Monsanto Trying to Use Student Photos to Raise Support for Pesticides, GMOs

Perhaps you’ll join the parents in Hawaii who have had enough of Biotech’s bullying. In Monsanto’s latest chess move to infiltrate the islands, known as Ground Zero for GMOs, the biotech giant has sent home a permission slip with students at Waialua Elementary School on the North Shore of O’ahu in an attempt to buy community support through infiltration of the school’s activities and curriculum.
Hawaii News Now – KGMB and KHNL
The company wants to use photos of the children of Waialua in publications, such as billboards for GMOs. What’s more, the company wants to use statements from the children with the ‘ability to edit those statements.’ This predatory corporate initiative is making parents steaming mad, and we should join them in their petitioning of the School Board that has allowed Monsanto into their children’s lives.
Our schools, after all, could be next. Do you really want Monsanto doing school plays about the ‘benefits’ of pesticides and herbicides? Are you ready for the biotech industry to ‘educate’ your children while they spray cancer-causing chemicals in fields that are less than 2 miles from where your children play?

In Waialua, Monsanto is sponsoring bike safety week, and has donated $30,000 to the school. Fourth-graders brought home the following permission slip for their parents to sign:
Help get Monsanto out of Hawaii schools. Sign the petition here.
Image courtesy of GMO Free USA