Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahSunday Thoughts:Trump actually said the words in tonight's meme, to cheers and applause.As for the picture, some of course were shocked when Trump mocked a disabled man to the hoots and hollers of his rancid mob of fans, but, given Trump's long-demonstrated sickness, those who were shocked must have led very naive lives. Trump knows and cares nothing about fostering understanding and respect for anyone but himself. That is the way of today's Republican Christians. With them, greed and personal power is the root of all desire. That is why they support Trump. That is why they support a man who is a mass-murderer who kills with his pro-cancer pollution policies, his avoidance of doing anything about climate change issues, his abandonment of our nation's allies to bombings, his turning loose of ISIS terrorists, his support for white supremacists who are hell-bent on murder and mayhem, his turning away of people at our borders who have fled certain death and properly presented themselves and their children for entrance to not just a better life but continued life. These words about Jesus that Trump cynically speaks are in a language Trump and his followers don't really comprehend or even want to, just as they are incapable of comprehending any degree of irony at all.