NATO Recruits Georgia To Energy “Security” Center

Trend News Agency
October 16, 2014
Georgia to join NATO’s energy security centre
By Nana Kirtzkhalia

Georgia will join the NATO Energy Security Centre for Excellence (ENSEC COE), the Defense Ministry of Georgia said.
The official ceremony will be held Oct. 16 in Vilnius, Lithuania and the document on Georgia’s accession to the ENSEC COE will be signed by the Georgian Economy Minister Giorgi Kvirikashvili, the Lithuanian Defence Minister Juozas Olekas, the ENSEC COE officials and military attaches.
As part of Georgia’s accession to the NATO ENSEC COE, the Georgian State Military Scientific-Technical Center Delta will on Nov. 12-14 hold an exhibition titled the “Innovative Energy Solutions for Military Applications” (IESMA 2014).
The ENSEC COE currently employs Estonian, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, French and Turkish experts.
