Midnight Meme Of TheDay!

-by Noah

Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. -George Santayana

Now that the U.S. $enate is back from yet another of their vacations, the Republican majority, led by Mitch the Treason Turtle, is striving to rid the nation of Obamacare and Medicare via the Trump/Republican Tax Scam so they can take that money from us while raising both our taxes and our insurance premiums. They will then hand out the money picked form our pockets to their benefactors in the top 1%. They slyly and cynically call their scam Tax "Reform" and try to sell it to us as such. So, anytime you hear, see, or read words from any corrupt maggots in the political world, the media world, or from crackpot Trump supporters that support this scam, keep the words of today's meme in mind. The goal is the same, as are the methods used to dupe the gullible and easily manipulated among us. Only the corporate masters and their handmaidens in the well paid off $enate win. The rest of us are to be slaves or serfs indentured to the banks and corporations more than ever before.The Trump/Repug Tax Scam amounts to trickle down economics of massive steroids. How'd that work out previously? It's piracy and we are the ones to be raided.Now, really. Do you really want to see the $enate's richest man (that would be Mitch McConnell) gloat and smile ever again? I wouldn't. In fact, I wish I could make his smile utterly toothless. But, alas, I'm not allowed to do such a wondrous thing. The world is an unjust place. I will just have to hope that Mitchy doesn't get the votes to pass the big scam. I have my Mitch the Treason Turtle voodoo doll at the ready. I'm using a nail gun this time.