Midnight Meme Of The Day!

Click to enlargeby NoahFrom the You Can't Make This Stuff Up Department:Definitely click to enlarge. It's worth absorbing every word that's engraved on these ridiculous commemorative "coins" that are currently for sale by the Trump Crime Family and Associates. Yes, the Trumps are selling these $5.00 "coins" for $125.00 to the fools, thugs, idiots, and crazies who he counts as his supporters but it's what they commemorate that really takes a oneway ride to the Twilight Zone. As Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner would say, they commemorate the administration's huge, tremendous, bigly success in managing the coronavirus crisis.

We did all the right moves. The federal government rose to the challenge, and this is a great success story.

Yep, all the right moves to move the numbers higher. By success, I take it that Kushner means over 1,000,000 cases counted (there are more, much more that haven't been counted due to lack of testing) and a horrific 70,000 dead so far (no doubt also more so far and many more to come). 70,000 dead! Success! How insane do you have to be to call those figures a success when it could have been a much smaller number? He certainly can't be thinking the crisis is done either. So, I have to think that he's pleased with the way things are going. Now, I wonder what the Trump Crime Family and Associates have as their new goal. Obviously, they do have one. What is it? 150,000? 200,000? 250,000? I can just imagine the excited conversations they have in the oval office these days. I can also imagine the conversations the president who hates everything that lives has with himself in his bathroom or his spray tan booth. "How many? Sooo many but I need more. Much more. Need to see more corpses. I love the dead!"Not to worry, Mr. President Who Hates Everything That Lives, you have a sound plan. Among other steps, your removal of safety regulations for the meat processing plants that you've forced to re-open without precautions will pile up the corpses, and I don't mean the pigs, cattle, and chickens. Hey, I know! You can just have your buddies who own the plants mix in the human corpses with the rest of the meat products and byproducts. Kushner's in charge, right? He can have his Saudi friends come in with their bone saws. It's just one more little step in your insanity. What's that you say? "Marinate the new meat in Clorox before shipping?" Meanwhile, until you take that one more step, us meat and poultry eaters will probably eventually be eating meat that's contaminated with the virus. What a swell plan, Mr. President Who Hates Everything That Lives. The new Mad Cow! I know you don't smile but I do know that that will make you happy. Why? Because more people will die! You are the cheesiest horror movie we've ever seen. Sad thing is, you are real and 62,000,000 of your fellow crazies love everything you are. They voted for this.