NATO's killers in Syria: Will Trade Golan in exchange for no fly zone enforcement

Can it be anymore clear that the 'opposition' is not Syrian? Not that I need to remind regular readers here.Can it be anymore clear that the so called opposition has been supported by, cooperated with and continues to collude with Israel. Israel is not afraid of Islamists for the simple reason they are on the same team.That fact is abundantly clear! Haaretz- Syrian Opposition willing to trade Golan claims for Israeli Military support

Top opposition official tells Al Arab newspaper militant groups want Israel to enforce a no-fly zone.

  The Syrian opposition is willing to give up claims to the Golan Heights in return for cash and Israeli military aid against President Bashar Assad, a top opposition official told Al Arab newspaper, according to a report in Al Alam.

"Why shouldn’t we be able to sell the Golan Heights because it is better than losing Syria and Golan at once," Kamal al-Labwani, a prominent member of the Syrian opposition, told the Arab newspaper, according Al Alam, an Arabic language Iran state-owned media outlet. The Western-backed militant groups want Israel to enforce a no-fly zone over parts of southern Syria to protect rebel bases from air strikes by Assad's forces, according to the report. 

This has everything to do with the fall of Yabroud-

Syrian government forces backed by Hezbollah militants took full control of the town of Yabroud on Sunday after driving out rebels, helping President Bashar Assad secure the land route linking the capital Damascus to Aleppo and the Mediterranean coast on the third anniversary of Syria’s civil war. The fall of Yabroud, the last rebel bastion near the Lebanese border, could choke off a vital insurgent supply line from Lebanon and consolidate government control over a swathe of territory from Damascus to the central city of Homs. 

Making that planned for push into Damascus more difficult then had been hoped forYabroudA handout photograph released by Syria’s national news agency SANA on March 15, 2014, shows a view of a part of the town of Yabroud in Syria, which lies north of Damascus near the Lebanese border

Yabroud was an important supply line for rebels into Lebanon, and overlooks an important cross-country highway. It is the last major rebel-held town in the Qalamoun Mountains region, where Assad’s forces have been waging an offensive for months to try to sever routes across the porous border. Its fall would come just a week after the Syrian army seized the village of Zara, another conduit for rebels from mountainous northern Lebanon into central Syria. Syria’s state television reported that military forces seized Yabroud early Sunday and were now combing the city, removing booby-traps and bombs and hunting down rebel holdouts.

“Our armed forces are now chasing the remnants of the terrorist gangs in the area,” said a uniformed soldier reading from a military statement on Syrian television. “This new achievement, which led to a collapse of the terrorist groups, completes the successes of the army in the Qalamoun area against terrorist groups and their nests and forms an important link to secure the borders with Lebanon, and cuts supply lines and tightens the noose around terrorist strongholds remaining in the Damascus countryside,” said the soldier. Syrian officials refer to rebels as “terrorists.”

 The rebels are terrorists. They are terrorizing the Syrian people. They are also hired killers, paid for, trained by NATO nations and Israel.