Miles Kwok on Fire! A Renegade Billionaire Takes on the Chinese Communist World, or At least Xi Jinping’s Piece of It

This week on Newsbud’s China Watch with Peter Lee: Miles Kwok on fire!  Along with the rest of the planet! In a two and a half hour periscope broadcast on May 29, Miles Kwok went pretty far, and maybe a little further than he intended to, picking fights with journos, billionaires, communists, and maybe the entire communist party of China.
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Show notes
Guo Wengui the live broadcast on May 29 to announce that I am fine---about Wang Qishan
The Billionaire Gadfly in Exile Who Stared Down Beijing
Tony Blair was ‘go-between’ for Chinese tycoon sought by Interpol as bribe suspect
Anti-Corruption and Its Discontents
Requiem for Kyoto
We’re Watertight: Chinese swimming pool is so packed you can’t even see the water