NATO agrees cyberattack could trigger military response

NATO looks for any excuse to justify their tyrannical existence.Question- What two nations conspired and launched a massive cyber attack on energy producing facilities, possibly endangering the entire planet in the process?The answer is- US and Israel. Two nations that conspired to release Stuxnet & Flame

Flashback to Stuxnet........4-Stuxnet Struck Russian Nuclear Power Plant3-Massive Targeted CyberAttack- mostly striking Iran- Flame  2-Stuxnet, tested in Israel, developed with the aid of the US1-Israel responsible for Stuxnet attack

Is NATO going to attack the US for that cyber attack? NoThis stance- cyber attacks triggering military response is very dangerous for us all.A NATO nation, like the US or Israel could launch an attack, blame another nation and wage bloody warfare against that nation- does that sound like anything less then complete psychopathy?

NATO leaders agreed on Friday that a large-scale cyberattack on a member country could be considered an attack on the entire U.S.-led alliance, potentially triggering a military response.The decision marks an expansion of the organization's remit, reflecting new threats that can disable critical infrastructure, financial systems and government without firing a shot."Today we declare that cyber defense is part of NATO's core task of collective defense," NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen told a news conference.

In 2007, a series of crippling cyberattacks paralyzed much of NATO member Estonia in an apparent response to a dispute over the movement of a Soviet-era war memorial. Most Western experts suspected the Kremlin was responsible but Russia denied it.

No mention of Stuxnet in the article- Surprised?Don't Miss-Some Odd Ends- Destroying Society's Cohesion- Hidden History
