Necromancy in Parkland

Necromancy in Parkland at Stonemason HighThe Ceremonial Aspects of our National Death TripBy Michael HoffmanCopyright©2018 •  RevisionistHistory.orgNikolas Cruz moments after he was apprehended. Note the image on his sleeve.The Horus falcon of ancient Egypt. On Feb 15, 2018, at 12:59, William XXXXXX wrote:

Hello Michael, 

 In terms of the "Parkland"shooting do you think it is significant that this took place in Parkland, Fla. with the fact that the hospital that President Kennedy died in was "Parkland”? Also the fact these shootings took place on'Valentines Day." Another Valentine's Day massacre! I think there is a lot of symbolism here and would be very interested in your perspective. 

Best regards, Bill

 Is it “Stonemason” or “Stoneman" High School? Screen grab from the Google search engine, at 2:36 p.m. February 15, 2018 “Stonemason” High School The killing site is most often referred to as “Stoneman” High,  but sometimes “Stonemason” supplants “Stoneman" in reports by various establishment media. It’s an instructive “mistake.” Dear BillMy gut intuition is that the latest massacre is a contagious death trip immersion: the more we look at it or talk about it, the more our lives get soured.I agree with you about the symbolism. Yes, Parkland in the context of President Kennedy’s murder and this mass murder, constitutes twilight language, and taken together with the infamous 1929 “The Saint Valentine’s Day Massacre” from the annals of gangland, and we have some haunting parallels. The origins of Valentine’s Day are not happy if the fate of its namesake, Saint Valentinus, is any guide:  "According to the official biography of the Diocese of Terni, Bishop Valentine was born and lived in Interamna and while on a temporary stay in Rome he was imprisoned, tortured, and martyred there on February 14, A.D. 269.”Feb. 14 was also the 73rd anniversary of the Allied holocaust in Dresden, where Americans assisted the British in massacring at least 100,000 German civilians. Then there is the abortion holocaust to which the media are oblivious. They cherish abolitionist John Brown for declaring that the country had to be purged with blood for slavery: "I, John Brown, am now quite certain that the crimes of this guilty land can never be purged away but with blood." (December 2, 1859).But the media will not countenance the possibility that America is being purged for its mass murder of the most helpless and dehumanized in our society — unborn children. And here I am not saying that the innocent souls massacred in Florida deserved to die, or anything approaching such an equivalence. The perpetrator seems to be a demon-possessed individual. Nonetheless the old aphorism, “What goes around comes around,” may apply to our America which increasingly resembles a haunted house.I’m sticking with my initial intuition: that this is a manifestation of the recrudescent pyramid religion whose focus both now and thousands of years ago, is almost entirely on dead matter. Whether at Parkland in Florida or the "Route 91 Harvest shootings" in Las Vegas last October, we are being forced into attendance upon a ceremonial Dia de Muertos on a national scale, like the Aztec and Egyptian people of old. In the words of H.P. Lovecraft “…behind it all I saw the ineffable malignity of primordial necromancy.”In the short term, all the demon-possessed gunmen like the Florida shooter who are captured alive, should be hanged in public after a fair trial by a jury of their peers (this will prove too grisly for the degenerate liberals however, for whom an ocean of aborted baby blood elicits little or no indignation or offense).In the long term it will require a moral revolution that commences with sandblasting those pyramid icons off the Federal buildings that exist in every major American city. These are edifices where the display of a Crucifix is against the law — and remove the pyramid from our dollar bills. The Babylonian Talmud states that ten measures of witchcraft were bestowed upon the world and that ancient Egypt received nine of those measures. America mystica is occult to the core. It will take another Hercules to clean out these Augean stables of ours, and obtain recognition for unborn human beings — as being, in obvious fact, human. Until then, expect more mass killings, with guns being scapegoated (when some crazed murderer or terrorist mows down people with a truck or an automobile, makers of cars and trucks are not sued in court, and there is no talk of limiting their possession).The continuation of Michael Hoffman’s work is dependent upon the charity of readers and the sale of his writing and recordings. _______________