Netanyahu: Iran wants another “Holocaust” against Jews

The Times of Israel today published a report announcing that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is once again accusing Iran of “preparing another Holocaust” against the Jews. How many times have Netanyahu and other Jewish leaders made this ridiculous and entirely baseless claim?

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu railed at Iran Sunday for holding its annual Holocaust denial cartoon contest, charging that the Islamic Republic was “preparing another Holocaust” against the Jewish people.
Iran “denies the Holocaust, mocks the Holocaust, and is preparing another Holocaust,” he told ministers at the start of the weekly cabinet meeting in his Jerusalem office, “and I think all the countries of the world need to stand up and condemn this unequivocally.”
Israel’s problem with Iran, he said, “isn’t just its subversive, aggressive policy in the region. It’s the values on which it’s based.”
Iran’s annual international cartoon contest lampooning the Holocaust features around 150 works from 50 countries. It began Saturday and is running for the next two weeks. […]

God bless the Iranians for having the nerve and courage to actually organize their annual cartoon contest. America prides itself on free speech and “tolerance”, yet no one would dare organize a conference questioning the fake “Holocaust” narrative of WWII and hardly anyone would tolerate such an event.
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