Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahYes. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) (he claims to be a doctor but has no active certification and none is needed in backwards Kentucky), voted against emergency aid funding to combat the coronavirus! A doctor! Oh, that's right. He's a Republican doctor. That's different! So much for that "I solemnly consecrate my life to the service of humanity" oath.Republican $enators and House members often balk at providing aid to their fellow Americans in times of dire need. It's who they are. It's bad enough when they react to floods, fires, and hurricanes by trying to ignore the needs of Americans but that's part of the often well-exhibited republican psychopathy and this is a pandemic. Like Paul did, they offer excuses that the money for such aid should be taken from other needs. Hey, I know, why not take the money from Congress's salary, healthcare, and security?Of course, it's every bit as sick that so many Americans tolerate being victimized twice, once by mother nature and once by Washington. People actually vote for psychos like Rand Paul. They might as well pay someone to beat them with a crowbar.I assume, of course, that if Rand Paul comes down with the virus, he will refuse all treatment.