Nations condemns Chinese embassy blast in Kyrgyzstan

Police in the Kyrgyz capital Bishkek cordoned off the Chinese embassy compound as its employees and staff were evacuated [Xinhua]A number of countries have condemned the suicide bombing at the Chinese Embassy in the Kyrgyz capital Bishkek on Tuesday.
Three local staff from Kyrgyzstan were wounded in the attack and taken to hospital when the bomber rammed his vehicle into the gate of the embassy compound. The driver of the vehicle was killed instantly, the deputy prime minister of Kyrgyzstan said.
The Chinese foreign ministry said it was deeply shocked by the attack and condemned the “violent and extreme act”.
Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying told reporters in Beijing that China would “resolutely strike against all forms of terrorism”.
She also said that Beijing called on the government in Kyrgyzstan to ensure the safety and security of Chinese diplomatic staff and institutions.
The government of Kyrgyzstan quickly condemned the “heinous terrorist attack” and launched an investigation into the identity of the suicide car bomber.
France quickly condemned the attack and expressed solidarity with the staff of the Chinese embassy.
Singapore also condemned the attack.
“Such attacks against a foreign Embassy, which is a diplomatic compound protected under the Vienna Convention, cannot be condoned,” it said. “We wish the injured a speedy recovery,” the Singapore foreign ministry said in a statement.
The BRICS Post with inputs from Agencies