The “myth” of “turbo cancer” and mRNA vaccinations: What you should know.


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The “myth” of “turbo cancer” and mRNA vaccinations: What you should know
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What exactly is “turbo cancer”?
The term “turbo cancer” is often used to describe extremely fast-growing and aggressive cancers. There are claims circulating among critics that mRNA vaccinations could promote such forms of cancer, based on reports of a doubling of tumor mass within 4 weeks.
Historical Context: Aggressive tumors are not new
Rapidly growing tumors, as well as doubling within 4 weeks, have been known in conventional medicine for decades and are not new. For example:
Pancreatic cancer: Rapid growth and spread.
Small cell lung cancer (SCLC): Can spread quickly.
Merkel cell carcinoma: A rare but aggressive skin cancer.
Burkitt's lymphoma: A very fast-growing type of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.
 Distortions and bias in the current debate
Lack of neutral comparisons: There are no neutral comparisons of cancer statistics over several years, which would be necessary to draw sound conclusions.
Massive vaccinations: Never before have so many people been vaccinated in such a short time as during the COVID-19 pandemic. This must be included in any analysis.
Underreporting of side effects: Before the pandemic, only about 1-5% of side effects were reported, which distorts the statistics.
Disproportionate reporting: Since the corona vaccination there has been a flood of suspicious reports, often fueled by critical media.
Direct and long-term damage caused by vaccines
Direct damage from vaccines
The toxic ingredients in mRNA vaccinations, such as nanoparticles, can quickly lead to thrombosis and neurological damage, especially in older and weakened people. More about this in our NEXT LEVEL magazine 2nd issue.
Long-term damage and psychosomatics
Long-term vaccine damage can often be explained by “psychosomatics” triggered by persistent fear and panic, such as that seen in the Corona crisis. This fear and panic can be seen as a kind of trauma perpetuated by the politics of fear, including by critical enlighteners. When there is a high level of conflict (intensity and duration), what conventional medicine calls “turbo cancer” occurs. So it's always been there - it's nothing new!
 Conclusion: Evidence-based research is crucial
Current claims are based on incomplete and distorted data. We need rigorous, scientific research to determine the true risks of mRNA vaccinations.
 A new perspective on cancer
Finally, it is crucial to consider the nature of cancer in a new light. It is essential to understand that cancer is a biological reaction of the body, a type of adaptation process that takes place in response to various strong stress factors or to profound psychological conflicts. Cancer should not be viewed as an “enemy” or “malignant cells,” but rather as a signal from our body that something is out of balance. This perspective allows us to develop a more constructive and empathetic approach to cancer prevention and treatment, based on understanding the underlying biological processes rather than focusing on combating the symptoms. By recognizing the biological nature of cancer, we can apply and develop more effective and humane strategies to address these emergency programs.
The panic code
Triggering an individual “panic code” in our perception can lead to serious health problems such as cancer. While unnecessary panic generation increases these risks, factual education can help reduce them.
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