A most considered admonition commended. Thusly.

The children of the 60’s made a valiant effort to divorce us from sin and appeared to have almost succeeded, or so they thought. They regarded sin as millennials regard borders — outmoded, patriarchal, dangerous, inhuman. Yet, now we are all sinners, stained and corrupted with legions of isms and phobias. One demon was cast out. Seven returned and occupied his cramped space. But we no longer believe in demons. More’s the pity. The demon could at least be named and cast out. By a subtle change in spelling we lost the demons and gained dementia. And dementia is no longer just for the old. Physically young people sicken and die when the world refuses to conform to their juvenile wishes. They weep and scream when a third rate huckster loses a rigged election to a melodramatic bombast. They are, purely simply and straightforwardly, demented. Those whom they blame for their malady they regard with more judgementalism than a Billy Sunday would have regarded a Skid Row drunk.
At least that’s the vision we are presented with. It turns out to be more simple and more serious than that. They are not actually demented. They are merely petulant children who have failed to thrive. They populate their make believe worlds with heroes and villains. This world exists in Fisher Price colors. It is thronged by Teletubbies and Skeletors.
It remains to be seen if their arrested development is permanent or is a TV show that will run its course and go into syndication. Let’s hope it is the latter. Their fragile psyches cannot take many more shocks and there are many more to come.
