NATO Expands Military Integration of Armenia: Caucasus Representative
October 18, 2013
James Appathurai: NATO wishes to expand cooperation with Armenia
I have had excellent meetings with Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan and other senior officials and we discussed a broad range of issues related to Armenia-NATO cooperation, NATO Secretary General’s Special Representative for the South Caucasus and Central Asia James Appathurai told reporters in Yerevan.
Mr Appathurai noted that NATO wishes to expand and deepen cooperation with Armenia and the Armenian leaders have said that there is no problem between membership to CSTO and cooperation with NATO.
Regarding the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, James Appathurai said that NATO is not involved in the settlement process and supports the activities of the OSCE Minsk Group.
“We cooperate with both Armenia and Azerbaijan and during all meetings stress peaceful resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict,” he said.
There is no military resolution to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and compromised political settlement is the only way, he concluded.
