NATO False Flag- Norway from mercs in Syria? Think- Arctic Resources & Circling Russia!

So, whaddya think?The new head of NATO, Jens Stoltenberg, from Norway  is set to take the reins of 'power' at NATO. Norway’s Jens Stoltenberg appointed as new NATO chief

 NATO’s next leader was announced Friday: former Norwegian Premier Jens Stoltenberg will lead the military alliance starting in October.

Jens StoltenbergIn just over a month a Norwegian will be in charge of NATO (superficially speaking, of course)   As coincidence would have it....or not?  Norway and the US are claiming that there is an 'imminent and 'concrete threat' from  the very NATO backed 'extremists' who are destabilizing Syria?Seriously?! Credible' Terror Threat in Norway, US Officials SayBuildings of The Barcode Project are reflected on the water at sunset in Oslo, Nov. 18, 2012The Barcode Project? Interesting name. Controlled. Trackable. Very creepy.Recapping-The very mercs participating in the multi year destabilization campaign against Syria, on behalf of NATO, are now supposedly going to launch an attack on Norway?If anything, anything at all happens in Norway, you will KNOW with certainty this is a false flag created by NATO nations to set Syria/Iraq up for massive airstrikesJanes is wagging the imminent terror threat finger!FYI- There are more foreigners then ever in Syria- It's always been the UN of NATO mercs there anyway...Israeli media is reporting that the mercs have already left for Norway and that Norway knows they are on the way...

We have received information that a group of fighters have left Syria with the aim of carrying out terror attack in the West and Norway was specifically mentioned among their targets,

I would think if they know the mercs have 'left Syria' and are heading to Norway.... then this could be prevented if someone wants to prevent such an incident from taking place?However? If some interested parties (NATO) wanted to create a justification for air attacks on Syria and likely Iraq, then a false flag in Norway is ideal. The new leader of NATO can then showcase his "huntdown" skills while presenting himself as heroic. A man in charge! Spouting meaningless nonsense at the traumatized population of his very own home country.Yah, this could work out beautifully as far as psychological operations go. Of course the "anti semite" card is getting  playedAlways a yawn fest. Just reinforcement of all your previous programming.What is the situation with Norway and Arctic resources?Could this play into further encirclement of Russia?I'll answer my own questions with this article, ok?Wary of Russia, Norway urges NATO vigilance in ArcticThis explains the choice of a Norwegian and the possibility of a false flag attack as justification for big NATO movement in this part of the world.

NATO needs to become more watchful about defending its members' security, including in the Arctic, because of the 'completely new' situation created by Russia's behavior towards Ukraine, Norway's defense minister said in an interview.

 But Norway's Ine Eriksen Soereide told Reuters that Russia's actions raised broader questions about NATO's collective defense - significant comments from a country that borders Russia and is as keen as Moscow to tap Arctic minerals, oil and gas.

At a time when most NATO members are failing to meet the alliance's target of spending 2 percent of economic output on defense, Norway maintains it is investing 1.6 percent, while NATO figures put Oslo's ratio slightly lower, at 1.4.

Soereide said Norway would not cut its defense budget in coming years - especially since it has committed to buy 52 F-35 fighter jets from Lockheed Martin, of which it has already ordered 16.

 Norway- Strategic location. Prime Real EstateUPDATE- Norway on High Alert Amid Warnings of Attack Next Week Next week? Like, Monday or Tuesday? So there is plenty of tell-a-vision/social media time to spin the incident? Including week end rehashes? Just wondering?Update #2-  Norway partially closes Bergen airspace over terror alert "Partially closed airspace" What ever that actually means?

 Police have requested Avinor (Norway's state-owned airport operator) to ban flights over central Bergen,"  Police said the airspace ban applied only to smaller private and recreational flights over the centre of the city in western Norway.

Norway is not an EU member but is part of the Schengen area, which includes 26 European countries that have abolished passport and other types of border controls for people travelling within the group of nations.

Update #3- The date for the alleged terror attack is tomorrow! July 28/14From this article

"Officials suspected an attack could occur on July 28 "

07/28/14 = A total of seven, sevens.If you aren't into the numerological aspect of this date. Think of this from the marketing perspective The attack/trauma could be reinforced through the repetition of the 7/7's. Clearly Christine Lagarde had 7 on her mind when she made a speech about 7's. H/T FreethinkerI watched it last week and thought what the hell is she on about. Her speech seemed bizarreEarlier this month we had the MH17 and 777So if not occult then certainly very marketable