Mike Flynn told one lie – the US government has told millions

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At long last, the non-scandal of Russiagate has fully blossomed into an actual scandal.
Israelgate is here and far from exposing that officials and family members of officials in the US government frequently and disproportionately lobby on behalf of the interests of a foreign power with illegal nuclear weapons, it merely confirms what is widely known, but frequently hushed up due to the money which drives the Israeli lobby to levels of power which are stratospheric compared with that of other foreign powers, including superpowers like Russia and China.

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The scandal of US politicians bending over backwards to do the bidding of a foreign power called Israel, in an age when few US politicians are considered responsive to the needs of their own voters, is the perennial dead horse of US politics among those with open eyes and the invisible elephant in the room to those who are wilfully blind.
While I, like millions of others in the world, view the leaders of the Israeli regime as criminals due to their oppression of Palestine, illegal occupation of Syria, illegal bombings of Syria and frequent violations of Lebanese sovereignty, in the case of Mike Flynn, Israeli leaders simply did what anyone in their position would do.
When Benjamin Netanyahu asked Donald Trump’s son-in-law to send Mike Flynn to multiple foreign embassies with a begging cup, asking them to do Israel’s bidding at the United Nations, Netanyahu was merely taking advantage of a good situation–he wanted value for money and he got it.

So the country that influenced US policy through Michael Flynn is Israel, not Russia. But Flynn did try to influence Russia, not the other way around. Ha-ha. This is the smoking gun? What a farce. https://t.co/VLw3wOLCCG pic.twitter.com/cZ3JBUxd4s
— Yasha Levine (@yashalevine) December 1, 2017

Imagine for example if another nation whose nuclear weapons cause some consternation such as North Korea was able to use a powerful US based lobby in order to get powerful US officials to run to embassies begging countries to vote against UN resolutions condemning North Korea?
You can’t imagine that, because it would not happen. The reason it would not happen is because the US is guilty of a selective enforcement of its own laws, selective ethics and selective morals.
It has now been proved that members of the Trump administration colluded with Israel to try and influence not only US policy, but the policy of other countries, including Russia. Mr. Flynn found out the hard way, that Russian foreign policy isn’t for sale as easily as US policy is. This is a massive scandal, except for the fact that no one cares.
If on the contrary, Flynn was instructed to lobby world powers to vote against anti-Russian resolutions, the level of hell that would break loose, would be unprecedented in scale.
This should not be surprising in a country that forces RT and Sputnik to register as “foreign agents” while Al Jazeera and the BBC, two state-owned foreign broadcasters are allowed to operate without question on US soil.
The irony should also be lost on no one that while Donald Trump, the US President has consistently attacked CNN, MSNBC, Washington Post and New York Times media outlets, the only outlets the US government has actually gone after in a punitive fashion have been RT and Sputnik.
This is the same United States, that calls Iran a threat to world peace when it has no nuclear weapons, while ignoring Israel’s illegal nuclear weapons which, according to most estimates, outnumber those of North Korea.
This is the same United States, where Bill Clinton is considered a kind of hero in spite of his obscene relationship with Miss. Lewinsky, but where the careers of celebrities can be ruined based on allegations of personal misconduct, even though these allegations have not been proved as factual in a court of law. So much for the legal presumption of innocence until proven guilty.
The lack of consistency in the US is a scandal upon a scandal. In a country that preaches equality abroad, the US is a country where domestically, there is one rule for some and other rules for others.
Mike Flynn now admits that he lied. It’s high time for those in the US who told millions of deadly lies about Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, Syria and North Korea to come clean about their lies.
It’s time for those who call RT a foreign agent but say nothing about Al Jazeera and the BBC to admit to their double standards.
It’s time for the US to admit that blind servitude to Israel is now as American as baseball and apple pie, while even consulting countries that are not Israel, including countries which themselves have healthy but not fawning relations with Israel, such as Russia, is a crime.
America has a consistency problem, an integrity problem and an honesty problem.
All of these problems are easily cured if more people would admit what Mike Flynn has admitted.
The post Mike Flynn told one lie – the US government has told millions appeared first on The Duran.
