throughout the world will coordinate activities with the central organization.
The new organizations serve as a liberating force, freeing all from the misinformation that steers them to awkward thinking, to accepting the genocide of the Palestinian people as an everyday occurrence, and to being captured by a tyranny that shapes their lives in service of others rather than advancing their own nations. Re-evaluating dual citizenship, investigating Israeli immigration into key congressional districts, combating illegal operations by AIPAC, Anti-Defamation League and other pro-Israel organizations, challenging those doing business with and locating in Israel, exposing the grants by set-up organizations to Israelis who arrive at foreign shores from dubious think tanks, gain credentials, infiltrate institutions and universities and ensure “balanced” activity so that nothing happens, are only a few of the multitude of actions for moving the U.S. government to assist its citizens and not Israel’s interests. If everyone is positive, the mounting criticism against the unusual support enjoyed by Israel will reach a threshold or break point that overcomes those who give Israel their undivided support. The complacent who note the bandwagon will come forth and give expression to the endeavor. No need to storm the barricades, just knock harder with a stronger fist at the closed doors.
Read Part One here

  1. Naomi Zeveloff. Forward, March 8, 2016.