Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahTrump has always shown signs of intense insanity. Voter or not, no one with a properly functioning critical thinking mind could watch more that 2 minutes of any of Trump's 2016 campaign rallies and not see that, but denial is a powerful force. The go along to get along a-holes in the political world and the corporate media also refused to go there. "It isn't polite. It isn't done!" Their abdication of responsibility to the country, the public, and their FCC licenses served to let the denial flourish unchecked. They had equity in the status quo gravy train and didn't want to upset the cash flow that comes their way every day. "It'll upset the advertisers! It'll upset the corporate lobbyists!" The hacks that self-destructively naive people place their misguided trust in didn't want to see it so they didn't see it or they rationalized it away for cash like any street prostitute would.To me, the denial is not so different than that of the idiots who said no enemy would ever fly a plane into a building, even when that enemy had already tried to bring World Trade Center down. Many of the idiots, in fact, are the same people. The same fools grew up seeing film of our WW2 enemies flying kamikaze planes into our ships. No one can convince me that a person with as much smarts, as much experience in our politics, and as much personal experience with Donald Trump as Hillary Clinton didn't know that he is severely mentally ill. Yet, she wouldn't go there. That's not leadership. That's not fighting for us or even herself. For that reason alone, she all but deserved to lose, but the irresponsible silence of Clinton and those around her hurt us all. She didn't even say anything during that debate where her psychotic opponent, hyped up on crushed adderall, sniffled and slithered up behind her like the town rapist as she spoke on the debate stage. I'm not saying she should have turned around and kicked him in his little balls like I would have but she didn't say a word, not one word."It's not polite. It isn't done!"So now we have the lunatic shown in tonight's meme and the results are becoming more horrific by the day. Half of the voters voted for the lunatic and a little more than half were either left with a belief in the alternative, reluctantly voted for the alternative, voted for a 3rd party candidate, or, in a relatively small number of cases, wrote in another name, feeling that it was best to follow their conscience. All of those decisions pale when placed next to the one America has now but those who could provide the patriotic remedy do nothing. They get up every morning and put on their "business attire" and they spend their time, not working for us, not obeying the oath they took, but working for lobbyists, and in some cases the foreign countries and entities they've sold their souls to.Imagine the level of denial among the staff of today's White House. Actually, I think it's obvious by now that the boss's insanity doesn't bother anyone in his administration at all. For them, it's a matter of "Come for the homophobia. Stay for the white supremacy a free, Trump-autographed copy of The Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion." And the young ones on the staff don't get why they are pariahs on the Washington dating scene. Hello!One day, very soon, President Trump will walk out to his waiting helicopter. The press will ask him questions and he will move beyond claiming to being the "chosen one" and all the rest. He will crack completely, even more than he has already. He will sail past his usual insane, twisted, rambling gibberish. He will speak in tongues, nonsense syllables. He will be standing in front of them all, on the White House lawn, on national television, and, he will be standing there in all his freaky-haired orange obesity, stark naked for all to see. He will turn and head to the copter, salute the Marine guards and they will salute back as he climbs in with ten sheets of toilet paper stuck to his right heel. And no one will do anything.President Trump currently holds an 89% Approval Rating among his fellow Republicans.