NATO Holds Strategic Communication Conference In Georgia

Ministry of Defence of Georgia
November 4, 2014
NATO Strategic Communication Conference

NATO Strategic Communication Conference is underway in “Sheraton Metekhi Palace” Hotel. Importance of strategic communication across the wider security sector is the key topic of the discussion at the international forum.
SHAPE Chief StratCom Mark Laity and Deputy Defence Minister of Georgia Mikheil Darchiashvili opened the conference. They emphasized how strategic communication can reinforce national and regional security effects.
The event consists of two parts. The heads of the parliamentary committees and various ministries working on strategic communication and policy are attending the conference. During the forum they discuss issues such as competition for hearts and minds in Russia’s neighborhood, the need for NATO StratCom in the new security environment and UK framework approach.
The second part of the event – workshop will last for two days in the hotel “Ambassador” located in Kachreti. The specialists working on policy and communication planning will participate in the workshop. The trainers of the seminar are international experts of strategic communication.
The conference and workshop on strategic communication is being held under the guidance of NATO Strategic Center of Excellence, UK Ministry of Defence, NATO-Georgia Professional Developing Program and Defence Ministry of Georgia.
