Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahThe Trump/Ryan Tax Scam 2017 was an early step in the continuing plan to destroy America being implemented by Trump and his masters, his corporate and oligarchic backers, both here and abroad, and, of course, his cult of accomplices in Congress and the voting booths. There's always been debt, accrued under the leadership of both political parties; and then there's the ultra greed-bred debt that strangles. Most of the borrowed trillion dollars will end up coming from China and that trillion gives China an extremely unhealthy amount of control over the U.S economy. We need the borrowed money to make up for revenue that isn't coming in due to corporations, billionaires and soon to be trillionaires* getting more and more exponentially bigger tax breaks, not to mention the "free stuff" socialistic handouts that corporations, many of whom pay little or zero taxes at all, receive.Meanwhile things cost what they cost and those costs aren't going down. The money has to come from somewhere, so why not borrow the money, let the interest pile the debt figure up even higher and let China hold the note until, one day, they decide to pull the rug out from under us or just take over America without even firing a shot? Bankruptcy or blackmail? Take your pick. Why not go for both? This is the Trump way of business acumen after all. Didn't his voters vote for him because "He's a businessman?"None of the trillions will go for things like healthcare, education, helping veterans who risked their lives, or solving climate change problems. In fact republicans have repeatedly stated that they want to do away with such "burdensome entitlements" such as Social Security and Medicare. Pennies might go to last possible second infrastructure fixes or sustainable energy projects, maybe even before Americans die in the next preventable bridge collapse or as the result of a power grid failure. Soon, our idiot leaders will probably just be asking the Chinese and the Russians to repair our bridges while America workers sit at home watching FOX "News" cheer that on. We'll even borrow more money at even higher interest rates just to pay them, or maybe we'll just offer them some cages full of kidnapped children. For decades, I've said that a main goal of conservatives is to create a medieval world of lords and serfs. Today's Republicans have put the means to do that on steroids.*As I wrote this, the spell check on my MAC flagged the word 'trillionaires'. It seems that to a company even as big as Apple Inc., the need for the word doesn't exist. Apple needs to update, very soon.