NATO Uses Lithuanian-Polish-Ukrainian Military Mechanism To Upgrade Ukrainian Army For Current, Future Wars

September 20, 2014
Poland pledges to help modernize Ukrainian army – Komorowski

The formation of a joint Lithuanian-Polish-Ukrainian LitPolUkrBrig brigade is part of NATO agreements to modernize the Ukrainian army, Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski has said.
“This agreement is part of the plan, which was discussed at the NATO summit in Newport, where it was decided to support Ukraine” Komorowski said before the ceremony for the signing of the agreement to form the joint LitPolUkrBrig brigade in Warsaw on Friday.
According to him, the brigade will be part of the peacekeeping contingents, the platform for exchange of experience, knowledge and skills, not only between the three participating countries, and will also contribute to the interaction of the Ukrainian army with the armed forces of the world.
He added that Poland pledged to contribute to the process of the Ukrainian army modernization.
“I believe that the combination of all these steps will help the Ukrainian army to cooperate efficiently with the armies of the world, as well as modernize the armed forces of Ukraine, which is required in connection with the existing threat posed by an aggressive neighbor,” Komorowski said.
September 20, 2014
Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania sign agreement to form joint peacekeeping brigade
Ukrainian Defense Minister Valeriy Heletei on behalf of the Cabinet of Ministers signed an agreement to form the Lithuanian-Polish-Ukrainian brigade LitPolUkrBrig.
Ukraine is to delegate 545, Poland 3,000 to 3,800 and Lithuania between 150 and 350 troops to LitPolUkrBrig, whose command would be based in Lublin, Poland, and the member contingents would remain at their permanent bases.
Before the end of 2014, an agreement would be signed to settle all technical problems.
The goals of LitPolUkrBrig are to raise confidence and step up cooperation between the three countries and make a contribution to regional security.
LitPolUkrBrig would also take part in UN-mandated international operations provided all three countries agree to this.
Other countries would be free to join the brigade.
The accord was signed in Warsaw by the Ukrainian, Polish and Lithuanian defense ministers, Valeriy Heletei, Tomasz Siemoniak and Juozas Olekas, in the presence of Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski, an Interfax-Ukraine correspondent reported.
“It is an example of effective practical cooperation amid new challenges and a new element of pan-European security,” said Heletei.
