Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahWith apologies to the Chinese guy: Relax, it's not as if the ever evil president who hates everything that lives and breathes has been cutting 10 times 10s of millions of prevention and research dollars from the annual budgets of the Center For Disease Control just so he can give massive tax cuts to the donor class so they can then kick some of it back to his campaign. Oh wait, that's exactly what he and his party have done. That's what Trump-Ryan Tax Scam 2017 was all about. Here's the 2018 budget as just one example of their nihilistic budget slashing efforts. Well, Coronavirus is a coming, so ya better go buy some aspirin, tissues, and burial plots. Big Pharma will really appreciate your money, and so will the top 1%!The Big Orange Menace To Society has now asked Congress to fork over some emergency billions to respond to the danger but it's a case of too little too late. The horses named research, prevention, and cure left the barn the day Trump took office and began cutting. Moscow Mitch and the right wing media goons will soon be ironically offering that allocation as a further need to cut Medicare and Social Security rather than increase taxes on billionaires, lower the socialistic Korporate subsides of their companies, or stop building the useless border wall. We wouldn't want to do that now, would we?I live pretty close to the J.P. Morgan Chase headquarters and I always see the overly smug and overly self-centered banker scum as they approach their double and triple parked limousines at the end of the business day. I think I'll start loudly and violently coughing right next to them as they're walking to their rides, just to terrorize them you see. Also, I grew up in the town where a ton of them live so I suppose I could go there too. They're easy to spot. Just go to the biggest and most tasteless McMansions. Take along some mace in case they release the hounds.Mr. Medal Of Freedom, Rush Limbaugh, is already telling his gullible listeners that the coronavirus is "just a common cold." How long before Trump and the likes of FOX "News" start calling the coronavirus a hoax just like everything else. Sorry, Trump, you can't "Witch Hunt!" your way out of this one.