MSM Confirms Obama-Care “Death Panels” er… Rationed Care is Necessary

A few years back, Sarah Palin was aggressively mocked for her assertion that there were going to be death panels in the Obamacare legislation. Fast forward a handful of years, and liberals are no longer even trying to pretend that these panels done’ exist. Some liberals are even trumpeting them as a good thing for American healthcare. Enter Mark Halperin a reporter and columnist for Time Magazine, who tells us that death panels “are built into the plan.”
It’s built into the plan. It’s not like a guess or like a judgment. That’s going to be part of how costs are controlled.
Where were you during the 2008 election season, Mr. Halperin? Oh, that’s right you were right there covering the entire thing. You even got famous off of the book you wrote about it – Game Change. So, why weren’t you or anyone else in the media defending Governor Palin from the liberal attack machine that was calling her crazy for even suggesting the idea of “death panels?”
All of you dropped the ball, the only question is whether you did it on purpose or by accident.
Here is Halperin’s interview with Steve Malzberg on Newsmax TV, where he explains how the death panels are a necessary part of the system if Obamacare is to work.
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