More evidence of clandestine operations to poison water wells in Liberia (Photos)
There have been more reports of perpetrators caught poisoning water wells in Liberia. Around the same time the as the incident in Schieffelin, more wells were being poisoned in New Georgia, Montserrado County and even right outside of Monrovia. The incidents were well coordinated as they took place at around the same time, which was around the first week of August, and in different towns and cities. Was it another coincidence that these villagers (from different parts of the country) reported these incidents at the same time?
According to villagers, some wells were poisoned by armed men driving government vehicles, other similar incidents were carried out by single individuals. The online journal Front Page Africa published the following eyewitness account from Mamba Point:
Ericson Bright, a resident of the Robert Street Community in Mamba Point explained that last Sunday morning, two bottles of formaldehyde was found closed to the area well. “We saw a fella who was very strange, standing close to the well, so we got hold of him, and ask him were did he come from. He give conflicting statement, that he is an Argo oil seller who lives Johnson street, but came to find a customer who buys his Argo oil in Mamba Point.”
The area resident explained: “We told him let’s go to the place, forgetting to know that I live in the community, and he took me to where I live and when I said this was where I live and I have been sitting here for the pass three to four hours, it could not be me. Then I said your story is fake, so I started to check him and found tide soap in his pocket, and when somebody yell and said these were the people who are going around poisoning wells to kill people, the crowd started to beat him and he started running then the crowd follow after him but he Managed to escape.” He said.
There seems to be a coordinated effort to poison the drinking water in Liberia to make the Ebola pandemic appear worse than what it really is. Residents have seen individuals pour a mysterious powder into the wells. Other residents have seen armed men pouring liquids into the wells using syringes.
There have been confirmed reports that some of the substances used are formaldehyde. According the the U.S. National Institutes of Health, formaldehyde poisoning can create symptoms similar to Ebola. The following statement describing the symptoms of formaldehyde ingestion was published on the NIH website:
Ingestion can lead to immediate deleterious effects on almost all systems of the body including gastrointestinal tract, central nervous system, cardiovascular system and hepato-renal system, causing gastrointestinal hemorrhage, cardiovascular collapse, unconsciousness or convulsions, severe metabolic acidosis and acute respiratory distress syndrome. No specific antidote is available.

After being caught poisoning a well, one perpetrator confessed that there are about 250 men that were trained to carry out these criminal acts. After another poisoning incident, residents in New Georgia took photos of the crime scene. Since they lock the wells at night, the men came in and punctured the well head (as seen in the photo) and poured the substance in the water, according to Monrovia’s newspaper, the Daily Observer.
Some suspects have been apprehended and turned over to the Liberian National Police. The LNP officials have stated that they haven’t found any evidence of poisoning substances in the water, calling all these reports ‘rumors.’ Nevertheless, the locals don’t seem to trust their official statement since they have seen armed individuals with government vehicles being involved in these crimes.

