NATO Strengthens Georgia’s Military Capacity

Ministry of Defence of Georgia
October 30, 2013
Planning and Review Process with NATO Allies

Evaluation of the accomplishment of the commitments undertaken by Georgia under the Defence Planning and Review Process (PARP) was discussed within 28+1 format at NATO HQ.
At the meeting, each ally highlighted that Georgia held democratic Presidential Elections that meets international standards. As Deputy Defence Minister Mikheil Darchiashvili outlined, NATO partners congratulated the Georgian people and government on this achievement.
Within the 28+1 format meeting, NATO member countries positively evaluated the performed and ongoing reforms in Georgian defence sphere. Mikheil Darchiashvili underlined the progress recently marked in the defence field of Georgia. He presented before the NATO delegation the elaboration of strategic instruments, defence planning, Georgia’s contribution in NATO-led ISAF mission and joining the NATO’s Response Force from 2015. “Together with NATO allies we discussed the reforms carried out according to the commitments undertaken under Defence Planning and Review Process. Our allies positively evaluated the reforms in Georgian defence sphere. We emphasized Georgian Defence Ministry’s priorities” – outlined Deputy Defence Minister.
The delegation of the Georgian MoD moved from Brussels to Mons. Strengthening Georgia’s defence capabilities was the main topic of the meetings held at NATO European Command and NATO Special Operations HQ.
